Chapter 1

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Levi I woke up to a splitting headache and sun streaming through my penthouse bedroom window. I pinched the bridge of my nose and squinted up at the ceiling, taking mental stock of what happened last night. We closed a business deal that’d been in limbo, thanks to Carter’s quick thinking and a bit of blackmail, then went to celebrate. BRRRRRRRRRRINGGGG I flinched at the shrill sound of my father calling. Luther Wade III, one of the most powerful business moguls in the southeast, didn’t like to be kept waiting. “Yeah?” I groggily answered. “Well good mornin to you too son.” “Sorry, I’m still in bed.” “No matter, I called because of the contract. The date for official possession is set.” I raised my eyebrows and sat up. “And Buchanan can’t weasel his way out of this one? Can’t ask for any more time? “The last extension was beneficial for both parties as it allowed you to finish your degree. This time the date is set.” “And when am I to have everything ready?” I asked, mentally calculating what will need to be done before I take possession. “This weekend, after the engagement party. There will be a car downstairs in an hour.” “Perfect,” I smiled and hung up the phone. This is my opportunity. Finally the Buchanans would pay for what they did to my brother.         Adella I rode my bright red cruiser through the streets of Savannah, my chestnut hair pulled up in a messy bun after a long day at my internship at the Telfair. I locked my bike in a rack and descended the steep stone steps to River Street. Wandering with a daiquiri had quickly become one of my favorite past times since moving to the city a month ago amongst going to the beach and people watching. I grabbed my drink from a local shop, the summer sun setting right behind the Talmadge Bride, faint notes of jazz from street players in the air. Savannah always felt alive to me, the perfect place to live. BZZZZZZZZZ my phone buzzed from my purse and I pulled it out to see who was calling. “Hey mama,” I drawled, leaning against the river railing. She absolutely hates that I took this internship after graduating from Agnes Scott College but my father wouldn’t let me stay in Atlanta. He said it was, “No place for a young single girl,” as if he would let anyone date me anyways. Mama wanted me to come home for the summer, but I’d gotten used to my independence at school and wasn’t ready to give it up. “Peanut you picked up your dress for this weekend right? And got your nails done like I asked you to? We just need everything to be perfect for this weekend. It’s going to be a very big night for your father.” “Geez mama isn’t it Benny and Kat’s engagement party?” I asked. Not even thirty seconds into the phone call and mama was already making everything about dad’s business. “Of course it is honey and they will love it,” her assurances veiled behind a sickly sweet tone. She wasn’t in a mood to be messed with. “Oh peanut guess who else is coming this weekend!” My mother practically sang into the phone. “Who Mama?” “The Wade family! They’re only coming for Saturday but it’ll be such a nice reunion seeing you and Levi together!” “Mama, LEVI WADE?!” My heart was racing a mile minute, how could she invite that asshole? Him and his friends were the scumbags of Nashville. They sleep with more girls in one week than live in my dorm building. Dad always said the Wades had more money than God but Levi surely knew how to spend it. “I know you’ve had your differences but this would be a great time to get reacquainted.” “Well then we better keep him off the furniture lest he leaves behind one of the many venereal diseases he’s picked up.” “Adella Jane Buchanan I know that filth didn’t just come out of your mouth.” “Mama why did you even invite the Wade’s? Wouldn’t it be easier on Benny to keep them away?” I protested, the panic in my voice rising steadily. “Well Adella, Benjamin specifically asked me to invite them. In the years since The Accident he says he’s gotten closer to Levi.” The Accident. A true southern mannerism to re-title an unpleasant event in the hopes that it makes it more socially acceptable. But no matter what I told her, Levi Wade was going to be at this stupid party and I was going to do everything in my power not to be anywhere near him. “Okay mama, I’ll behave as long as he does.” “Thank you darlin. We are so happy to see you tomorrow! Love you!” I rolled my eyes and dumped the rest of my frozen drink, the taste not as sweet. I climbed the stone steps to my red bike, ready to head back to my apartment and pack when I noticed a black SUV out of the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes and walked up to the car. “Lionel, Marco, I thought I told y’all that y’all could have tonight off,” I said, knocking on the window. The window rolled down slowly revealing my father’s hired security detail. “Sorry Miss Della but we take orders from the big man and he said to keep an eye on you especially around here,” Lionel answered, lowering his black sunglasses. “Why don’t you throw your bike in the back and we can take you straight home.” “No thanks, I’d rather bike,” I huffed and took off on my cruiser. My dad insisted on having his security detail trailing me since I went away to boarding school. I always thought it was a nuisance but he insisted on it saying, “My family are my crown jewels, I protect them more than my business.” Father’s business, now that was an enigma. From a young age Benny and I tried to snoop in on meetings, hiding under tables or in cabinets but we were always found and chastised. Now Benny had become Father’s right hand man and I remained the lonely daughter in the dark. I rode steadily along the downtown streets, avoiding the main touristy thoroughfares popular in the summer. I parked outside my little apartment and headed upstairs to pack, escorted by Lionel and Marco. Lionel and Marco weren’t too bad as far as security detail goes, they’d been assigned to me for the last few months and we had a mutual understanding. As long as I didn’t give them anything to worry about, they’d give me my space within reason. It was funny watching them try to blend into an all girl’s college because they always attracted attention. With Lionel’s dark skin and chiseled physique and Marco’s broad build and European charm they both stuck out like sore thumbs. The next morning we left Savannah bright and early to head north to South Carolina, home to the family farm and the party venue. “Excited to see your brother?” Marco asked, lowering his dark sunglasses to look at me. They knew how long it’d been since I’ve been home. “I’m excited to see my truck.” I leaned back on the leather seat, silently willing this weekend to go faster so that I could return to Savannah and avoid seeing Levi Wade.
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