A Brief Respite

1118 Words

My feet are aching, my back is sore, and my throat is parched. Aside from climbing up and down my tower and running to the woods every now and then, my life hasn’t had much action. Ladon doesn’t seem affected by the length of our walk, though. Hours and hours we’ve been trudging along, and aside from a little small talk we haven’t exchanged much conversation. Maybe he’s still upset by what I said earlier. So when the sun starts to turn orange and large, reaching its rays down to the horizon, I breathe a sigh of relief. Ladon should be able to shift soon and my worn-out feet will get a break. “Do we have much farther to go?” I ask. He shakes his head. “Once I shift we will be able to reach Elandel by morning.” “Why didn’t we just wait for nightfall in the first place?” I pout as I paus

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