2 - Black

2352 Words
On that very part of the cliff, despite the heavy snow, streaks of huge aura, black smoke and silvery light were seen rushing between the sky and the earth. The cliff was suddenly surrounded by strong wind and the ground trembled as it began to c***k. Then the black smoke started to suffocate the Peace Keepers, killing all of them instantly and painfully, their melancholic cries echoed through the whole forest. And due to the tremors, Ava lost her balance and eventually fell off the cliff. What was that? So is this the end? She just closed her eyes firmly while falling deep down below, accepting her fate, whatever it maybe. But then, huge dark clouds suddenly came dashing towards Ava and it engulfed her completely. It was as if the time seemed to stop in that very second and only the dark clouds were left moving until it finally landed underneath the thick fog, deep down below. Opening her eyes, Ava couldn’t believe that she’s totally safe and breathing, still standing as her boots touched the ground. To more of her surprise, the dark clouds surrounding her condensed into a black smoke before transforming into a man. A man. He was wearing a hooded black cloak with the darkest aura she’s ever felt before. He looked so dangerous when his eyes looked straight at her, gazing at her intensely. She’s always been brave, but the moment his eyes landed on her, she felt the cold reached the deepest part of her spine making her tremble. She met his gaze and saw the blackest eyes there is, contradicting his very pale face. It was a man with astonishing physique and appearance. The black hooded cloak he was wearing was swinging in the storm wind Ava believed he himself created. And he just stood there across her, quietly staring at her. Scrutinizing her features, the man stared at her red eye and the eye patch on her other eye, her long wavy brown hair, and he felt her unique aura. The man suddenly looked puzzled because for the very first time, he cannot read what’s on her mind. It somehow felt familiar, as if he’s known someone like this person before. Someone he cannot read. And Ava felt the same. The more she looked at him, the more she felt like she’d seen him before but couldn’t recall where and when. Trying to figure it out, she involuntarily sighed. “Hand.” The man said before pulling Ava’s hand, then removing the handkerchief tied on her arm. “I see.” His deep and murky voice was covered by the wind. Then the man slowly leaned down as he started to untie the handkerchief. “No.” Ava blurted out as she automatically tried to withdraw her hand but the man’s grip was strong enough that she wasn't able to. “You shouldn’t.” “Stop moving.” He warned dangerously, obviously annoyed with her gesture. And with another pull, the handkerchief fell off and his eyes widened and darkened all the more when he saw the cut. Ava saw how he himself tried his best to control his desire. The man slowly leaned down and touched the b****y cut gently using his long fingers, tracing it. Wisps of scent were emerging continuously from Ava’s cut and slowly the man placed his palm over it, tightly gripping it. A streak of black smoke diffused slowly into it making Ava squint a little when she felt a tingling sensation on her cut. He continued to do it until the scent suddenly dispersed and disappeared. A trace of blackish silvery light sparkled in the man’s deep eyes before he closed them. Opening his eyes, he let go of her arm and Ava saw how the smoke gradually vanished and her cut was completely healed. “You should have been more careful, woman. There may be no second chances next time.” Ava’s eyes widen in awe as she’s never seen a healing magic out of black smoke before. Most of the magic she knew which are associated with black smokes were dark and dangerous. “Who are you?” Ava dared to ask after she recovered from her surprise, touching her skin which showed no trace of cut nor blood, she looked up to meet the man’s gaze. “Who are you?” “Black.” He answered, his face cold and emotionless. “Black?” She repeated with a bit of confusion written on her face. “I don’t know who I am. But people called me Black.” He replied then turned his back on her, he began walking away. “W-where are you going?” Ava asked as she ran after him, curiosity filled her completely. Who is he? How did he know where I was? How can he defeat hundreds of Peace Keepers all at once? How does he have healing powers? What kind of magical creature is he? “Nowhere.” He answered shortly and kept walking, not even looking nor glancing at her. The snow’s been falling heavily and even more so on this area, fog covered the surroundings and Ava can’t even see the sky or a little bit of sunlight. Ava waited for several moments after Black walked off, then she followed. This man moved as if he owned the whole area, as if nothing could harm him. Walking a few meters behind and hiding behind the trees, Ava quietly followed him. “Stop.” He eventually said, his voice was thick, as he finally turned to her. “Stop following me.” Ava blushed and felt a bit embarrassed for her actions, she then scratched the back of her head. "I wasn't." Black then kept walking and this time, he did it a bit faster. With his long legs, Ava could barely keep up. After weeks of journeying, the events from last night, and the endless running, she was tired and weak. She then bit her lip and used up her strength to keep her track, pushing her way between the branches and bushes. With her energy depleting, she kept walking, not wanting to lose track of him. But then her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone and she immediately squirmed. “Let me go!” She shouted out of shock and tried to bite the hand right away but it didn’t even flinch. “Stop.” A voice finally said which made her automatically stop and look at the person who grabbed her. “What the hell?!” Ava blurted out right away when she saw that it was Black. “You gave me a heart attack!!!” The man’s face was still stoic but it seemed to be annoyed by her. He then suddenly released Ava’s hand and because of her weak knees, it