Episode 18: The Culprit and Engagement

953 Words

『What? Who is it?!』 『Ah, It's Roger-san!』 『What?! Me Don't Joke around The peasant is the one who poisons his majesty!』 『How many times, I will tell you that didn't do that!』 『Really, Then what is your magic?!』 『It's p-poison, but I didn't poison her majesty!』 『Wait, Let me explain why Roger-san is the poisoner first if the peasant will poison her majesty why the peasant didn't poison all of you. That's make sense, and second the poison wasn't in the food, it was on the spoon. Now king tell me who brings your spoon earlier?』 『It's Roger.』 『Now who is the poisoner now?』 『Tsk! Hahahaha as if I will let you catch me easy!』 Roger runs and casts a spell, but before he finished casting the spell Zandro cast a spell him. 『Weapon… Lightning dash.』 『Cape Magic: Invisi-』 Zandro hit Rog

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