Chapter 6: City of Greed

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En invited Sierra to eat which she agreed, they walked out of the room and saw a long corridor, En leads the way and finally reached the dining hall where a lot of people are eating. Sierra’s mind unconsciously thinks for herself, there is a restaurant in this building and the room where they checked in was a studio type where there are only two rooms, one is the bathroom and the other is the main room where the bed and everything is located. Judging from Sierra’s observation, it can be deduced that the place where they are is a Motel. Upon entering, Sierra frown when she saw a little child secretly taking a wallet out of a lady's purse. The other woman who is talking to that lady saw everything but didn't say anything. Most of the tables are occupied by only one person and the table is still full of different delicacies, eating elegantly and looks like they wouldn't even be able to finish it at all. Other tables have two or more people and eating on their own, sometimes taking the food from the other, some will take the others whole plate. Then, she also saw three children sitting upright on one table with their parents and one of the children have a lollipop in her mouth with two unopened lollipops in her hand. The other two are the same but one was eating chocolate and the other has cookies. They began fighting for who knows when, wanting to have what the other two children have, they screamed and fought and no one seems to care, even the parents didn't even look like they plan to stop the kids. Although surprised but Sierra didn't mind, the feeling of curiosity is long gone from her system, that’s why she moved her eyes away from them as if she didn't see anything, she continued to walk side by side with En. Finally seated at their table and in front of different dishes, Sierra was conflicted She wants to still hold into this man's hand but she also wants to eat. Sierra continuously look at the food and his hands, this action was seen by the man and so he initiated to feed her. Taking the chopsticks, the man fed her as if feeding a baby chick and Sierra obediently received all the food delivered to her mouth. When Sierra was full, she simply pulls the arms she's holding while gently shaking her head, when En was about to feed her again, the man understood and stopped what he's about to do. The table with two people in it that only has the plates and cutlery sounds finally regained its original peace and quiet, but it didn't take long before En broke this silence. "We are leaving first thing in the morning," said En. Having the basic habits that she acquired from her previous world and thinks that it is rude not to talk when someone was making an effort to open a conversation, that's why she still asked "where to?" even though she is not curious at all. 'wait, why am I here in the first place anyway?' This thought pop into her mind but instantly vanished without her even thinking it through. "We will first pass through Lubido City, but we ain't staying there and will only take a break when we reached Aerugo City." En looked at the woman still clinging into his arm and a rare gentle expression appeared in his face but was extinguished immediately when he remembered the city they will pass by. "When we travel tomorrow, make sure to not look outside the window. Do you understand?" Sierra only looked at him and didn't answer, because first of all, she didn't understand, so why respond when he looked like he won’t take a no for an answer? Seeing Sierra looking at him with her familiar emotionless face made En smile. He first thought that this woman is heartless just like how emotionless she is, but En clenched his hand so hard when a sudden flashback appeared in his memory. He couldn't help but kiss her head to calm his emotions and to also assure himself that this is not a dream or an illusion. And that Sierra is really beside him now. 'I will not allow you to leave me again. Here is where you belong, by my side… forever' he said deep in his heart and a flicker of determination can be seen in his violet eyes. *** Meanwhile, in a huge hall with a big chandelier that is very eye-catching and a large circular table in the middle with seven chairs, there seated seven individuals looking all serious, except for a certain man whose hand supporting his chin, elbow on the table, and keeps on nodding off his head and was about to fall asleep. All seven of them are the acting governors of the seven cities.
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