made her go out of balance. Almost falling but he swiftly catches her. In that spur of the moment, his hood fell off his head and for the first time, Ava was able to see him more clearly this time. His black hair a bit dusty and wet, his face pale, and his eyes dark, his long lashes catching some snowflakes. His features, overall, made him actually look attractive. Black, on the other hand, immediately helped her stand up and stepped back. “I thought I told you to get lost, woman. You can’t even walk nor stand properly.” For a moment there was silence. Then to Ava’s surprise, he pulled her over to an open space and made her sit. But before she can even speak, he shoved a shank of meat into her mouth. Pulling her hand, he placed a flask and pulled out an apple from his bag under his cloak. He also placed it beside her. The food smelled so good which made Ava temporarily forgot what she was about to say and took a big bite. It’s actually a slow cooked part of a wild boar. “This is good.” She praised as she continued to devour the piece of meat, not caring about what the person beside her thinks anymore. She believed it would have tasted better if it was freshly cooked and warm, not that she’s complaining though. It is the best meal Ava’s eaten for the past few months ever since she journeyed from the North. She finished eating it almost immediately. And with that, she opened the flask and drank but then she spewed it out of her mouth. “What is this?!” “Mead.” Black answered shortly, amused at what he’s seeing. “Geez. I thought it’s water.” She replied as she wiped her mouth with her sleeves. “I’ll have it if you don’t want it.” He then said and gestured to take the flask but Ava immediately put it on her mouth once more and drank. The bitterness and sweetness of the mead, finally quenching her thirst, warming her up. I super badly needed that. She thought. Then out of the blue, she burped loudly. Taking the apple, she was about to take a bite when Black spoke. “Stop following me and go home.” He said and stood up. "Keep the apple and save it for later." “Why?” Ava blurted out and tilted her head to the side and stood up as well. ‘Black’ as he called himself then dangerously moved forward towards her until he came so close to her, towering over her, only confidence and danger were radiating off him. She’s not really tall but not that short either. But having this man stand straight in front of her made her feel so small in stature. His eyes. His deep black eyes. Ava thought as he just continued staring at her. As much as she wanted to, she also didn’t look away. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them before. “Do you seriously think with a blood like yours, you can just follow me around like it’s nothing?” Black suddenly asked back instead of answering her question, his eyes narrowed slightly, but his face remained stoic. “But you fed me.” Ava reasoned out. “Did you even see how you walked and almost fell earlier?” He asked and shook his head. Ava found it interesting that this stoic face man is showing some slight irritation in his face. “Just don’t follow me.” “Why not?” Ava blurted out even if she knew what he really meant. She knew she's being annoying. “You’re no fool.” He replied and sighed. Then the corner of his lips went up. “I can devour you and drink every ounce of blood right at this very moment and you wouldn’t even stand a chance.” “But you didn’t.” She declared bravely and smirked too. She knew she’s playing dangerously with a powerful man like him but she felt as if he can be a key to answer her queries. Besides, after being saved by him and fed by him, she didn’t feel him to be that dangerous anymore. “I can now.” Black said in a dangerous tone and moved his face closer to Ava, his intense gaze from his dark eyes would definitely make everyone tremble in fear. He appeared to be like the type of man that would just make you nod your head yes at whatever he says. “I. Dare. You.” Ava replied, equally meeting his vicious gaze. “I owe you my life anyway. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have been dead by now. So I wouldn’t be complaining if you actually kill me right now.” “You owe me nothing, woman.” He replied and stood up straight once more. “It’s actually the other way around. If it wasn’t for the scent of your flaming blood, I would’ve been dead by now. But since I saved you, my debt is paid and we owe each other nothing.” Then he turned his back once more, walking away. “Wait. What do you mean?” Ava asked as she ran after him. “I’m sure the master would be sending out more Peace Keepers around this forest in order to look for you and me. I wouldn’t be of any help by then. You should get out immediately.” He said as he stopped on his track but still not looking back. He was about to move again when a hand grabbed the sleeves of his cloak. “Let me go with you.” Ava stated and that made Black finally look at her. She then tightened her grip on his sleeves. “Please.” Black raised his brow. “And why should I let myself be bothered by bringing you?” “Train me.” She replied and with that she looked up, she was a bit desperate. “Teach me. I want to be stronger just like you.” That’s right. If she really wants to survive in this life, then she should get stronger. If not, then she might die even before she gets her answers. “What should I get in return?” Black then asked, he’s face remained expressionless. “My blood.” Ava replied confidently. “I will give you my blood in return.” “Are you sure?” He questioned with a slight smirk appearing on his face. “Positive.” She answered right away. “Just train me and help me finish my mission. Then you can have my blood.” “Then so be it.” Black responded, removing her grip on his sleeves in an instant, he began to walk away. Ava just stood there for a moment, watching his back. “Move now or I’ll change my mind.” She then heard him say which made her slightly smile. For the very first time in a long time, Ava felt happy. Shaking her head, she ran and followed him. “Wait for me!” ***
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