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It was 4 am when my mum woke me up from my sleep and told me I needed to get up and get ready that we were to leave by 7 am. I stretched on my bed and grumbled a little before getting up. I did another check on my things again and made sure I wasn’t forgetting anything because if I did, it would be history and never to be gotten back again. Our flight was going to leave by 8 pm but mum said dad had been called back to the office to do some work and handover some of the unfinished business to the person taking over his place since he has been transferred and promoted, so he decided that we should be ready and follow him to work. From there we will all go to the airport together. It’s better than coming back home and arranging our things in the car, we might end up missing the flight, and besides from his work to the airport was a three-hour drive. That way it would be safe and we wouldn’t miss the flight. I was shocked when dad told me he had sold the house already and that the new owners were going to move in tomorrow morning. I quickly took my bath and wore a short skirt and an oversized T-shirt. By 8 am, we were on our way to dad’s old office, with our items of luggage in the boot of the car and some sitting close to me at the back seat, with dad driving and mum sitting at the front close to him and of course me at the back of the car with my headphones on jamming to some bts songs: map of the soul: love yourself and map of the soul: 7, mum also told me earlier that dad sold the car too since we won’t be needing it ever again and the owner of the car will be picking it up at the airport by 7 pm, guess dad planned everything along time ago before they told me of the moving and other stuff. When we got to dad’s office, mum assisted dad with some of the work, trying to round everything up before we left, while I was at the far end of the office playing games on my phone and still vibing to bts. When he was done and finally handling everything to the new person, we head over to the cafe to get something to eat before going to the airport, when we arrived at the cafe, dad ordered some food for us and we ate quickly before driving straight to the airport which was one hour thirty minutes drive from the cafe, getting off the airport the new owner of our car was waiting for dad at the parking spot, we took our things out of the car and dad handed the keys over to him and kissing the car one last time before the man drove off and we went into the airport to get our things check and do every procedure needed before boarding the plane We located our seats and sat down, buckling up and following the instructions of the pilots and when everybody was seated, the plane got ready for take off and off we went into the air. No matter how many times I have flown in a plane, I am always nauseous and always have a phobia of heights and planes. That’s the reason I don’t sit close to the window and I normally fall asleep when we are traveling. It was like forever before the plane finally landed at the Incheon airport and I was glad that the nightmare was over. I got out of the plane and headed outside of the airport and then we took a taxi and drove straight to our new home. When we got there, my mouth flew open in surprise. The house was like a mansion with a big parking space, a large backyard and with a swimming pool. The house was freaking huge. What do we need this much space for? I asked myself. Not caring much, I grabbed my bags and luggage as I headed into the house. “Wow “ I gasped out, the house looked so clean, all painted white and huge, it was like a newly built building and it was so perfect and well furnished. Mum told me my room was upstairs, the one on the right hand with my name imprinted on it. That means they got everything planned out and prepared before moving, when did they had the time to plan everything and even have my name written on the door, so I wouldn’t get missing in the huge house. My room was three times bigger than the old one, with lots of space. I couldn't wait to finally design the room to my taste. White wasn’t my taste for color, the room was too bright for me and I needed something dark and scary. Those are the things that fit me and my image. The dark, creepy girl with no filters, my thought was cut short when my dad walked into my room. “I see you like your new room?” he asked me and I nodded my head, I was really scared to say anything to him, too afraid he might get pissed or mad at me if I say something because my voice seems to irritate him these days, no matter how hard I tried to please him, he always gets angry with me, so what I normally do is to avoid him for my sanity in the house, till I am old enough to get my place, I kept saving money for a small accommodation, once I am eighteen next year I am finding an apartment and staying and that would make me very happy “Good, now listen up little one, while your mother and I are working our asses out and going on business trips and other stuff. You must keep the house clean by telling the maids what to do. Just make sure you do a perfect job. Since you are worthless and nobody needs you as a friend, I won’t be scared that you will throw a party while we are gone, and please don’t ruin things for me here too as you did back in Texas. Don’t ever let your mum be called again because you were bullied. You should learn how to fight back. I want to be called that you hurt someone or you fought and have gotten one badly injured this time, not the other way round. Okay?” he said, throwing hurtful words at me, making me feel less like a human. I tried to get used to him but each day he increased his curses and swear words at me. The more he did that, the more hurt I was and the more pain I felt in my heart. I wanted to ask him what I did wrong to deserve this much hate from him, if it was my fault that I was created this way, but I was so scared to utter a word to him, and instead I only nodded my head before replying to him. “Yes dad, I got it loud and clear" I mumbled with a nod and he left my room, slamming the door hard behind him. I crumbled on my bed and released the breath I had been holding for long since the moment he entered my room. I knew he wasn’t my biological dad, but that doesn’t mean he has the right to treat me like crap and does he have to ring it to my ears each day and show it to me just how much he hates me. Since he came into my mum’s life, I stopped getting the love, care and attention every parent would give to their child or children and instead they called me names upon name, making me embrace who I am not meant to be, the girl with no filters and low self-esteem. My stomach groaned out loud. I remembered I hadn’t eaten anything apart from the food my dad ordered for us, too scared to go downstairs because of my parents for the fear of being sworn at or scolded. I checked my back bag for some snacks and was happy when I found some with a soda. I quickly opened the bag of lays and the soda and began munching on them. When I was done, I walked close to the window to check my surroundings and my new neighborhood and I closed my eyes to pray that Seoul would be a lot different from Texas and I would be able to make friends this time.
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