Chapter 1

1438 Words
—AMELIA— A cold shiver shot down my spine as I recognised the man standing in front of me with his mouth wide open. Long, shaggy brown hair, dark blue eyes, fairly tall and averagely built. By the look on his face, he knew who I was and he was caught red handed. It was all beginning to make sense. “You were at Ezio’s!” I yelled.  The man turned to try and rush back out of the door, but luckily Nico was already standing there with his arms folded. He must have been there just moments after the man had entered. He turned back with a sheepish look on his face and held his hands up to Michele.  “I know what this looks like” he said defensively. Michele stood up straight with a vengeful expression spread across his face. “Is this what you meant by you had someone on the inside Marcelo?” Michele questioned him.  Marcelo?! The emails that were sent to Ezio were from someone called Marc, short for Marcelo. He’s the one that’s been stirring up trouble and feeding information to Ezio all this time. I didn’t know what he looked like when Michele mentioned him ages ago, he’s the spy that was keeping an eye on the base where Ezio’s men were supposed to have been.  “Boss, I can explain” he panicked still holding hands in surrender.  “The base? You had enough time to warn Ezio of our plan to ambush them didn’t you?” Michele growled. Marcelo shook his head in denial but was speechless.  “And the day we were chased by the SUV from the shopping mall? You told them were there too”. Marcelo pressed his lips together and kept darting his eyes around the room.  “It was you! The emails to Ezio from ‘Marc’, the ones containing the pictures” I added.  “The pictures?!” Michele sharply repeated.  It was silent for a moment and Marcelo was flinching, expecting to be struck for his deceit. Nico pushed him further into the room and shut the door behind him, re-folding his arms and staring at Marcelo’s back. Michele grunted and rubbed his head with frustration. “You sneaky bastard!” “Please tell the job that cost the lives of two of our men and caused Ricco to be injured wasn’t your doing as well”. Marcelo didn’t respond, he just bowed his head with shame. “You f*****g traitor! Why?!” He exploded.  “I did it for you boss, I had to get on the inside so that I could gain enough trust and feed you important information” he lied. I remembered the snake tattoo that was on his abs and glanced over at Michele before staring back at Marcelo. “Where is your lion tattoo?”. The room fell silent and all eyes were on Marcelo. He narrowed his gaze and shook his head once again but this time with confusion. “What?” “The Roman numerals?” I continued and Marcelo looked puzzled. “The tattoos that show loyalty to your Don?”. Michele placed his hands to his hips and waited for Marcelo to respond. “Keep your slutty nose out of it!” He snapped and I saw Michele clench his fists, ready to strike. I grabbed his wrist gently and chuckled. Slowly pacing myself towards him, I scanned his body from head to toe. “Because I know for a fact that you have a tattoo... but it’s not show your loyalty to Michele, is it?” I asked rhetorically.  I flashed Nico a look who then restrained Marcelo’s arms behind his back. He struggled and grunted but couldn’t break free from Nico’s tight grip. I took the bottom of his shirt and lifted it half way up his body, revealing the large snake tattoo on his abs. Michele narrowed his gaze and groaned with anger. I smiled confidently at him.  “It’s to show your loyalty to Ezio” I concluded.  He lowered his brows and tensed his forehead, scowling at me for revealing his true Don. Within a split second, he breathed in deeply and spat in my face, causing me to step back and squeeze my eyes shut. Once I wiped it away, I opened my eyes to see Michele’s face suddenly switch. He lunged towards him and threw a punch to his jaw, cracking it sideways from the force he used. Marcelo let out a long groan before Michele threw another to his stomach, winding him in the process. After kneeing him and pelting against his body, Marcelo fell to the ground and Nico let go. “Take him to the cell brother” Michele panted. Nico pulled Marcelo’s limp body to stand and dragged him out of the room. Michele turned to me with a concerned look and grabbed my cheeks gracefully.  “Are you okay?” He asked and I nodded. Michele hesitated for a moment and stared deeply into my eyes. “Did he...” I shook my head before he could finish his sentence. Marcelo never laid a hand on me when I was with Ezio but I knew that his traitorous actions were enough for Michele to completely disown him.  “He was trying to tear us apart from both sides” he grumbled in anger.  I looked up at him and smiled; leaning up and pressing my lips desperately against his. Our lips parted and he groaned into my mouth, clearly feeling the same emptiness fill inside of him as I was. He pressed my face deeper into his, growing with passion every time our lips touched.  He bent down, conscious to not break contact and lifted me from my thighs into his arms. He threw me against the bed and crawled on top of me, the hunger in his eyes strengthening as he gazed down at me. His mouth stroked across my cheek and pressed against my neck, sending a shockwave of chills through me.  The s****l tension was unbearable and as much as I wanted him to have me there and then, I just wasn’t ready. The image of Elena was still fresh in my mind and I needed time to get over it before I shared an intimate moment with him again. The last thing I wanted was to be having s*x with him and thinking whether he did this with Elena or not. Not only that but I was still having flashbacks of Ezio and that wasn’t fair to Michele. I placed my hand to his chest and stopped him. “Wait” I whispered and he stopped immediately. He sat up and stared at me with confusion. “What is it?” He asked.  “I’m sorry”. I sat up to his level and pressed my lips against his softly. “I’m just not ready yet” I admitted. “Not ready? Amelia, this isn’t our first time” he reminded me, clearly frustrated sexually. “I know, but it is since... look; a lot has happened and it’s all happened so fast. I just need a bit of time to process it” I explained consciously. Michele just stared at me deeply, not seeming to be impressed by my sudden change of heart.  “I still want you, I just don’t want anything to ruin what we have and if I’m not going to let it then I have to try and get over...” I couldn’t finish. Michele flashed a fake grin and stroked my cheek. “But I promise you that from now on, I won’t let anyone come between us. No matter what is thrown at us, we will work through it... together” He stared deeply into my eyes, acknowledging the promise I had made. However he still seemed a bit frustrated and lowered his gaze.  “I understand” he bluntly replied and stood up.  I watched him as he left without saying another word, leaving me sat there speechless. I’ve just made him a promise to work through our problems and he’s walked out, have I really upset him that much?
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