Chapter 15

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Kyle: It took two days before someone came looking for our prisoner. They were quickly dealt with and luckily, without having to resort to violence. We did finally question the a-hole, only to find out he believed Kenzi belonged to him and that he believed he had every right to eliminate anyone who tried to take her away from him. What a spoiled fvcking brat thinking he can have whatever he wants whenever he wants with minimal effort. For starters, Kenzi is not an object he can possess, and second of all, it’s not like we made Kenzi stay here against her will. She came to this town by choice. She left her ex before even moving to this town. She’s Alex’s fated mate and he has been a perfect gentleman going at Kenzi’s pace. She is human after all and didn’t know about our kind before moving here. The council was advised of our situation, they will be showing up in a few days. Until then, under Alex’s advisement, we upped patrols. It was too quiet for his liking, and I totally agreed with him. Something was off. Call it a gut feeling, but I’ve learned to trust my instincts, and something was coming. Better be prepared for it. Ava was taking it better than I imagined. I accompanied her to her doctor’s appointment and her health was progressing nicely. It was hard not to notice how she was filling out nicely. She was still on the thin side, but she was starting to get some of her breasts back and those little valleys under her shirt made me hard just thinking about them. Cold showers have been on the menu more and more. She’s been spending a lot of time with Laura and Marie. I was really happy to see they got along so nicely. It would facilitate her integration as Beta female when she officially accepts me as her mate. Ava was starting to let me in more and more. We spent most evenings cuddled up on the couch watching TV or with her reading a book, her legs propped up on mine while I got some work done on my laptop. Saturday morning arrived, and as I was up to date with most of my work, I planned to take Ava out for a hike this afternoon, after a morning of lounging around. It was the perfect day for it. The birds were chirping, the skies were clear and of a vivid blue, the sun making the air nice and warm, yet the light breeze made sure it wasn’t getting too stuffy. Everything was perfect until I got a mindlink that changed the course of my day. “Rogues on the north border. Under attack. Backup needed” Came the urgent link from one of our warriors on patrol that morning. I hop off the couch, startling Ava in the process. “Baby I need you to stay here today. We are under attack by rogues. I need to go. I love you. Be safe.” I give her a kiss on the lips, lingering a little before pulling away and rushing out the door. Ava: The kiss left me in a bit of a daze and before I realized it, Kyle was gone. That’s when it all hit me. He just left to fight off some rogues without letting me get a word out! And does he really expect me to just stay hidden away!?! I have Alpha blood for fvcking sakes! I may not be physically capable of fighting off rogues right now, but it doesn’t mean I’m useless! Fuming, I grab my phone and dial Marie’s number. She answers on the third ring. “Ava, I’m kind of busy right now. Are you ok? Can we talk later?” "I’m fine but I am not staying hidden away in my room during a rogue attack! Tell me what I can do to be useful.” “We have a saferoom in the basement. Can you make sure all the Omega’s make it there safe and sound and keep them calm? I’m busy at the main entrance and Laura was out this morning so she is sheltering in the city.” “Sure thing. Stay safe Marie” “You too” She answers before hanging up. I quickly make my way to the Omega floor. The first thing I notice is Omega’s running around left and right, most with a panicked look on their faces, some crying. They definitely heard about the rogue attack. It was chaotic to say the least. “Listen up!” I say as loud as I can, noticing some of my Alpha aura coming out, surprising me as that was a new development. Not having time to dwell on it and finally having everyone’s attention, I continue. “I need everyone to calm down. You are in no imminent danger. Your Alpha, Beta and warriors are fighting valiantly to keep the rogues at bay. However, just as a precaution, Luna Marie would like you all to head to the safe room that is located in the basement. To do so, I need you all to stay calm. Look around and make sure all your family members are accounted for. If not, don’t panic. Regroup in front of your apartment doors and mindlink or call them and ask them to join you there. If you can’t reach them, let me know and I will get someone to go out looking for them. Now please head to the stairs calmly and make your way down.” Everyone starts shuffling towards the stairs, in a much calmer manner this time. A warrior makes his way through the crowd to me. How weird. Shouldn’t he be out fighting the rogues? “Thank you. I tried talking to them, but they wouldn’t listen. I’m Andrew, Warrior for the Golden Moon Pack. Luna Marie had me assigned to accompany the Omega’s downstairs. I live on this floor with my mate. We are expecting our first pup.” Well, that answers why he’s here. “Congrats on the pregnancy, and happy to help. Do you think you can lead them downstairs now? They have calmed down. I’ll go around and make sure everyone is following.” “Sure thing.” He answers before turning around and disappearing through the crowd. Once the crowd had filtered down, I went door by door, making sure everyone had gone downstairs. I was about halfway through the hallway when a woman comes bursting out of her apartment, hysterical. “I can’t find my baby! I can’t find my baby!” She wails. I rush up to her and grab her in a hug as she cries on my shoulder. “Take a deep breath and tell me who you are looking for.” I say softly, trying to calm her down just enough so I can get some information to help her. “Macy. I can’t find Macy” She sobs. “And what does Macy look like?” I ask softly “She’s my four year old daughter. Curly red hair, blue eyes. She was wearing her blue jumper.” “Was she at home with you this morning?” The woman nods her head “Ok. I need you to sit down right here in front of your door in case Macy comes here. I will go look inside, ok?” She nods again, tears still streaming down her eyes but at least she listens and sits down on the floor by her door. I make my way in. I'm impressed by how beautiful this omega’s apartment looked. It wasn’t overly big, but it looked like a decent 2-bedroom apartment with modern kitchen cabinets and full-sized appliances. I first make my way to the little girl's room, painted pink with a pile of stuffed animals on the purple comforter. I look first in the closet, and then under the bed. No sign of Macy. After a thorough check of all the nooks and crannies in Macy's room, I check the bathroom, the living room and the kitchen. Nothing. Not losing hope, I make it to the parent’s bedroom. After a few minutes looking around the bedroom, I hear a sniffle. Concentrating on where I heard the sound coming from, I start looking in that direction. “Macy, is that you? My name is Ava. I’m Beta Kyle’s mate and I’m helping your mommy look for you. She is awfully worried. Do you think you could come out and go give your mommy a hug?” I say softly. I see a little movement under a pile of blankets in the corner of the room. A little tuff of fire red hair pokes out from under them. I wave at her. “Hi. Are you Macy?” She nods. “Macy, your mommy is waiting for you by the front door. Do you think you could go and see her?” “I’m scared” She whispers “Why are you scared?” I ask “I heard daddy say there were some bad men outside.” “You're right, but your daddy and Alpha Jackson would never let them hurt you.” “Are you sure?” She says with a quiver in her voice “Yes, I’m sure. But for now, Luna Marie wants you to in the basement with your mommy. Everyone else is already there.” The little girl fully extricates herself from the blankets that were piled on top of her and makes her way over to me. “Do you want to be my friend?” She asks I smile and grab her hand. “I’d love that. Now let's go see mommy.” Macy smiles and lets me lead her to the door. As soon as the door opens, Macy is being lifted up into her mom’s arms as her mom sobs about how scared she was. After an instant, she turns to me. “Thank you” “My pleasure. Now make your way downstairs. I'll follow shortly” She nods, and with her daughter firmly in her arms, she makes her way to the stairs. I finish the walk through and once satisfied everyone was off this floor, I join the Omega's in the saferoom, giving a curt nod to Andrew as I pass by him. He was now posted at the door to the saferoom, back in warrior mode.

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