Chapter 3 - Pack house visit?

648 Words
My alarm went off half way though my pity party!  As much as I'd like to wallow in bed all day I need to get to work.  No rest for the wicked!!  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and made my way to the bathroom.  After the usual morning rituals I went back to my bedroom and threw open my closet doors.  I stood there for a while waiting for a new outfit to spring out and hit me in the face!  Annoyingly it didn't happen.  Sighing, I picked out some black jeans and a plain sleeveless jade green top.  I make a half assed attempt to tame my wild red hair before losing patience with it!  Messy bun it is then!  I quickly glanced in my mirror.  My reflection looks back at me and, I'm pretty sure, I won't scare any customers.  With that I prepare myself mentally to go down stairs. I never quite know what I'll get when I walk down the stairs.  My father is not a violent man but, due to his alcohol dependency, his mood swings like a pendulum.  He could be nice, he could be vile or he could ignore me completely.  One thing I was fairly certain of though was that he would not remember it was my birthday. Taking a deep breath at the kitchen door I stepped inside to see what horrors were instore for me this morning. "Morning Dad"  I sang far too chirpily as I chucked some bread in the toaster.  I pulled a chair out from our beat up table and sat down.  I did my best to keep on top of the housework so the house was clean in the main, but I couldn't afford to buy us new furniture and Dad's pension covered his booze. "Yup" My dad greeted back not even bothering to look in my direction.  He was pouring a Bloody Mary at the breakfast counter.  His eyes were glazed over. 'Oh goody! he's already drunk!' I thought to myself.  Whether it was from last nights alcohol or this mornings I wasn't sure.  He'd managed to get drunk and stay drunk for the last five years. "We're needed at the pack house later" My dad spoke into our never ending silence "Why?" "How the hell should I know?  We just have to get up there" I eyed my dad suspiciously...The last time we were invited to the pack house was shortly after my dad picked a fight with a Werewolf from a neighbouring pack.  We were actually allies with the pack and their Alpha was freaking furious!  We were really close to being kicked out and whilst I got on my knees and begged for Alpha Ryan's forgiveness, my dad didn't give a s**t! If anything he was determined to try and make the situation far worse. 'You owe me April'   Alpha Ryan had said and I knew without a doubt he would collect his debt when he needed to. "Dad, Is there anything you want to tell me, before we go up there tonight?  It might help if I know what to expect" "FOR CHRISTSAKE APRIL!!!" My father boomed making me jump out of my chair "I told you I don't know what its about so STOP ASKING!!.  Jesus, all you do is make sounds!! Like nails down a chalk board, and there's no one here anymore to help drown you out."  He Slammed the vodka bottle on counter top. He turned and stormed out of the kitchen slamming the door behind him so hard the pictures shook on the wall. I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder.  The toast sprang from the toaster, but I'd lost my appetite.  I pulled on my boots and headed out the door. "Happy Birthday April"  I muttered to myself "You could be homeless from tonight!"
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