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SELENE threw herself back down on her bed as soon as she reached her apartment. What a crazy night, she thought. Today, Godric Octavius did not drop by the café again for the second time in a row. But a Silas Asmington, who introduced himself as an employee of The Orchid Corporations, the company that Godric owns, came by and said Godric actually wants to offer her a job. Me? Working for Godric Octavius? Becoming an office girl? The idea sounds great but it never really crossed her mind. After all, those who enter the world of large corporations like The Orchid only get in because of their qualification—one thing that she does not have. Plus, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was a bigger reason for whatever is happening to her now. Doesn’t this thing only happen in the movies or books? A handsome wealthy man dropping into the sorry life of a miserable girl to save her and eventually they will fall in love? Maybe, that last part is the only thing that happens in the books or movies. She has read before that Godric is very charitable. Perhaps he really just wants to help her out. He did compliment her last time about how hard she was working. He probably thought she would need a bigger paycheck. And, boy, was that not right. Despite working for more than a year at Café Bliss, she has never saved a single penny. And if it weren’t for her kind boss, and Caleb, she would have left the job many, many months ago and looked for a new one. Her phone buzzed and Selene lazily got up to rummage through her bag. She found her phone and turned it on. She got a text from an unknown number. Once you’ve finally decided to take the job, you can reach me on this number. Selene did not need to ask the person who he was. She knew it was Silas. Earlier at the café, after telling her that Godric wants to employ her, Selene immediately laid out her apprehensions about the offer. And maybe after sensing that she was a little on the fence, Silas asked to get her number. Selene shook her head when Silas repeated what he said. “I don’t have a degree.” “My boss is willing to overlook that,” Silas said, smiling. “For you, at least. He doesn’t always do this, though.” She could not believe it. The CEO wanted her to work for him so badly that he’s willing to dismiss the fact that she is unqualified for the job? “Why me?” Silas shrugged. “Let’s just say he saw great potential in you.” “By watching me wait tables?” Selene retorted, amused. “Miss Roseburn, I know that nothing makes sense right now. But if you accept this job, Godric will see to it that everything you need is taken care of.” Selene looked puzzled.”What does that mean?” Silas decided to keep her guessing. “You’ll know soon.” He glanced outside the glass window. “Your friend is starting to look impatient outside.” Selene looked over her shoulders, too. “He’s just not comfortable leaving me alone with a stranger.” “He’s a good friend,” he remarked. “Well, what do you think, Miss Roseburn?” She looked at the business card in her hands again. It would surely be great to stop waiting tables for a living and earn a decent amount of money. But she loved working at Café Bliss, it would make her sad to leave the great friendship she’s formed in this place behind. “I’d like to think about it,” she finally said, which surprised Silas. “Your offer is really nice, but I’m really happy here, and I don’t want to rush my decision.” Silas tilted his head. “I surely wasn’t expecting that. But I understand. May I get your contact information, by the way? I just want to make sure I have a way to communicate with you in case it would take a while for you to make a decision.” Selene sighed. She pushed herself down on the bed again, staring at the screen of her phone. SATURDAYS are a little busy at any coffee shops. Since it’s a weekend, students usually hang out at cafés and do group studies together, couples who are on a date like to spend their day in a café, too, as well as friends who are catching up after a busy work week. Café Bliss was not an exemption. And Caleb and Selene were used to it. They, however, did not have the chance to talk about yesterday. Last night, when Caleb walked Selene to the bus stop after her conversation with the well-dressed man that came to the shop she was very silent. And maybe Caleb was just waiting for her to open up, but he didn’t ask either. Today, Selene arrived just on time before opening and they barely had the chance to greet each other good morning. They were going to watch a movie later today. And he wants to make sure she’s feeling okay to still go. Caleb allowed the rest of the day to finish so he could properly talk to Selene later that day. Lately, they’re only able to talk after their shift’s over but he was hoping things would change after tonight. For the last couple of days, tall, handsome men keep coming into the café demanding Selene’s attention which makes him very frustrated. He likes Selene. And even though she only sees her as a friend now, he’s hoping that one day, she would look at him the same way she looks at that Godric Octavius guy. He knew it may have something to do with the fact that he’s younger than her. Whenever she pats his shoulder sometimes or compliments him, she would look at him the way a sister would look at a younger brother. And he wanted to change that impression. Yes, he’s younger but he could be the person Selene could lean on, the person to love her, the person she could love. Caleb wished he was confident enough to be honest to her about his feelings so he didn’t have to think of an elaborate story just to ask her to the movies. There was no friend who bought movie tickets and suddenly could not make it so they gave them to him. He was early in the café that morning because he dropped by the moviehouse to buy the tickets knowing he will ask Selene out later that day. But if he had been honest, would she have responded to his invitation the same way she did? He was just scared that she’d refuse him if he straight up asked her out. He wants to have a chance to spend time with her, show her the kind of person that he is, and then maybe, she’d see