True friends

2377 Words
"Ugh, why won't you die? You stupid piece of..." 'DEFEAT' Oh great, I lost, Again. I can't even win in a video game. Come to think of it I always play badly when I'm not in a good mood. How could I be in a good mood when my life's falling apart? Things didn't go according to plan and now somebody knew my secret and blackmailed me in exchange for his silence. And god knows how long he'd keep his mouth shut. I mean it's not like I can offer him anything valuable. He'll get bored soon and just tell everyone about my secret. Why does these sort of things only happen to me? One minute I'm happy that I confessed to my friends, next minute my life shatters right in front of my eyes. You know what's funny? I genuinely thought that if people found out that I'm gay they wouldn't care but boy was I stupid. It's clear that everyone will react just like Andrew did. My teachers, my classmates, my family, they would never look at me the same way. And it sucks that I have to go through this. Why don't straight people have to hide their true nature? This world is so unfair and sometimes I feel like no matter how evolved humans become the main picture will never change. If you're different from normal you'll never be truly accepted by society. They might not throw rocks at you but that doesn't mean they like you. They always say how supportive they are towards gay people but they'd rather not have gay children themselves.  It's not like we were the ones that asked to be like this. It would be so much easier if I was just like everybody else but I'm not. And there's nothing I can do to change that. It's not my fault that I was born like this so why am I getting punished for being myself? I just wish there was something I could do to change the world's point of view. I wish homophobic people would become gay for one day and maybe then they'd be able to see how painful it is to be "unnatural". Maybe then they'd stop being so hateful towards others. But I don't actually think that would change anything. Why? Because their hate isn't even rational. They hate us because we're proud of who we are but in reality they are too scared to deal with their own insecurities so they start throwing all this hatred towards us. I'm not even asking this for myself because I know that it's too late for me now. I'm just hoping that one day the world will change so much that people like me won't ever have to go through the pain that I experienced. Is that too much to ask for? Why is there so much hate on earth? Why can't everyone just get along? Why can't we be accepted as we are? It's not like gay peoples’ existence affects straight people in any way. So why are they so bothered if there's a guy who kisses another guy somewhere? I can never have a normal life can I? I'll always feel like I have to hide from something or someone. Even if I move to another city or even country, I don't think I'll ever feel safe. Is this my life? Is this how I'm supposed to live? And here I thought when I grew up all my problems would just disappear. But now I can't even catch my breath. I remember as a child how I always dreamed about magical worlds where I would fight against forces of evil with swords but that of course will never happen. I'll probably end up being miserable in the future, running from my problems and never facing them. Can you blame me? I guess you could do that but it won't change a thing. I'll still be insecure little boy from a small town who'll do anything to keep his secret hidden. Who am I kidding? I'm already miserable. I never thought about the future as a kid. All I cared about was getting good grades because that's what my parents told me to do. They told me that friends and relationships weren't as important as my homework so I listened to them. I stayed home and studied. When I got bored I'd play video games and that was basically my life. I mean, it still is. Somehow, I managed to have two friends. That still amazes me till this day. But I never had a relationship with someone I loved in a more intimate way. And I probably never will. Who knows maybe it's a good thing that I'm the only one who's gay in this town. At least no one else feels the same way as I do. They're happy, truly happy. I always envied that. All I ever wanted was to be happy but all I ever got was pain and misery. So maybe it's for the best that I'm the only one like this here. I wouldn't wish for anyone else to be as unfortunate as me. "Jesse, come down here, sweetie." I heard my mom calling me. 'Sweetie?' She never calls me that. Why would she do that right now? Oh, her friends are probably here and she wants to brag about what good of a student I am and how I have the best grade in my class. Time to act all cheerful and happy I guess. "I'll be there in a minute." "Your friend is here." My friend? Oh no, no, no. Did Lucy still come even though I told her I couldn't go to see movies? That's not good at all. What if she sees Andrew? I can't let that happen. Speaking of Andrew. It could also be him waiting for me downstairs. Maybe he changed his mind and decided not to come after all. Yeah, as if I'd ever be that lucky. I ran down the stairs to check who was this alleged friend of mine that visited my house. Unfortunately, it was Andrew standing there with some of his books in his hands. "Oh there you are. What took you so long? Your friend's been waiting for you." My mom said. What the heck? She's never this nice to my actual friends. Why is she trying to kiss Andrew's ass? Oh, probably because he's the mayor's son. When it comes to my mother she always has a hidden agenda. "Thanks for your help, Veronica. You can go to your friends now. We have to study anyways." I told my mom and grabbed Andrew's hand to take him in my room so we could study in peace. He followed me without saying anything. When we got in my room I realized I forgot to clean it up so it basically looked like a dumpster. And that's kind of an understatement. "Sorry for the mess. I didn't have time to clean everything." I said. "No problem. I'm not here to judge your room I'm here to study." Andrew replied. He didn't comment about the chaos but I could see it on his face that he was kind of shocked or maybe even slightly disappointed. Who knows what sort of thoughts swirl through that thick head of his. I'm not exactly sure what he was feeling in that moment but I could tell that he wasn't thrilled. "Okay then. Should we begin?" I said while grabbing the books that were on my bed and throwing them on the desk. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. "So you like Rihanna?" He answered with a question whilst staring at the posters on my walls. I was a big fan of Rihanna and had all her albums purchased. I swear to god if he says something bad about her I might strangle him. I mean he can disrespect me all he wants but I won't let anyone say anything inappropriate about my girl Riri. I probably sound insane but her music is one of the few things that helped me hold on to my life so I get super defensive when it comes to her. Hope you don't mind. "Yes, I do. So what?" I snapped back at him. "Nothing. It's just that you don't look like someone that listens to Rihanna. Don't get me wrong but she's completely different from you. She's all about breaking rules and being unapologetic and you're pretty shy and all you do is follow the rules. I would imagine you listen to someone like Taylor Swift." How dare he assume that he knows anything at all? He doesn't know a thing about me. I mean he's not completely wrong but that doesn't mean that he can judge me. And it's not like there's anything wrong with Taylor Swift. I actually really enjoyed her album 1989. "I can listen to whoever I want to. It's none of your business. Didn't you say that you came here to learn from me, not to do my psychoanalysis? So why don't we do that instead of talking about my taste in music." "You're right. We shouldn't waste time on things like that." "You're the one who started it. Anyways, what do you want me to help you with first?" I asked. Andrew looked at the books he brought and started searching for the one he wanted. "Let's start with English." He replied. I don't want to bore you with uninteresting things like studying so let's skip that part shall we. What basically happened was that I gave him few tips on his essay, which was pretty good for a delinquent like him if I'm being honest. After that we moved on to one of my favorite subject geography and lastly on math. Math wasn't my best subject but I was pretty good at it. My math teacher even said I had talent but I was too lazy so I wasn't using my full potential or something, which was probably true but to be honest I didn't really have to try. Why would I bother when there was literally no competition in our school? No one was trying so why would I? As I was saying we were doing Andrew's math homework when something strange happened. I told him I'd get us something to drink and went downstairs and overheard two of my mom's 'friends' talking outside my house. At first I didn't pay attention because I thought they were gossiping about something trivial and that's the last thing I cared about; but the fact that they were clearly hiding from everyone made me suspicious so I started eavesdropping. "Is everything ready for the elections?" A woman who was wearing a hoodie asked a blonde woman that I quickly recognized as Kristen, one of my mother's close friends. I don't believe I've ever met this hoodie person before. Her voice wasn't familiar at all and I could swear that I've never seen her with my mother's friend group before. Maybe she's a new friend. "Yes, everything's going according to plan. Maura doesn't suspect a thing." Kristen responded. Wait Maura Wilson? Are they talking about Andrew's mom? What the heck are they plotting behind her back? These two are definitely up to no good. They mentioned elections. They must be talking about mayor's elections which is going to happen pretty soon. Are they trying to go against Mayor Peter Wilson? He's Andrews's father and Maura's husband. "Once the town finds out about Wilson's secret he'll have no choice but to retire. No one will support him after that." The woman with the hoodie said. A secret? What secret? It doesn't matter what the secret is, I still have to do something about it. I can't just let them get away with this. But I have to be very careful. If I tell my parents about this, they won't believe me and it'll just be a waste of time but I definitely can't stop them alone. There's only one thing I can do. I have to tell Andrew. But what if he doesn't believe me either? I mean he has no reason to listen to anything I say. He'll probably tell me that I'm losing my mind. Well I still have to warn him. It's about his father and he has the right to know even if he doesn't believe me at least I'll know that I did everything I could. I don't want my friends to get involved in this kind of situation but I'm already keeping so many secrets from them, I don't know if I can hide this too. Maybe I'll tell them if Andrew doesn't believe me because I don't think I can do this alone. "You should get going now. Here, take the photos." Kristen said and gave the woman with the hoodie an envelope. Oh, my god. I completely forgot that Uncle Jerry's a police officer. I'll just call him and he'll definitely help me. The strange woman left and took the envelope with her. Kristen went back inside. Fortunately, she wasn't able to notice me. Then I realized that there was no time to waste and took out my phone to call my uncle. Sadly, he wasn't picking up so I called again. Still no answer. I decided I would talk to him later and instead of calling him again I went back to my room because I still had to tell Andrew about what I heard. "What took you so long? Wait, where are the drinks?" He said when I opened the door. "Andrew, I have to tell you something. This might sound insane but trust me I'm telling the truth..." And I told him about everything that I heard. He looked a little confused at first and then he sighed and got up from his seat. "Are you sure that's what you heard?" He questioned. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Why do you ask? You don't believe me do you?" I asked waiting for him to tell me how stupid I was for saying that someone was plotting something so cruel but I was quite surprised when I heard his response. "No, I do believe you. In fact, I was suspecting something like this might have happened but I wasn't sure. I'm still shocked that it was my mom's friends who betrayed my family. But don't worry I've got everything under control. I'll find out who this person is that's trying to destroy our reputation and make them pay."    
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