Chapter 122

2006 Words

DERRIEN   “Rien, my boy!” king Orion’s face lightens up, “Of course, of course, come in! Agnes and I have just been talking about you!”  “Glad to see you, nephew!” Agnes smiles as well, even though aunt and I have been testing each other’s patience for the last few days, “You seem to be in a good mood today!”   “Indeed I am,” I smile, “This is a blessed day for me as I have received the best news from Mira just now.”   “Oh, what is it?” Agnes raises her brow, all her instincts flared up as her eyes shone gold – the colour of her dragon as far as I know.   “My soulmate is carrying our first child!” I say it much quicker than I originally planned. Somehow I want to share this news with the whole world. Now it feels more than ever that she is mine! Now, for the first time since we have

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