him in a different light. As Selene pushed the glass door close after waving goodbye and thanking the last customer leaving the café, Caleb waited, pretending to clean one of the tables next to the door. When she walked past him and headed to the counter, Caleb marched up next to her and called her name. Selene looked around, surprised. He had said her name quite loudly. “What’s up?” Caleb played with the clean towel in his hands. “I just want to ask if you still want to go tonight? To the movies?” Selene smiled and gave her a look that seemed to say, yes-what-are-you-talking-about? “I told you I’m looking forward to it.” She turned around and walked around to get behind the counter. Caleb followed. “You looked troubled last night after talking to that man, I want to make sure I’m not forcing you to go. Who was he, anyway?” “He works for Godric.” “Oh.” Caleb stopped, leaned against the counter. “Why did he send his henchman here?” Selene laughed at the term he used. “Nothing. He just wants to ask if I’m looking for a new job.” Caleb gripped the towel in his hand. Now that Godric Octavius even wants to take Selene away from that place. Filthy rich bastard. “Yeah? What did you tell him?” Selene looked at him. “That I’ll have to think about it.” She smiled. “Come on, let’s not talk about that. I’m not even thinking of leaving this place yet.” That made Caleb smile. “Cool. I’m very happy to hear that.” “So, let’s go home first, change, and meet at the moviehouse. Okay?” He nodded. “That’d be great. See you later.” SELENE stood up from the bench when she saw her bus from a good distance and waited for it to arrive at the bus stop. She held the strap of her shoulder bag and stood near the safe zone of the waiting area. The bus stop was loud with chatters from the people waiting there, too. There were some students, elderly couples, and adults talking on the phone. But the noise immediately stopped when a shiny black car stopped right in front of Selene before the bus could arrive. From the driver’s seat, a very gorgeous man emerged. Selene’s eyes widened when she instantly recognized who it was. Godric? The students behind her started giggling and murmuring adoration at the sight of the handsome man. Even the other adults started whispering to themselves, praising Godric’s good looks. “Hello, Selene,” he said. She swallowed. “H-hi.” “Are you off from work?” “Uh, yes.” “Can we talk?” Selene’s voice seemed to have abandoned her, she opened her mouth but no words were coming out of her mouth. She kept looking at Godric’s eyes. He looked hopeful. “Unless you don’t want to,” he said. “No, I do!” Selene immediately regretted saying that. Especially when Godric smiled, looking very pleased at her candor. “But I’m seeing a movie with a friend tonight.” “Oh. I see. Well, do you need to go now?” “Huh?” “I’ll drive you to the theater.” Godric held the car door open. She shook her head. “No, no. It’s okay. You don’t need to do that. We’re seeing the last show.” Godric gave her a brooding gaze. “Good. So that means you have plenty of time to spare before the movie starts, right?” “Maybe…” “Will you come with, Selene? I promise I’ll bring you straight to the moviehouse after.” Selene bit the side of her lips. The movie will not start until 10 PM, so he’s right about her having a couple of hours to spare before the show. If Godric promises to bring her home in time, she won’t be late to go to the movies with Caleb. She didn’t want Caleb to be stood up by her. She can’t do it to a friend. Besides, he already paid for the movie tickets. But she also could not say no to Godric, not when he’s looking at her with those stares. “Alright,” she finally said. Godric smiled and held the door for her as she got inside the car. Godric circled the hood to the driver’s seat. Selene tugged the seatbelt and without warning, Godric leaned over to help her. She instantly stiffened. “Don’t be nervous, Selene. I won’t bite you.” Selene was silent. She tried to calm down the fast beating of her heart. This is the first time that she was in such close proximity with Godric Octavius. He smelled really nice, she thought. She bit the side of her lower lips. She silently gasps when Godric speaks near her ears. “Don’t bite those lips around me, Selene. You’re making it hard for me to control myself.” Selene blushed profusely, her heart thumping wildly in her chest. CALEB bought flowers. He’s not sure if it was Selene’s favorite flowers, but he remembers her saying she found tulips very beautiful. He wore a nice jacket that night, a fine perfume, too. He gave his usually unruly hair a neat fix. On his lips, a bright smile. He waited by the entrance of the movie house, somewhere Selene could instantly see him. He stood up straight and started practicing what he’d say when Selene arrived. “Shall we, mademoiselle?” He could imagine Selene giggling as she hooks her arms around his, and they’d happily walk inside the cinema. He only hoped Selene would like the movie. He didn’t have a lot of time to decide on what movie to buy tickets for, he just asked the ticket attendant what movie is currently popular among people going on dates. The minutes swiftly passed by and when Caleb glanced at his watch, he started worrying when Selene had not arrived yet when it was already five minutes before ten o’clock. He pulled out his phone. No text from her either. He wanted to call her, but would that seem too impatient? Still, he’s worried about her. What if something happens to her? If she’s going to be late, she would for sure let her know. A small drop of water fell on the screen of his phone. Caleb looked up at the dark sky, it was starting to drizzle. He dialed Selene’s number but before he could press the green button, a text popped up. Sorry, Caleb. I ran into Godric and he said he wants to talk to me. I’ll pay you back for the tickets. I’m sorry. ☹ As the rain poured harder, Caleb stood still where he was. His hands fell to his side. A short puff of air escaped his lips. After a few minutes, he finally moved and started walking. He dropped the flowers in the trash bin outside the theater and slowly walked home.
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