World Remodeling

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Cenza continued her speech and the discussion with the problem got to an end, it was then that she asked the present gods and goddesses of their ideas on how they'll deal with the problem. Crea the Head Goddess of Creation raised her right hand and voiced out her idea, "I suggest that we copy the entire universe and create a new dimensional space, and when done, everyone could support and help to transfer all of the creations into the newly created space, we would leave the infected areas and well cover up the saved parts with the duplicate galaxies." Others agreed to it but the majority didn't because as Gods and Goddesses, they shouldn't forsake even the lives on just a planet. Demi the God and Goddess of Dimensions stood up and proposed her idea, "I might be able to connect the said galaxy with your preferred galaxy too, and by that, the dark influence would grow weak and you can battle with both your light force and face a godly battle within the area...I won't be asking for any change since I am looking forward to watching that intense battle" The meeting hall went silent for a moment. "Oh, haha I am just kidding...but If you could consider this then let me know" Demi added. After saying those, she then sat back on her seat. Few of them shared their ideas too but none got the agreement of the majority. Just then, the youngest of them all who aged just 300 years old the Goddess of Games, Gamma voice her plan. Gamma flickered her hands and then something like a video game music background manifested the area and she got teleported to the hall's stage. She started her speech with "Hi elder gods and goddesses!" "Uhm your ideas aren't unjustifiable and those might be our option but those were BORRRRIIIIING..." she said. The crowd went silent. "Dear Gamma, sweetie would you like to share your idea now?" Head Goddess Cenza interrupted Goddess Gamma's speech. "Oh sorry Head Goddess Cenza, uhm, we can fight them without engaging ourselves in the fight" Everyone in the room was confused about what Gamma was supposed to mean. "My influence as a Goddess of Game could potentially pass through the darkness, I can create a wonderful and entertaining world" She continued discussing her plan from start to finish and in a much detailed way. Many of them found the idea better than other ideas presented because the plan doesn't involve forsaking the people of Terrania nor letting the dark gods proceed to their plans or whatsoever crazy plan proposals out there. More than the Good Supreme Beings, the neutral gods and goddesses found Goddess Gamma's idea interesting and are willing to help her without any change just for them to be entertained by the outcome if they would be part of the creation of what Goddess Gamma called as "Project Terra: Reawaken". Much than everyone else, Dime the God and Goddess of Dimensions seconded the plan of Gamma. *laughs*"How adorable, to found such an exciting idea coming from the youngest among us" "I would fully give my support unto her and help her with all I can to make the plan successful" she added. The light Supreme Beings and the neutral gods and goddesses were shocked by this for the God and Goddess of Dimensions never did ever supported someone nor like others plan up until that time, they were also known as the opportunity giver and treasure taker for they help in exchange for things that peaked their attention. Dime the God and Goddess of Dimensions ended her words and sat back on her seat again. Other neutral gods cannot do anything other than support Dime because if they would oppose Dime, they'll be chased and be dealt with a dizzy fight while teleporting from dimension to dimension. Cenza the Head Goddess of eternity also liked the plan of Gamma. The majority of them agreed with the plan and so Gamma became the new speaker of the discussion to continue discussing the role of everyone. "Good! Now let's proceed to fulfill the plan" Gamma started. She then opened her palms and something like data chips floated in the air. "With these, everything on my plan would be possible." She said. "This would change the world's system according to the data implanted on it, this would be our connection as well as game world portal for Terrania." She then called out for God and Goddess Demi, "If you may translocate this other chip directly to Terrania's core" "Yes Dear Gamma, I would love to" Demi replied. Demi took the data chip then they activated their powers, their eyes shone green and blue and then they raised their hands, opened their palms, two holes in the space then showed up, Demi stretched their arms and widened their eyes, they then moved their arms and clapped. The two holes that are stretched in the process was then collided with each other and became as small as a passage just for a mouse to fit in. Demi stopped the process as if it is like a play for her creating holes in the space dimension. "Here it is Gamma," Demi said. "You can just throw the chip inside the hole and close it immediately after it stuck with the core" Gamma replied. "Sure, that's an easy task for me," Demi said. The data chip was planted successfully unto the magi-crystals core of Terrania and Demi got to close the hole in dimensional space before the chip could stick into it. Then Gamma thanked Dime. "Thank you for that God and Goddess Dime, we may now continue discussing our roles while we are waiting for the data chip's system to blend with the planet's environment" She told them various rules of intervention they could do since Terrania is a planet where life exists and that her authority as Goddess of Game doesn't reflect real life and to trigger intervention with real life, she needed various applications and support from other goddesses and gods. After discussing their roles, the Gods and Goddesses then proceeded to the actual plan. Gamma the Goddess of Games then activated the data chip they placed on Terrania's core, it caused the entire virtual space of Terrania to be occupied by Gamma's influence and Game power, after the data chip was activated, a new magnetic field that made the land susceptible for changes into a game world was erected. Gamma then used her "greatest art" to activated another environmental