
2007 Words
“Hey Brittany, right?” Zachary approached me as I was waiting for my driver. “Yeah.” “You aren’t as quiet as people think you are.” “That’s because they don’t take the time to get to know me”, I shrugged. “True, so you and Andy huh?” He smirked. “We’re just chemistry partners so don’t get any ideas”, I said. “I’m not, just he can’t stop talking about you”, he shrugged. “Oh really, what did he say?” “You’re so cool and not shy as you make people believe you are.” “Good, what do you want?” “So I can’t talk to pretty girls now?” He smirked. “You think I’m pretty?” I blushed.  “You are a little shy”, he teased, “and yes you are pretty”, he nodded. “I don’t think Kayla will like you talking to mute girls”, I teased. “I don’t care, we broke up a long time as far as she is concerned I don’t want anything to do with her”, he shrugged. “You sure she isn’t one of those crazy exes who don’t take breakups easily and wait for the right moment to strike?” I questioned. “I know Kayla for years, she isn’t like that. If she wanted to get back with me all now she would have been doing things to get my attention.” “If you say so.” “Andy likes his girls to dress up when he carries them on a date”, he added. “It’s not a date”, I snapped. “Whatever you say muffin just a little warning, he is still pinning over his ex”, he winked with his light blue eyes. “I already know that captain obvious, we’re just friends”, I assured him. “Careful he doesn’t use you to get closer to his ex”, he warned. “He doesn’t have to use me, he can approach her whenever he wants.” “But she wouldn’t talk to him and he will get to her only through you since you are friends”, he pointed out. “I can always talk her into talking to him, may no sense using me.” “If you say so muffin, well see you around”, he left just as my car arrived. **** “I heard yesterday that you and Zachary were talking outside of school”, Jen said as I sat down by the table in front of a computer in the library the next day. “Yes, he approached me.” “What was he like? Is he nice? A jerk?” She demanded. “No he’s nice and can’t stand Kayla”, we both laughed. “Why did he approach you though?” “He wanted to talk to a pretty girl.” “He called you pretty!” She exclaimed and the librarian glares at her. “Yeah, I was surprised too.” “I can’t believe the hottest guy at school called you pretty”, she swooned, “I wished Kayla was there to see it just to see the look on her face.” “I wished she wasn’t because I can’t stand her shrieking in my face and whatnot.” “Well I don’t look now, but here she comes”, Jen whispered and I turned my head to see an angry Kayla storming my way. “Brittany Rogers, I just got some news you were flirting with my boyfriend”, she stood in front of me. “We were just talking and he isn’t your boyfriend last time I checked, you guys broke up”, I stated. “She can stand up for herself people, well listen very carefully. If I ever catch you talking to Zack again things wouldn’t end nicely for you”, she snaps. “I can talk to whoever I want, Zack doesn’t want anything to do with you from the way he spoke about you yesterday”, I crossed my arms. “You’re lying!” She shrieked. “I wouldn’t lie about that.” “Ugh, you’re a nobody. He was talking to you out of pity”, she left with her friends. “Omg, you just told Kayla off”, Jen grinned, “I’m so proud of you, I don’t think I’ll ever have that kind of courage.” “You will eventually, now let’s finish research different thermometer”, I turned back to the computer. She groaned, “I don’t know why I let you drag me along.” “Because you got no other friends.” “Thanks.” *** “We’ll be having dinner at the Grant resident tonight”, dad said as soon as I entered the house. “What?” I choked on my saliva. “Yes at seven and no you can’t ditch this one”, he added. I groaned. I can’t believe I’ll be having dinner at Zachary’s house, I can’t face him after what I told Kayla today.  “I already choose a nice dress for you to wear Brittany, it’s on your bed”, Delia smiled. “Thanks”, I fake smiled as I head up the stairs. I peeked into Blair’s room where she was playing on the floor with her dolls. Spencer has basketball practice today so he wouldn’t be home till five. “Hey Blair, we are having dinner at the Grant resident tonight”, I told her. “Yay, I get to see Landon again”, she cheered.  