Dreams ( part 1 )

1953 Words
Previously : I found the killer . Claire asked me to put some blankets in Kyle's room . Water was fallen on the floor , I tripped and guess what I found the black hat under Kyle's bed. I had to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating it was real . I made a small cut on my hand to make sure I wasn't in a dream . I was bleeding this means I was in reality but what if it was just another hallucination . While hallucinating you see objects that no one sees . Lizze came to the room and she asked me what I was doing with the ugly black hat . I never felt so happy on seeing her . Lizze saw the hat this means I was not hallucinating . Kyle was the killer ! .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 OCTOBER 2019 : Dear diary , I found the killer , Kyle killed Jenny , maybe he also killed his second wife years back . The black hat made everything clear .  But now what ? Who is going to believe me ? Jenny left a lot of un - answered questions behind her . But I am not worried about them right now . She was so good to me . I don't know if anything she said was true or not but she talked to me for hours . She was friends with my mother . I feel sorry for her . I feel sorry that she is not with us anymore . I could have saved her . Kyle deserves to get punished and so will he . But , how ? . . . . . . . . . . .  . . .  I see thing that don't exist , I hear stuffs that no one else do . I’d heard voices for a bit now , to the point that I was almost getting used to the fact that I hear things others don’t . Hearing something is extremely distracting and annoying but isn’t scary ( anymore ) . Seeing something usually spikes my fear response , as well as tactile hallucinations . Yesterday I saw shadowy figures gathered all around the bed looking at me being lifted and they were all whispering , but the whispers gradually grew louder until it was like the sound of wind . But I somehow snapped back into reality , very frightened but obviously unscathed . I hear people calling out my name from the other room . Even when I am alone in the house . The thought that my reality is not a reality is so traumatic and isolating . No one is going to believe a psycho , I have to collect some more evidences . I feel like I am never alone , someone is always keeping an eye on me . I have nightmares of the basement women , whenever I stand in front of the mirror I see her reflections in place of mine , that is very creepy . All she says is that " RUN OR YOU WILL BECOME ME " ,  I don't know what she mean by it . Today I saw that young girl crawling on the ceiling , I tried to stay calm because I knew it was a hallucination . It seemed like a detached head was stiched on her neck , her eyes had no iris , she jumped on me , she said in a growling voice " I am dead because of you , you could have saved me,  you let me die it's your turn now  "  and she stabbed my neck with a knife . I felt like I was dying , it was hard to withstand the pain , she said that she won't leave me alone . I wanted to snap back in the reality but it was like a never ending dream . The pain worsened and I fainted . I woke up , the girl was not there , I took a sigh of relief that I was back in reality . But my neck was paining badly , I felt a knife in my hand . There was blood on the knife . I touched my neck and it was bleeding .  I was feeling breathless , I don't know what happened . It seemed like I stabbed myself . Who is this girl ? I have seen her before in my hallucinations . Maybe she is trying to reach me from the other side . She said that I was responsible for her being dead but how was that even possible . I don't know her . This was the worst hallucination I ever had . I have never harmed myself before . I don't think I am just hallucinating , it is something more than that . I think the spirits from other side are trying to reach out to me . I know it sounds crazy . The little girl said that she was dead because of me , even Jenny said that I was supposed to be dead in place of her . I don't know why I feel a strong connection with that little girl . I have this strong feeling that I am linked to her . I have to find about her . I made a sketch of her like how she was when she was alive . I colored her eyes blue just like mine and her hair cappuccino brown . And , I presume that she used to be very beautiful . Well I have a lot of things in my bucket list now , I have to find about this girl , I have to collect proof against Kyle . Maybe if I prove that he murdered his second wife , it will become somewhat easy to prove that he killed Jenny . Anyways , I have asked dad to increase my medications .  I will be joining school from tomorrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 OCTOBER 2019 : Dear diary , I saw a weird dream , everything was blur . I was in some unknown destination , there were tall pine trees , the grass were about 50cm from the ground . I think I was in some forest . A house stood in the middle of the forest , it looked like it was built years back . I went inside , it was very dark . The floor was crackling as I walked , it smelled like some body was decaying in there . I heard a baby crying , I chased that voice and it let me to a garden . A man was digging the earth with a shovel , a baby was lying beside him . The baby was crying but the man ignored him and continued digging the earth . I felt pity for the kid so I went close to him . He was hardly at a distance of twenty foots from me , but it felt like he was twenty miles away from me , I walked even ran towards him but I was not not able to reach him . Then the man kept his shovel on the ground , picked up the child and buried him alive in the earth . Someone grabbed my legs , I looked down and I saw that a half decayed women was lying there , her hands were on my legs . She looked at me , and said " SAVE MY CHILD OR HE WILL KILL HIM . " . Her face was terrifying , her eyes were missing from the socket , it was half decayed so the bones were visible . I closed my eyes and shouted loudly , I opened them slowly and I found myself in a basement , I was not able to stand , it felt like I had no energy in my body , like someone has starve me for days . I looked at my body and it had wounds everywhere , rats were crawling on me , I saw someone coming toward me , I was not able to see his face , he was holding a rope in his hand, he picked me up and pushed me on a chair . He wanted to tie me , I pushed him away and tried to run but I was too weak , I fell on the ground . I opened my eyes and found myself in a totally different world . I was standing beside a river . My body was perfectly fine . The view was soothing . The water in the river was so clean ,  I was able to see the fishes . I was able to feel the sun rays on my skin it felt so calm , I butterfly came and sat on my palm . It was so adorable . But then out of no where a blood drop fell in the river , and everything changed in a blink , blood was flowing in the river , it was dark and cold , a looked at my hand and there was a dead rat , I looked at my body and it had bruises and wounds all over , I turned back and a man hits my head with a shovel , I saw his face , it was so smooth it had no facial features no eyes , no nose , no lips , just a smooth round face . I woke up and I realized that I was in a dream , I fell asleep on my dressing table while getting ready for the school . I looked at myself in the mirror and suddenly my reflection changed to Jenny 's . She said " YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD , NOT ME . " and then she pulled me in the mirror .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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