effect on terrania's land which would be the game effects after each battle. The world was now fully changed into a game world. After the world became a game planet, Gamma then used her authority as the planet game maker to pause everything on the land for changes which she quoted as a Game World update. "This time, with the help of none other than the present Gods and Goddesses here, we will update the world into an exciting one! Terrania v1.2." Happily announced by Gamma the Goddess of Games. They were watching the planet Terrania's changes with the help of heaven's observation big screen. "This time, I needed the help of Goddess Crea to put her creation blessing unto the land of Terrania with the help of God and Goddess Dime's dimensional powers, the help of Apeim, the God of connection to strengthen and send his influence to support me, the support and blessing of Phen the Goddess of System to provide me a better authority with Terrania's system, and the help of the God of Space to send me the land with his greatest artistic influence for the world to connect both virtual and real spaces, and Edita to support me to give me greater authority with Terrania's system to effectively execute the changes and lastly for this step, I would need the help of Vaniaza the God of evolution to evolve the real-life space life forms of Terrania to adapt the beautiful and amazing changes of the world into a game fantasy world." Announced Gamma while taking a device that looks like a Laptop and doing something with it that contains the needed virtual and real-world system apps to use for planet Terrania's update to a game world. The Gods and Goddesses whom Gamma calls out for help followed her directions. The Gods and Goddesses glowed with their corresponding aura power and executed what was instructed for them to do, while they were busy executing the task given to them, Gamma is sitting on a chair and looking like a person who is busy at office work. "Apeim the God of Connection, could you boost your connection even more? My Virtual and Reality Ace Universal Laptop here for slow internet, downloading the files is too slow" Said Gamma the Goddess of Games who scratched her head because of the weak connection she received from Apeim. "I guess I can boost my powers a little more but after this little boost, I don't think I could get there even farther cause the target location was filled with much dark influence that my divine connection couldn't pass through it that fast you're expecting" replied Apeim. "Uhm...maybe we would need the help of Patass the God of paths, Triana the Goddess of Trinity, and Speve the God of Speed," said Gamma. "Could you please support everyone with your powers, goddess Triana? And Patass the God of paths, please find the best path for Apeim the God of Connection to send his powers, also for Speve the God of Speed, please support everyone to speed up and support their powers" added Gamma. The Two Gods and the Goddess then followed what Gamma the Goddess of Games asked for them to do. After a few moments, the weak connection that Gamma received started to grow stronger and were happy with it. "Oh, that's EFFECTIVE! keep up the good work everyone" said Gamma. Every God and Goddess did the task well, After 2 hours of nonstop work, the first phase was done. Universal World > Universal Game World Database magnetic field resurface Environmental change Lifeforms adaptation Fantasy Reality combination Game World structure enhancement Gamma pressed the enter key on her laptop's keyboard. After tapping the enter key. The Gods and Goddesses then saw the wonderful world change they have done to the planet. They focus their sights on the screen and observe the world change, Gamma also stopped from her busy work on her laptop and watched the effects of implementation into the world. They watched the screen from the implementation start process up to its completion. What they saw was that after Gamma the Goddess of Games pressed enter, The Virtual space and Realspace of the planet Terrania became visible at the same time, the database magnetic field of the Virtual space of the planet then combined with the World's real magnetic field, both the Fields reacted unto each other and them for a moment of a spark between the Fields, a rotation coming from both north and south pole of Terrania was seen and the Database magnetic field and Real magnetic field of the real space then became one and created the World's space to be its real and virtual space at the same time, the whole physical environment color was changed from realistic to virtual enhanced realistic color which much like an MMORPG V.R type surface world. The magic crystals core was also influenced, it does emit not just the unfathomable magic power but the continuous feed of data to the surroundings, after several moments, it then stopped feeding the data and the environment was completely changed from being a real-world into a Game World planet. After its completion, the core then started to save every detail of the World's history and feed the info into Gamma's Laptop, Gamma tried to edit the data but she wasn't able to succeed in her attempt since faith and history aren't changeable nor writable. They then proceed to the next step. "Good job elder Gods and Goddesses, few steps to go and the best game world we created would exist in the world, our new dimensional world, Terrania 2.0" Gamma happily announced. The Gods and Goddesses continued their plan and immediately proceeded to the next step. Gamma The Goddess of Games's plan was proceeding according to what they have discussed and expected. They advanced from step to step until they reached the last step of changing the world into a game world. {Completed} The notification popped up on Gamma's laptop. She smiled and announced their success. "Everyone! We completed changing the planet Terrania's world structure!" Everyone was glad to hear the status of their progression. "Now, we should get going into the next phase!" Gamma happily announced while storing her laptop back to her magical device storage. She flickered her hands and the laptop got vanished and been kept on her secret base. "We are now going to create the weapons for our players to start and use with so without further