Chapter 1

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Shaky hands ran on a photo enlargement, their were four young adults smiling into the camera, all wearing kaftans and matching caps. Not long after, drops of tears splashed on the paragraph, until another hand came forward and collected it from her. "For how long will you continue like this Amina, it's been over two weeks but you keep staring at this picture everyday and crying. Crying would not bring Haydar back and we all know that." "But then not crying would not bring him back either. Please allow me to grieve for my son in peace. Ah Hilal, you shall know no peace in this life! In shaa Allah" "Amina don't talk like that..." "Can you even hear yourself talk Alhaji? He killed my son and you're here telling me not to talk like what?" "I'm sorry, Haydar was also my son. But.." "Get out! Please leave!" she threw her night stand away and pulled at her hair. Alhaji wanted to stay with her, hold and console her, but he knew more than anyone who his wife was. So he quietly left, shutting the door behind him. *** "Baban Ahmad please don't forget the groceries on your way back home today" he smiled at his wife, I'm so sorry I couldn't get them yesterday, I was so busy at work. Can I give you my credit card, so you get them later? I don't want to disappoint you again" "Okay no problem" she collected the card "How much should I withdraw?" she asked "As much as the Mrs wants" he winked "Now where are these kids? Ahmad, Nabeel" they came out with their back packs and lunch packs. But Nabeel was sulking. "Abba, Ya Ahmad snapped at me" he whined "Kayya Ya Ahmad, Nabeel is your younger brother, and as such he's your responsibility. Whenever he's wrong, you should correct him. Okay?" their mother corrected instead. "Okay Umma" "Good, now apologize to your younger brother" he did and Nabeel finally smiled. "See you later Umma, please cook spaghetti for me" she smiled and waved at them as they drove out. *** "Ben are you really sure about this?" "I am, she's definitely not the best lawyer out there who can handle criminal cases, but I assure you she's good. She interned with one of the best firms in Lagos for two years after her NYSC, and she is a very dedicated lawyer. She's very passionate about her job. Her father opened a firm for her a year ago" "When was she called to the bar?" "About six years ago I think." "I would have preferred a man" "There you go again Muslim, just try her. She's good." "Okay then, give me her office address, I will see her tomorrow. Time is not by our side." "Okay, give me a pen" *** "Maryam why are you running around the house like that?" "Mummy I'm late and I can't find my shoes" "Isn't that your shoe?" "I don't want to wear that one" she stamped her foot "Then quit being clumsy" "Who's disturbing my baby girl?" Maryam ran to her father "Daddy it's Mummy o, anyway I have to run. See you later Daddy, Mummy." she picked her shoes and ran out "You haven't had your breakfast" her mum called after her "I will get breakfast at Watson's on my way Mum" she called then greeted their gateman and drove out. *** "Good morning ma'am, someone has been waiting to see you" Maryam's receptionist greeted when she got into her office. "Morning Doris, please send him in after five minutes" "Okay ma'am" Muslim had been waiting for an hour, he came early because he wanted to finish up with the lawyer and get to work on time. He hissed for the untenth time. Reasons why he doesn't like associating with women! He was finally asked to go into her royal highness' office. He expected to see a very saucy mid 30s aged lady, but he met a very young lady with a very sweet smile instead. "Good morning sir, welcome to my firm. Sorry I was a bit late this morning, please how may I help you.?" The receptionist came in and served him coffee, he felt very much relaxed with the warm reception. "Good morning ma'am, my friend has been remanded and I need to hire a lawyer for him..." an hour later when he finished relating everything to Maryam, and she's noted down all the vital points, she promised to visit Hilal before the next sitting. "Don't worry, I'm a familiar face at the prisons, I go there alot to see my clients. It won't be a problem." Muslim thanked her and left. He felt very much better after the meeting with her. What surprised him more was that she was relatively more affordable than he thought she will be. *** Maryam wore her very loose abaya and knotted her veil properly. The first time she went with her Head of Chamber to see a client in prison, the inmates kept staring at her lustly and winking at her. It was so embarrassing, she felt abused. It was during her service year in Lagos. So ever since, she made sure she wore loose fitting clothes anytime she was visiting the prisons. "Barrister Barrister, e don tey wey we see you o. Anything for the boys?" the prison warden flashed a kolanut stained set of teeth at her. They liked Maryam so much, she was generous and humble and because of that her clients were treated specially. "Don't worry Oga Moshud, I will see you guys before I leave." she smiled as he led her in. The head warden allowed her to use his office as he does on many other occasions. Hilal was brough and she was asked to take her time. "Good afternoon Mr Hilal Dikko, my name is Maryam Abubakar Sadeeq, I was retained by your friend Mr Muslim, to represent you in your case" She smiled. "I told Muslim I do not need a lawyer. Is that too much to ask for?" "Well I'm sure you have already been informed that you can't stand trial un represented, due to the nature of your case. So please I need your maximum cooperation" "Some crimes are unforgivable, I just want to die" "Unforgettable yes, but definitely not unforgivable. The only sin that Allah will not forgive is shirk. Besides actions are judged according to intentions. I have collected the Charge sheet and other vital documents for your case from the court registry and your offense is culpable homicide not punishable with death. There is hope In shaa Allah" "Barrister I killed my brother, not just a brother but a twin. My identical twin." His voice broke as he said this. She too was moved by his show of emotions "I know" she simply said "I would rather I stay in prison forever, maybe it will lessen the pains and guilt I live with" Maryam knew nothing was coming out of the meeting, so she made a mental note to give him time. "I'm sorry for your loss Mr Hilal Dikko, I pray the soul of your brother rests in peace. I guess I would have to come back again another day when you will be calm. The court's next sitting is coming up in three days time. I'm not sure I will come before then, but I will sure come back to see you after that. And lest I forget, he's a prayer mat, counter and rosery, I have asked the permission of the head warden. I didn't bring a Quran because I'm not sure if there will be somewhere very conducive for you to keep it." "Thank you very much Barrister" "Mention not. Less I forget, after your charge is being read to you, you would be asked if you're 'guilty or not guilty', plead 'not guilty', no matter how the question is twisted, answer in the negative. Okay?" Hilal looked on and said nothing, then got up and left. Maryam shook her head, this is one difficult client and his was definitely going to be a difficult case.
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