The koʻokoʻo

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"I am far much stronger than you and I know how to handle my magic and potions. You can not defeat me in any battle. Now back to the chair please." Soran says. "I am not going back to the chair, you can not make me. I may not know how to use my powers or any gifts I obtain yet, but one thing I do know; I can defeat you. You do not control me or have any say on what I do. I am the princess of this kingdom and you can not come into our land to overturn our rule." I say and I look down to see my fists with balls of fire. Those words came from no where, and the confidence. I throw my hands in his direction and he dodges the fire. I throw two more but he dodges those as well. He waves his hands and the fire does nothing. He does this again and again, still nothing. Nothing happened to me either. I smirk as I think he is trying to control me in some way. Soran has a look of confusion and then anger maybe on his face. He starts to pull something out of his sleeve and I throw a fire ball and it is cast to the side. It lands in front of me and it is a stick of some kind with a clear crystal ball at the end. I pick it up and he now looks extremely worried. I don't know what this is or where this confidence has come from but I decide not to stay and find out. I open the door and start running back up the hallway I came. Insted of going towards the room I was in I go towards the other hallway. I am hoping leads out of this place. To my surprise, it doesn't it leads right back to that huge room I first saw Soran in. "Give me that back child, you do not know what you have just done. That does not belong to you. You have declared war on my kingdom." Soran appears in the corner. "I do not know nor do I care. I am however incredibly intuitive and know that I have the upper hand here. Now, sit down and listen. I will be releasing any and all of my family and kingdoms people. You will be cast in to a prison or dungeon until I know what to do with you. This little Cue you believe you were going to succeed in has failed." I say and go to stand in front of him. Guards start swarming in to his defense. I take a step back as they have surrounded us. "No! Let her be. She has my koʻokoʻo. Please do not harm her, she disarmed me. I am at her mercy right now." He says. They all clear away from me in shock. I imagine this has not happened to him many times if at all before in his lifetime. "Now, that it is all cleared up. Send for all the prisoners to be released at once. Bring my family and friends up to me immediately. Once they are here, they will help in deciding what to do with you." I say and sit down on the very big chair in the front of the hall. This chair is quite comfy and stiff at the same time. It has purple embroidery around the top with green and red cushions. There is gold lace around the bottom and it seems made from a type of wood. The guards look from me to Soran and Soran gives them the okay to do as I wish. "Dahlia are you there, did you see all that just happened? I do not know what came over me in those moments." I mention to her in my mind. "I heard everything and part of that came from me. I know now who we are and a part of our destiny. It will reveal itself in due time, for now remain confident. Keep this stick in your hand as I am sensing great power from it. Do not use it whatever happens do not use it." She says. "I will not use it, as I do not know how. I just disarmed him, as he says, out of pure instinct. I am feeling very different right now though. As though, I am changing in some way." I say as I look around the room. "We are changing in more ways than you know. Just know that the there will be alot I can tell you and alot you have to find yourself. Your power has become unlocked but there is still your fairy side that is not coming out yet. That I do not know why." Dahlia says and it catches my attention. "Did you just say fairy side? I am a fairy too!? How am I a fairy and a dragon, that makes no sense." I ask shocked. "I do not know as that was never revealed near you, however, I know you are because several of your recent memories you had wings of fairies and sparkle dust you controlled." She said. Our conversation is cut short when the doors begin to open. In comes my family still in chains it seems. I look to Soran who waves his hands and they disappear. They walk towards me. I see my father and brothers and the people I met at the home when I first arrived. I get up and walk towards them but my father gives me his "dont do it" look. I decide to take a step back. I look at Soran and state a message. "If there is any spells or potions or anything at all that they are binned by, remove them now. If not, this." I wave his koʻokoʻo around, " gets broken. I do not know what it is, but your reaction tells me its value is invaluable to you. I do not care either way. I will destroy it if you do not do as you are told." I say and he waves his fingers and they all run towards me. "What happened and start from the beginning. Before you decide to leave anything out, I have seen alot of my memories and I do have my dragon. We are listening." I say and sit down.

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