Landon was her friend from the elementary school they both attended. He was like a mini Zachary minus the cocky personality, he has the same dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes. They both had an older sister who just graduated from college and going to do her master’s degree in criminology.  “Do you like Landon?” I teased. “I like him as a friend, he thinks he likes this girl Heidi in our class”, she said. Oh, the friend zone. “Are you sure he likes this girl Heidi?” “Yes because yesterday I saw her kissed his cheek and he ran away. Mummy said that when a boy likes a girl, he can be shy and run away when the girl he near”, she explained. Oh, Delia. “Were you okay with Heidi kissing Landon’s cheek?” “Yeah, but not when she told me that Landon and she will be together and he wouldn’t want to be my friend after.” “Don’t give her the time of day, I know Landon wouldn’t forget you”, I told her. “That’s why when we go to dinner tonight, I’m going to ask him if he likes her.” I nodded and left. 7:00 pm “It’s nice to see you again Ken”, Mr. Grant greeted my father when the maid opened the door. Now I know where Zack and Landon got their looks from, their father has dirty blonde hair but gray eyes. “Honey stop crowding them”, Mrs. Grant came to the door, she got chocolate brown hair and light blue eyes, “good to see you again Delia.” “You too Angel”, Delia replied. “Come in, our sons are waiting in the dining room”, Mr. Grant said. “London!” Blair shrieked as she sees Landon. “Princess”, they both hugged as Zack watched me with a smirk. “So cute”, Delia cooed. “Yeah, they even have cute nicknames for each other”, Angel added, “Brittany I’m sure you know my son Zachary”, she turned to me. “Of course she does mother, hey muffin”, he smiled. The two women smiled at each other. “Hey.” “Landon, this is my stepson Spencer”, dad said pulling Spencer to his side. I forgot he was here with us. “Hey man”, he shook his hand. We all took our seats and Zachary sat down next to me, Blair and Landon sat next to each other and Spencer sat opposite us between Delia and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Grant took the opposite end of the tale. “So how’s business, Ken?”Mr. Grant asked as the plates were placed in front of each people on the table. “Great, we’ll be having a business meeting next week”, dad answered. “Yes that’s right, in Washington”, he nodded. “I’ll be staying home this time honey, I promised Landon I’ll pick him up after school instead of Zack”, Angel added. “Zack and Brittany can babysit Spencer, Blair, and Landon sometime next week and we can go on a double date”, Delia suggested. “Yes, how about next Thursday darling?” Angel asked Mr. Grant. “I’ll have my schedule cleared.” “Thanks.” “I don’t think I have anything to do that night”, dad added and Delia kissed his cheek. “Thanks, baby.” “Yay”, Blair cheered, “we’re having a sleepover next week.” “It’s not a sleepover Blair”, Spencer said. “Can I sleepover please daddy?” She pouted. “It’s not a problem, Landon and she attend the same school anyway it’ll be easier to carry her to school the next day”, Angel intervened. “Sure, just listen to what your sister and Zachary tell you when we go out”, dad replied. “Thank you, daddy.” “Maybe you can stay as well”, Zack whispered. “I already have to tolerate you at school and then next week here, I think that’ll be a little too much”, I stated. “Well sometimes I know you will”, he winked. “Keep dreaming.” After dinner we left Grant’s resident, “did you enjoy dinner Brittany?” Dad asked as he drove. “Yeah, it was nice”, I looked out the window. “Zachary is a nice fellow and not a troublemaker since I knew him”, dad added. “He even has a nickname for you Brittany, what was that all about?” Delia smirked in the review mirror at me. “Nothing,” “Seems to me it was, are you two dating?” “Delia”, I sighed. “Honey just leave her be, if she doesn’t wait to talk about her crush”, dad said. “Dad”, I rolled my eyes. “What? I didn’t say anything.” Blair was sleeping and Spencer had his headphones on scrolling through his phone. “But he is kind handsome though”, I added with a wink. ___________
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