Tiny Home

1933 Words
She was startled seeing the monstrous slime that was 10× bigger than her pet Sli, Sli was also shivering in fear seeing such a demonic creature of their kind. After the slime monster reached a certain point from Samantha, her outfit then turned to the primary gear given to them, and her weapon then showed up on her hands, Sli then stopped shivering, and later vanished from the scene and became one with Kesh-717's clay metal ball weapon as Sli activated their support mode in which they made the clay ball dealt 3× the damage at their current level. The slime monster then slowly bounced closer to then, and Samantha moved back to got away from the devil slime. Samantha braved her self and with just her normal strength, she throws her weapon towards the evil creature. She was approximately 4 meters away from the giant slime, her weapon was slowly moving as it was thrown towards the evil creatures, and charging its power every one second it stayed unto the air, it was so slow that it took the weapon to reach the slime monster after 15 seconds which the Clay Metal Ball was empowered fifteen times its basic attack, and thrice stronger due to Sli's support. Each second Samantha's weapon changed its color from white, grey, silver, sky blue, blue, pink, violet, dark violet, orange, red-orange, red, dark red, scarlet, crimson, and later turned dark green, each changing of colors made the side of the circular-shaped weapon present a destructive aura. The slime monster who's scaring Samantha was then terrified and immediately panicked and started to jump at its best speed to get away from the spot that made the Clay Metal Ball weapon charge up itself even more, as it hit the evil slime, it sounded as nuclear bomb explosion which made the giant evil monster to shatter to pieces and send the giant slime monster's fragile bits of body to far places, which a big slice of the monster's body got blown away and intruded a consumer's bowl at a gelatin shop, which the man was just happy to see that his bowl got refilled and ate the blown chunk of the slime's body. Meanwhile, Samantha was shocked seeing that she caused such an amazing attack, and after her weapon killed the monster, it then showed up back to her right arm while Sli then showed up coming from a dimension teleportation circle a second later. A few seconds later and her phone then notified her of a new message which she then utilizes the voice-over to relay the mail to her. Points gained 1 for the player, the pet, and the weapon. Accessed magic types: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Nature's Bite, Nature's Protection, Barrier Magic, Strengthening Magic, Light Magic, and Dark Magic, do you want to allocate the points now for yourself, your pet, and weapon? Yes/No After hearing the message, she answered no since she doesn't understand things clearly. She then continued her journey because the monster that blocked her way was long gone. Meanwhile, without her knowledge, players that were nearby the area at that time heard the loud explosion earlier which they immediately rushed to the spot and observed the scenario but reached the area too late for them to get on the spot before Samantha could leave the area. Which the curious players then went away from the scene and headed towards another location to accumulate some points. Few minutes passed and Samantha who's using her phone and following the track it showed her then reached the location. There were groups of players and solo players around the area that were heading to the same department, the players' guild. "Wow, Amazing!" Samantha 500k loudly said to her pet Sli which Sli was also happy seeing her glad reaching the spot. The groups of Adventures on the spot weren't minding her as she observes them and their luxurious designed armors which they bought the outfits at shops and when they wear such design, their primary armor's then changed its form but retaining the durability of it while others got some added attributes to the designed armor they bought and worn. Samantha then later reached the entrance of the players' guild but she was stopped by the guard and asked for her players' card, she doesn't have one since she didn't register herself yet, which the guard then did not allow her to enter and instructed her to register herself first. "I can permit you to pass since you don't have the players' card," The guard told her. Samantha roams her sight to the other players that were blocked by the guards and got permitted to pass through the gate after presenting their players' card. "Uhm, I don't have that but I am instructed to reach this spot," Samantha answered. "I have something to receive," She added as she remembered the message she heard before starting to head to the nearest players' guild. "Oh, so an award... you can take it at the reward desk, just head to that side, and you'll see a reward area, players were lining themselves there, and you needed to fell in line okay?" The guard replied back as he instructed Samantha to head to the reward area which was found on the right corner of the said players' guild. "Oh, thank you..." Samantha replied and immediately head in the direction. From afar, Samantha saw the line of players and she immediately joined the waiting line to take her turn soon. It was a smooth process and it just lasted 2 minutes before she got her turn. "Hi," the female front desk teller of the reward area greeted her. "Can I take my