instruction, you just needed to create your custom-made mythical grade weapons." The Gods create several weapons and kept on using their powers to create more of them, they created thousands of weapons in total, one of the thousand weapons were created by Dime the God and Goddess of Dimensions, she didn't create something remarkable, and that she was scolded for creating just one instead of producing a bunch of mythical grade weapons to be used by their players to save the planet Terrania. "Well, my creation is what you call unique...this might be something you couldn't call a weapon in mythical grade but HAHAHAHA my weapon is polished and perfectly made weapon throughout the world the universe rather and well I just you know, produce only this weapon because I would just love to create just one and my blessings! This is so exhausting you know" Demi replied to everyone. Demi then placed her weapon who looks like a play clay except that it was made of the same kind of steel as the other gods and goddesses used, it wasn't heavy to carry, and contradicting its metal component, the ball of clay metal wasn't hard and could be compared to a normal play clay. Other gods and goddesses created weapons such as spears, swords, shields, bows, axes, chain weapons, daggers, and knives, etc. The weapons got a fabulous look except the one created by Dime. "Okay, okay! We are done in the second phase!" Gamma interrupted the crowd's murmurs to stop the possible fights between Demi and the mad Gods and Goddess. "We will now move on to the last and third phase of our plan" Gamma Added. She then borrowed the heavenly screen to present their progression. In the heaven screen who they had used to watch the planet's change, the image presented their change to their current progress. On the screen, there are three steps with their corresponding illustration. "So we are done creating Terrania a Game World," Gamma said as she pointed to the first step of the screen. It then showed what they have done. "And we are also finished creating the weapons!" Gamma added as she pointed her hands to the second step. The screen that showed a video presentation of planet Terrania's change then proceed to a new image where it showed the various weapons they have created. "And now! We are going to create the player's pets!" Gamma then pressed the last step shown on the screen. It presented various tips on how they could create their custom-made pets. The screen then showed them various applications and step-by-step processes as well as their primary and secondary evolutions that should be added with their created creature's characteristics. The Gods and Goddesses focused their attention on the screen so that they could listen carefully and follow the instructions on how they should create the player's pet. After 10 minutes, the video presentation guide ended. All of them proceeded to the actual creation of the player's pet. All of the Gods and Goddesses were busy creating their best living creatures to be placed and be the companions of their soon players. Hours have passed before they were done creating cute, and powerful pet companions. They were able to create the same number of pets as they created earlier. Same as earlier, Dime creates just one creature. Other Gods and Goddesses did produce and creature thousands of pets with different abilities. While other creatures look amazing and powerful, Dime's created pet wasn't as appealing as the other pets. It is a creature without eyes, arms, and hands. The creature is much like a normal slime which on the video presentation labeled as the weakest and a red flag choice. The slime was as small as the clay of a metal ball weapon that Dime created earlier. The smile looks nothing as powerful as other pets look like but the smile is friendly and shy contradicting the attitude and characteristics of the other pets. It could float in the air, and the slime's color was pink with its blue core. The slime's feeling was hurt by the judgment of other Gods. "Oh my, oh my, look what you have! My baby here got hurt because you belittled their abilities." Dime said. "Don't be sad, your owner will surely love and be proud of you" Dime told the slime. The slime got cheered up by the God and Goddess words, the slime then moved towards the other pets and it's clear that those other creatures were boasting their powers into each other, the fabulous and powerful looking creatures then shifted their attention towards the weak-looking slime. The slime didn't mind them and got to their spot but was shaken up by the vibes the other pets were giving off into them. Dime was enraged with the other creature's attitude towards the slime and got started to shaken their boastful stance. Dime was mad but she controlled her anger to not cause any delay and so she just spoke in calm words. "How rude, how rude can your created creatures be? Mine wasn't as fabulous and strong-looking but you gotta find out everything HAHAHA" She spoke calmly but she was really mad and that her eyes shone green and red. After she noticed that the rude treatment to the slime was banished and that the boastful pets were now shaken up to the ominous aura the God and Goddess of Dimensions sending them. To calm the Dime, Gamma then once interrupted her and announced. "We are done!" She then went near Dime and smiled unto her. "Darling Gamma, sorry for such scene." Dime said to Gamma. "Oh no it's okay Dime the God and Goddess of Dimensions" Gamma replied. "I would like to ask that you get back to your seat and sat comfortably as we are now going to link our creations to the Gameworld!" Said Gamma who roam around the Heaven realm's meeting hall. The Gods and Goddesses then listened to her instruction. After the Gods and Goddesses comfortably sat on their seats, Gamma then started the process of the link between their created weapons and pets to the Gameworld. Gamma glowed and continuously sent and emitted data codes and numbers. The codes and numbers enveloped all of their creation and after few moments, all weapons and pets vanished from the heavenly realm. 1%... 2%... "So while waiting, let us launch our MOBA game on the planet earth to gather our players." Gamma happily announced.
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