Chapter 2: Bird in a cage.

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“Now what is a sweet looking girl like you doing here? Are you a spy or something like that?” he asks me. He seems to have recovered, for what seemed like a full minute he had just stared at me making me feel more scared than I already am. “ I...i- a-a-am her-e….” I trail off trying to speak through the sobs that rack through my body. “now easy there, take a deep breathe and tell me your name and what you’re doing in a run down warehouse.” he says softly. The way he speaks has the undertone of danger and I don’t doubt that one wrong word from me and I’m dead. He is very capable of killing me. It is a contradiction to how he looks. I was shocked the very first time my eyes landed on him. He is just very beautiful. With a face like that of an angel and as I have heard the wrath of the devil. He looks like he could be a model, with his stunning ice blue eyes the color of frost, chiseled features and angles that give his pretty face a dangerous edge. “i-i’m daisy. I am not here to spy on you I promis-e. I didn’t even know anyone will be here when I was coming.” I stutter out as they are all looking at me like I would sprout wings and fly. “hmm. I see. That still doesn’t explain why you are here...” he trails off. “i go to the Alfonso university and I’m an architecture student. I-i came here for a project.’ I pause and look at his raised eyebrows and continue hurriedly before he decides he doesn’t even want to hear what I have to say and put a bullet in my head. “the project is to visit an ancient landmark and try to reconstruct the old structure by looking and critically examining the ruins. The project is due in two days and I had not even started because I have been so busy with work, so now I have to hurry that’s why I came here today.” I hurriedly spill. “i swear I did not hear anything I promise. I won’t ever say I saw anything, I don’t want to die” the last part of that comes out as a choked whimper. There is silence for nearly a minute and he grabs my tote bag from my tight grip leaving my front area open for their eyes. I paired my short cute skirt with a cute little top that shows off my slim and taut midriff and my average looking boobs are cupped and molded tightly by my top. I feel very exposed, I fold my hands around myself. He checks through my bags, finding nothing but drawing pads, notepads, pencils, a bottle my cards and cellphone. He checks my card and looks back at me. “Julie winters.” that’s all he says before he goes back to checking through my bag. He brings out my cellphone and hands it over to me. I unlock it no questions asked and hand it back over to him, our hands brush together in the process and I feel electricity strum through my body. I drag my hand away in shock. He looks at me but doesn’t say anything. He scrolls through them. I cant even feel embarrassed at the pictures I took a couple of days ago, making silly faces and all that. Another thing I’m worried about is that he’ll see my Nana and mother’s pictures and harm them or something. Andrea and Carlos pictures are there too. They are both my best friends. I’ll never forgive myself if I put the lives of the people I love in danger like that. “okay love. I believe you. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are a loose end.” he puts my cellphone back in the bag and hands the bag back to me. I hold it back to my chest and wait with bated breathe. He looks like he is reaching into his waistband for his gun and fresh tears spill down my face. I cant keep in the sob, I’m crying as I think through my life this past year, how boring it has been, how I have barely lived and I’m about to die where no one will ever find me. “i p-promise i-i w-won-t t-ee-ll anyon-e if you let me go. I promise. Please don’t kill me.” I’m begging for my life. He pauses and looks back at me. “boss we have to get going.” the guy that had been standing beside him this whole time tells him silently. My gaze meets his and what I see in his eyes is ruthlessness and dangerous intent. His eyes tell me that he can kill and go home to make a sandwich. “i wont kill you.” he gives me a small smile. My whole body sags in temporary relief. He is not going to kill me. “lets go. Jose , bring her” He doesn’t wait or say anything after that he just turns around and walks out. The guy that dragged me out of my hiding spot grabs my arm again and pulls me in the direction where the men are going. They are going to kill me but now I’m filled with a new kind of fear. What is he going to do to me? Four black cars are parked and there are more men milling around, looking and guarding the entrance. The boss enters the car and I’m pushed inside the car him. The driver starts driving immediately the door of the car is closed shut. We move and I don’t have a single idea where they are taking us. I want to ask but I’m too scared. He doesn’t say anything, as a matter of fact he ignores my presence and types on his phone and I stay huddled in the corner. Soon enough I cant take the silence. “What are you going to do to me? Are you going to hurt me? ” I say with false bravado. He just smirks at me before answering in his sultry voice. “We are going to my house and If I hurt you or not is up to you. If you do as you are told we wont have any problems. Okay?” he says I just nod my head. He looks at me a little longer and turns back to his phone, effectively dismissing me and I face the window and look at the passing scenery. I have no idea the full extent of things these men are capable of and God knows I don’t want to find out. I keep calm and conclude that if I get an opportunity to run I’m going to take it, I’m not going down without fighting first. We drive for a few minutes and head down a small trail road which burst out in front a large gate. This area is for the rich and mighty with their big houses and large estates. The driver in the vehicle ahead us presses a code and we drive through. We drive through the large expanse of land and straight to the large mansion. If my life was not on the line now I’ll admire the structure of the building as fascinating as it is. The car stops in front of the mansion and the men open the door for him, he leans over and pulls me out. He is very strong because he pulls my body like I weigh nothing at all. I stand and straighten my skirt that has ridden up my thigh, that’s not before I see Sergio’s eyes rest on the exposed expanse of my skin. He pulls his eyes away and turns to him men to say something, I check and everyone has their eyes focused else where, I turn around to run towards the gate. I have not even taken two steps when I’m pulled back by someone. He drags my arms to my front and hold them there together. I scream in mounting anger and annoyance. “if you make so much noise sweetheart, I’ll take you over my knee with all my men watching and paddle your ass good. I turned my back to you to see what you were going to do and you didn’t disappoint me.” he chuckles in my ear before he lets me go. I stumble before he grabs me again and hands me over to the guy he calls Angelo. The one with the mean glint in his eyes and instructs him. “ take her to my office.” he says only that and Angelo grabs my hand and walks me down to Sergio’s office. He doesn’t say anything. That’s good because I have nothing nice to say, just a lot of curse words itching to be spewed. He drags me into the fancy office. “i wouldn’t try anything if I were you. Seat and wait” he nods towards the couch and I seat down humbly.
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