Chapter 4 ~ No One Can Stop Me.

1350 Words
~Z's POV~ Sitting in this room alone with these machines is annoying there isn't much I can do until Marco comes I can take three guys usually I attempted to get up but failed I have to get out of here. Once I got off the phone with Marco they all left to go talk to that guy Ezekiel. Why is he so upset I want to leave I am not his responsibility?.. I guess I spaced out for awhile because I hear someone that sounds like Marco yell "ZEEK!" followed by a "I thought you were died!" I'm guessing he knows these men? Okay now starting to get scared alot of the people that Marco knows are dangerous and thought he was died!? This can't be good! Marco is dangerous but he doesn't know everything about me or more then I have allowed to be known. I have had to look over my shoulder sense meeting him avoiding his men from "protecting" me and following me around he can't know. I have to get out of here if he knows these guys he could try.. I have to leave now before they think they can make me do anything I just needed a ride. Ugh!!.. The only reason I know Marco is because he found out my identity. You see I fight in an underground fighting ring. The gym I use to workout and train is his. He is a Don The Don I should say in that area at least. H..he didn't live here when I started fighting he was in Colombia. Why was I so stupid I shouldn't have called or even gone back I should have just left that damn house along time ago. Donald shouldn't have ever been able to touch me. I was young wasn't my fault but even after I started to train I still allowed it oh I'm so stupid ugh. Starting to pull out iv tubes and take off the sticky things all over my self off something begins to beep I got up to fast and unplugged it hoping they wouldn't hear me. But my head was pounding, body hurt all over my legs had some kind of wraps on them I can't remember what Leon said about my injuries just that they were severe. I try my hardest to quietly get changed but it hurts so bad.. Getting out of here quietly is my number one priority anything after that I will figure out later. I hope this works. They can not keep me here I'm done being under anyone's thumb I can't anymore. Once finished getting changed I saw a note pad, leaving a note saying I apologize for the inconvenience I caused I grabbed my bags and went to the window with the fire escape. I have to go see lacy and get out of here for awhile I have no choice... -EZEKIEL'S POV- After I walked out of the room I feel so conflicted I never show this much emotion I can't! I sat alone for awhile I could hear Z on the phone of course doc gave her the damn address! Shit, how do I make her stay now she is hurt probably can't even get up on her own. A few moments later Mac and doc come out to talk to me about how I reacted and to say I'm ignoring the questions is and understatement. While I am trying to figure out why she gets under my skin so much someone knocks on my door. Breath out a sigh of relief so thankful that some knocked and saved me from the drilling questions I've been getting from Mac. But what I didn't expect when I opened the door was to see a man who looks like an older version of me! "MARCO!." "WHAT!" He paused pulling away staring at me with wide eyes "ZEEK!?.. I THOUGHT YOU WERE DIED!" he yelled Without warning I grab him and pull him into a hug. He's surprised I can tell by the way he tensed when I grabbed him he is as stiff as a board right now kinda how I usually am I don't hug but I'm on the verge of tears. I didn't even know how much I missed him. "marco? are you really here or is this another nightmare" I finally get out my voice nothing but a whisper He grab with both arms squeezing me tight. I can't believe it my older brother is in my doorway hugging me I haven't seen him in years I had no idea where he went. I looked believe me I looked as much as my father would allow anyway. His words to me were "Forget him boy he's not worth anything anyway. You aren't either you piece of shit." "I looked everywhere for you and our so called parents after I came back yall were just gone. Where have you been I thought I'd found you when a boy your age died in a fire our mother was in I thought is was you... How are you here? H.. how old are you know ?" His eyes are showing so much emotion love sadness, happiness, frustration all in one I can't believe. He's here I honestly thought he died how is he here our parents said he was died once I didn't want to believe it but over the years of trying to find him.. I had given up.. Now here he stands why us he here? Did he know? Wait.. "How did you find me?" It was like a light bulb went off in his head he realized why he was here or something his face went neutral cold and off put. "Why is Z here." he asked "Wait your who she called?" I am so confused how does that sassy sexy goddess in my guest room know my brother! "Yes can I come in so we don't discuss this out in the open?" he looks around while saying "Yes! s**t my bad" I step aside just now seeing he's in a nice suit looks well kept Three men in matching suits walk in with him. "MacKenzie good to see you. Haven't seen you sense you were a toddler. How is your father and mother?" Marco asks Mac both our eyes got big wait he knows his family?! He continues "I see you don't remember me thats fine what happened to Z?" He asked changing the subject I make a point to ask him later. "We do not know but she stained serious injuries. I am Leon the doctor that patched her up." Doc said hold out his hand Marco shook his hand gave a tight lipped smile "Where is she?" "I will take you but we need to talk." I said in a neutral tone. I have so many questions and no answers. Walking to the room the door is closed I guessed doc closed it when they left. Walking in she wasn't in the bed everything was off and the window open. "What the f**k" I say out loud "Dammit Z" Marco says Mac and doc walk back when they hear us. Along with the three goon looking big guys. Doc starts looking through the window immediately "How did she even get out of bed?!" he asks angered about her missing Marco pulls out his phone yelling saying something in spanish I could catch because I'm so focused on finding anything that would point to where she went. I found something I didn't like. A single note. That said. Thank you for your help "Zeek". But I told you I have things I have to do just because you know Marco doesn't mean I won't do what I have to. Neither of you can do anything to stop whats going to happen. I have to do this. Let me go forget you even met me. Thank you each again but. NO ONE CAN STOP ME. 1333 Words - Hey everyone please like and comment. Feedback is always welcome have a great day! -CR
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