1| Caught cheating.

1785 Words
The winds were howling; the temperature was stuck at the freezing mark. I wore only a sleeveless cotton blouse and a pair of leggings that stood little chance against the chill. But I do not appear to feel uncomfortable, because i had just caught my partner cheating, I mean my ex. I wanted to surprise John, so I got him rice and chicken from Chicken Republic. When I got to his house, I knocked on the door, but there was no response. Thank goodness, I knew the code to his door lock, so I was able to open the door. As I entered, I heard loud moans coming from his bedroom. I could hear the bed screeching, and my heart raced fast as I ran to the bedroom, hoping what I was suspecting was not true. On John’s bed, I could see him thrusting his manhood into another woman’s entrance as they both let out loud moans. They were so immersed in the moment that they didn’t even notice my presence, not until I yelled his name. He jumped up and grabbed his boxers, quickly putting them on. I was so broken, I couldn’t bear the sight of what I was seeing, so I dashed out of the room. He followed me, calling after me, saying, "I can explain." "Explain what, John? Explain what?" I yelled as I turned back to look at him. Tears were already streaming down my cheeks. "I’m sorry, I don’t know what got into me." He scratched his brow with the tips of his fingers. "You are only sorry you got caught. Please, delete my number. This will be the last time you hear from me. Men ain’t shit." I said, in between sobs, and I stomped out of his house. I sat down on a bench in front of his house; I couldn’t walk because I was still in shock. It was freezing, but I couldn’t feel the effect on my skin. The only thing that was hurting was my heart. It felt like my heart had been stabbed multiple times. The weapon used was not visible, but I could feel it penetrate through my skin, deep into my heart. My phone began to ring, and the caller was John. With the rage inside me, I removed the SIM card from my phone, broke it into pieces, and threw it on the floor. But, as I stared at the floor, it felt as if my heart was more shattered than the SIM card scattered on the floor. I started reminiscing about how men have treated me so far. "Maybe love isn’t for me," I thought. At least, John tried to apologize. The last relationship I was in before this one, the jerk didn’t even flinch when I caught him cheating. Instead, he told me to get out. He didn’t even call me afterwards. He dumped me without any explanation. I was broken for months. I blamed myself because I saw the red flags but ignored them. I knew he was cheating, but because I was crazy in love with him and I was so afraid of losing him, I didn’t do anything. I thought I was his main girl, not knowing that I was only one of his sidekicks. I blame myself for tolerating s**t. "Never again!" I said inwardly as I managed to force myself to stand up. I walked down the street, questioning my self-esteem. "Am I not good enough? Am I ugly? Don’t I have a great body? Am I unintelligent? Wait, am I dumb? Why do they keep treating me like dirt?” As I continued walking down the street, I sighted a bar and decided to go inside. "Maybe I would feel better after taking a few shots." I said to myself. When I entered, i sat on one of the stools in front of the bar counter. I asked the bartender to give me one shot of vodka. After taking it, I asked for another one. I kept asking for more and more, until I finally got drunk. I wanted to drink my sorrow away. I thought being drunk was going to help with the pain, but I could still feel the burn in my heart. "Why won’t you just go away?" I yelled, as I placed my palm on the left side of my chest and started hitting it, as I burst into tears. I wanted the burning pain I was feeling in my chest to go away. "Are you okay miss?" A stranger that was seated next to me asked. I looked at him with disdain in my eyes, then I looked away and continued crying. "Are you okay?" The stranger asked again. "What do you want? Do you want me to fall in love with you? So you could break my heart? Oh, maybe that’s why you’re acting like you care. You guys are all the same. I hate men." I yelled; I was totally drunk. The man had a confused look on his face. "I think she just got her heart broken." The bartender said. He ignored the bartender’s comment, then he stood up and moved closer to me. Without saying a word, he opened his arms and wrapped it around me. I didn’t care that he was a stranger, I didn’t push him away, i needed the comfort at that moment. I sunk into his chest, as I broke down in tears again. "I loved him, i loved-" I cried. "it’s okay" The stranger said, with a calm voice, as he patted my back. That was the last thing I remembered, I had passed out. I woke up the following morning with a banging headache. I couldn’t even remember how I got home or what happened the night before. As I was still trying to process everything, i heard a strange deep voice say "You’re up already, hope you feel better." I was startled. I turned around to see a man who looked like someone who had picked up heavy objects and put them down and then done that again a few billion times. He was hot! I stared at him for a few seconds; his charm had swept me off my feet. "Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me out of my daze. "Who are you? And what are you doing here? How did you even get into my house? I’m calling the police." I yelled as I tried to reach out for my phone. That was the first thing I was supposed to do as soon as I saw him, but my stupid ass that just got dumped couldn’t resist his charm. "whoa… calm down. You passed out last night in my arms. I checked your ID card, and luckily, I found your house address on it. So, I brought you home." He explained. "So how did you open my house? and why didn’t you leave after dropping me off at my house?" I asked the hot stranger. "I checked your bag and found your keys; when I laid you down on the bed, you started vomiting and choking. So, I had to stay back and make sure you were okay," he said with a calm voice. He didn’t even look annoyed. I placed my palms over my face as I covered it in shame. I was too embarrassed to look at him as memories of what happened last night started coming back to me. "I’m so embarrassed; I’m sorry for putting you through all that. Thank you so much for bringing me home and making sure I was safe." As I uncovered my face, I said. "It’s okay, I made you breakfast. So I’ll just drop it and leave." He said this as he approached me and placed a plate on the bedside table. I was so enchanted by his good looks that I almost didn’t notice that there was a plate of omelette in his hand. "You didn’t have to go through the stress." I said shyly. "No, it’s okay." He said. "Have you eaten?" I asked. "No," he replied. "Why don’t you just eat before leaving?" I asked nervously. "No," he insisted, reaching for the notebook and pen on the bedside table. He opened the book and penned something in it. "Call me if you need someone to talk to; I’ll be here for you," he said, in a sweet voice, as he closed the book and carefully placed it back on the bedside table. I picked the book up, opened it, and looked at it. His name and number were inked on the book. "Your name is Owen?" I asked as I raised my head to look at him. "Yes," he said, as he walked out of the room. "Owen." I called just as he was about to leave the room. "Yes?" He answered as he turned to look at me. "Sorry I yelled at you. And thanks for breakfast." I showed gratitude, and I forced myself to smile. "You’re welcome," he said, smiling back at me before disappearing. Days, weeks, and even months passed. But what John did was still fresh in my heart. I went on dates with a couple of guys, but they all left me because I didn’t open my heart to them. My heart turned numb. What I went through in my past relationships changed my perception of love. "I can’t continue this with you. I’m sorry; I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust me. I feel like I’m dating myself." The person I was seeing at that moment said to me. I looked straight into his eyes and said. "Okay" "Okay? Is that all you are going to say?" He asked, annoyed. "Well, at least I didn’t cheat. You were the one who decided to leave. I respect your decision, young lad. Good luck in your future endeavors." I said this as I flung myself onto the bed and rolled on it. I could feel how annoyed he was, but there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t give him what he wanted, just to get my heart broken again. "You are a lost cause." He blurted, before dashing out of the room, and I heard the door bang. That was the last time I heard from him. Later that evening, I was so bored and I didn’t have anything to do. So, I decided to clean the house. I did dishes, laundry, swept, mopped, and arranged the house. While I was arranging my room, I saw the book where Owen had written his name and number. I stared at the book for a few minutes, contemplating whether to call the charming stranger or not.
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