reward now?" Samantha said. "O sure dear, just place your right hand at the identification circle for your package to show up," The adult female reply. Samantha followed the instructions, after placing her right hand on the identification circle, it glowed beautifully, and a summoning magic circle showed up at the desk, as the process goes on, the summoning circling was enveloped with vibrant dust that covers up their sights from seeing the material at the moment, it lasted 5 seconds, and she then removed her hand. The summoning circle then magnificently vanished and after a light spark, a small mystery gift box showed up on the desk which was her package, she took it and stored her gift box in her bag. After safely storing her package, she then roams around the area and heads to nowhere, as she randomly trails. She saw a nearby hill and decided to head in the direction. Sli was not so happy with their undirected travel but couldn't do anything other than following their master. Samantha reached the area after adventuring at a flatland with nothing but rocks all over the place, the hill was also made of rocks but the top area got to land. There's a beautiful tiny house on top of it yet a portion wasn't finished building yet. Samantha then rushed towards the spot and got after another minute, and meet an old lady doing the job of constructing the tiny house. She knew that the old lady needed help as the granny was carrying blocks of the house to fill at the remaining unbuilt portion of the tiny house. She picked up some of the blocks. "Grandma, let me help you," Samantha said to the old woman and smiling widely after saying those words and picking up the heavy bricks one after another and transferring them nearby the side of where they needed to fill it up. The granny just smiled at her, and let Samantha help her. After transferring a few bricks, Samantha was notified 6for a triggered task. Which she ignored for the moment as she was busy helping the grandma. Without her knowledge, the triggered task was a Special type A kind of task that was supposed to be hard to find. It simply noted that to accomplish the task and receive the award, the player must help the granny throughout the entire process until the tiny house was completed. Samantha spends her time helping the granny and everything's near to completion. Few minutes passed and they got transferred to the blocks nearby to the side of the tiny house with the under-construction area. They then started to fill up the bricks as they just needed to insert them into the erected slabs of the tiny house. Samantha stopped the granny from doing the task and took a chair inside the tiny house and let the granny rest, she then took a glass of water from the said tiny house and served it to the old woman. "Grandma, I will continue the job okay? You are tired already and with that, I needed to finish it alone," Samantha said. It was 1 in the afternoon but luckily, it was a good cloudly day with the flowing that freshens them up. The granny was elated and Samantha then heard another notification from her slimed designed phone that she didn't mind also and continued building the tiny house. In which the Special type A class task then added other details than the reward saying it was a hidden incentive of kindness. After an hour with Sli helping her, they finished everything. The grandma then stood from the chair and just then gave her the keycard of the house. "You passed the test," the grandma told her before handling her keycard of the tiny house. After Samantha received the keycard, the old woman then headed away and slowly vanished as she got farther from the spot. The keycard then acknowledged Samantha as the owner of the house and it vanished from her hands. The tiny house then shifted from the beautiful yet simple tiny house to an astounding and luxurious tiny house. The door just got an identification circle of where the doorknob should suppose to be found, and Samantha was quite confused about things. She then utilized the voice-over feature of her phone to read the messages, and before she got activated the feature, two new messages arrived. She then knew about the task and the special incentive. The last two remaining messages notified her that she completed the task and earned 10 points for herself, for her pet, and her weapon. The Special type A task was then labeled as The Memories. Aside from the points, she was also given two new mystery boxes to claim with one as the major award and another tiny special mystery gift to claim. "Wow, granny helped us a lot Sli!" Samantha happily chanted and Sli was blushing to see their master being happy again. Since Samantha was quite tired due to the activity but in reality her energy bar was just reduced by 10%, she then decided to have her rest inside her new tiny home. She walked to the door and placed her right arm in the identification circle, the identification circle glowed for a mere second and later let Samantha come inside her home. It automatically closes as she went inside. She took her bag from her and placed it at the top of a cabinet inside the resting room of the tiny house, she placed her phone nearby her pillow and she then rested for the meantime. She hugged the slime pillow that was on her bed, and Sli was quite jealous which then Sli inserted from the pillows and let Samantha hugged her while she was asleep. They rested comfortably.
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