
1996 Words
SELENE watched Godric with adoring eyes as she leaned forward against the grand piano while he played. She had never been a fan of classical music so she was not sure what he was playing, but it sounded very lovely to her ears. It’s the kind of music she could listen to every day. After getting back to the estate shortly after lunch from Lake Ynez, Selene informed Godric that she should go home, too. She had asked her boss at the café if she could have the day off because she knew she wouldn’t be able to come to work today. And she was right. But spending the whole morning until early afternoon with Godric was almost therapeutic. She probably would have regretted it so much if she hadn’t come. Worried about her safety, Godric offered to drive Selene to her apartment which she understandingly agreed to. But just a couple of minutes after they came back to the house, a letter with the seal of the vampire council arrived. It was from Roald Hosmurg’s office. On most occasions, Godric would have ignored the letter right away as soon as he looked at it, but he owed Roald a lot these last couple of weeks. Responding promptly to a summon letter is the most respectable thing to do. He asked Selene if she could wait until Silas, who had gone to Orchid that morning, returned so he could drive her home instead. While waiting, Godric decided to show Selene to his favorite part of the house; his mother’s piano room. The whole music room was filled with the beautiful notes that Godric was making. He glanced at Selene as she started to slowly close her eyes and focused on the beautiful sound coming from the piano. He smiled. “Beautiful,” he said, silently. She smiled back. “Yes, it is.” “I mean, you are, Selene.” Selene’s eyes flew open. The music stopped quickly. Godric’s hands were no longer on the piano keys but were now on his side, his eyes were no longer on the music sheet but were focused on her face. “You’re really beautiful, Selene. I just remembered I haven’t told you that yet since the day I first saw you.” Selene pushed herself away from the piano to stand straight. She embarrassingly tucked her hair behind her ears, failing to make eye contact. “You didn’t have to lie, Godric. I already told you I’m going to think about your job offer. There’s no need for random compliments like that.” “It’s true,” Godric honestly replied. “And I don’t just give empty, random compliments.” Selene turned around in an attempt to hide her blushing face. “Oh, look at the time! When will Silas be here?” She wondered aloud, hoping to steer the conversation in a different direction. Even though so much has happened over the last twenty -four hours and she still can’t wrap her head around them. And the attraction she was feeling towards Godric had not diminished, but instead grew significantly. She knew she should be terrified after finding out that Godric is a different being—a supernatural being that feeds on the blood of her kind, a vicious vampire. But she couldn’t run away. No matter how desperately she wants to. Something has changed between the time she realized the danger she was in being in a vampire’s lair, to the moment she had convinced herself that Godric really doesn’t mean to hurt her at all. Whether it has something to do with the incredible feeling that overwhelmed her when Godric sucked her blood last night, she wasn’t sure. But she knew very well that his honesty is what draws her to him even further. His obvious flirting isn’t helping either. It’s only making her more unguarded. “Silas should be here shortly. He only dropped off important documents at The Orchid,” Godric explained. “Why do you want to leave anyway? Why can’t you just stay here? I can have someone pick up your things from your apartment.” “I have no reason to stay as a guest,” she replied matter-of-factly. He shrugged. “You have to think about the job I’m offering you. That’s one reason.” “If I mull it over while staying here, I will only be distracted. I’m trying to keep my decision subjective.” Godric furrowed his brows. “Why did you think you’d be distracted? Who’s going to distract you?” Selene decided to go for the safest answer. She moistened her lips. “Both of you. You and Silas.” Godric slowly nodded, looking unconvinced. “I’ve known Silas for fifteen years, he’s not interested in getting into relationships.” Selene stepped back when Godric was slowly stepping forward closer to her. “W-why are you telling me that?” “So you can avoid getting distracted by the wrong person.” Selene swallowed when she saw Godric looking at her neck. She had her hair on a low ponytail, exposing her neck and a small part of her shoulders. “Your wound has healed,” Godric commented. “Y-yeah. Silas told me it doesn’t take long for the vampire bite wounds to disappear.” “Was it painful?” He asked. There was concern in his voice, yet Selene was aware that whether or not she was hurt wasn’t what the question was really all about. She stopped herself from divulging what’s on her mind. Because she doesn’t want Godric to think that she’s easy. It just wasn’t anything like she ever felt in her life. It was mind-blowing, body-weakening, soul-satiating. And honestly, she would like to experience it all over again. To explore the feeling further. Selene stared at Godric’s lips, anticipating his next move. Will it feel twice as pleasurable the second time around? She pushed the thought away. It’s not like she’d know. For sure, it’s not what Godric has on his mind right now. “No,” she muttered. Godric gently touched her hair that fell down her shoulder. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. “It’s really hard to control myself when you’re around.” “W-what do you mean?” Selene saw Godric’s irises flash a tinge of crimson when he turned to face her. “Will you let me do it again, Selene? Whenever you are ready?” “Godric—” Before she could continue, the door to the music room opened. Silas appeared under the doorway, his eyes shifted to the two of them. “s**t! Sorry!” Then, he covered his eyes with the manila envelope he was carrying and slowly pulled the door. “You should’ve locked the door.” “No, this is not like that!” Selene put a huge distance between her and Godric and stopped Silas from closing the door. “I was... We’re just… He was playing the piano and we were just talking when you came in.” “Talking.” Silas glanced back and forth between Godric and Selene. “Clearly.” “Stop it, Silas. I’ll be off to Courthall. Can you drop off Selene at her place?” Silas nodded. “Yeah, no problem.” Selene made one last look at Godric. He slightly tipped his head at her as the door slowly shut. CALEB got home half an hour past nine o’clock, and he immediately phoned Selene. He tried her mobile but the number was unattended. And his calls to her home phone all go straight to voice mail. Dahlia said Selene asked for a day off the whole day, does that mean she will be spending the entire day with the Godric Octavius? Again? Caleb harshly huffed. That filthy rich bastard really is lucky. He decided to just visit Selene in the afternoon. It was a chill morning anyway, and he’d been working hard at the café, he deserves an extra pillow time this morning. When he woke up, though, he noticed that the sky outside his window was already dark—nighttime dark, not rainy day dark. He forced himself to wake up. He showered, changed, brushed his teeth, and left his apartment. He pushed the door when he reached the downstairs lobby as he was putting on his jacket and stopped in his tracks when he saw Selene standing outside the apartment building holding a small round object in her hands. Is he still dreaming? “Selene?” He had to ask. He wanted something to prove to himself that he’s not just hallucinating. “Are you mad at me?” She pouted. “What are you talking about? Of course not!” Caleb rushed towards her and hugged her, squeezing her body just tightly enough. “I’m glad to see you. I was worried something happened to you.” She grimaced. “Well…” “What? Did that Godric Octavius give you a hard time?” “No,” she eagerly responded. “We just had a lot to talk about.” Caleb raised his brows, waiting for her to say more. “Just random stuff,” Selene said with a wave of a hand. “Here. I bought this on my way here.” Caleb looked at the round cupcake Selene was holding in her hands. The word ‘SORRY’ was written on top in white letters. He appreciated the gesture. He smiled tenderly. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Selene. I understand.” “But you paid for the movie tickets. And I just feel really, really bad for ditching you.” Caleb touched his nape. “That’s fine. We can go next time.” “Or we can go tonight?” Selene suggested. “Well, I don’t think that movie is still showing…” “It doesn’t have to be the same movie. Or we can just hang out somewhere else. What do you think?” Caleb nodded in agreement. “Okay. I like that.” GODRIC was silently following Roald Hosmurg’s assistant to his office in Courthall. The sound of his leather shoes audible against the dead silence of the hall. Despite the small crowd of people present in Courthall at that time, no one was talking. They all fell into a silent hush as soon as they saw him; the youngest of the powerful Octavius coven. But it was not how they know him; he’s the delinquent younger brother of the respectable vampire council member, a troublemaker, a bloodthirsty lawbreaker. That’s what they were probably thinking. Except for Hosmurg, no one knew the true horror Boris brought to his life. To these blood beings, Boris was an ideal authoritative figure. And Godric’s careless behavior was getting in his way of claiming absolute control over the entire population of vampires. Godric paid them no attention. He fixed the silver watch on his wrist and straightened his jacket as he walked past the many judging eyes. When they reached Hosmurg’s office, the woman kindly asked him to sit. “Hosmurg isn’t here?” She grabbed a bottle from Hosmurg’s stacks and placed it before him with a glass. “He’s gone out to meet someone. But he should be back. If he’s sent you a letter, I’m sure he’d return to meet with you.” Godric nodded. He thanked the assistant for the refreshment and waited silently. Later, the woman excused herself and left the room. Godric just smiled and curiously scanned Hosmurg’s fancy ‘office of the council member.’ His eyes fell on something lying on the desk—a photograph. His forehead creased. He doesn’t know why it could be in Hosmurg’s office. He had the only copy of the picture. He picked up the photo from the desk. He couldn’t be mistaken. It was the exact same photograph of the woman in his home office. “Dahlia?”
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