Episode7-Rabbi and The Party

997 Words
"There is something good going on that you have not heard." Shaking my head with a huff, I give in. “Fine. Who?” David is so persuasive and he isn't one to give up easily. David smiles. Not just a brief smile but a grin like I have promised to take care of one of his problems. “I have something to tell you.” He drags me by the hand and pulls me toward the staircase leading to the basement of Grenada's house where the music plays softly compared to the blasting noise outside which people were enjoying. Embarrassing as it is, the were couples everywhere making out and they didn't mind. In front of the couch of a flat-screen TV, at the pool, the staircase and every other place, hidden or not, they were either smooching or making out. Halfway down the stairs, David stops. The staircase down is empty and spooky. David leans into my ear which made me almost slap his face but I had to hold back. "Guess what?" Oh, shoot. It just dawned on me that today is my birthday and we are expected to be home before ten. How can I forget my birthday? That is a bit too harsh. I had to deal with David, the Prom Night and find Harry's ass before mum uses both of us barbecue out of anger. "David, just tell me already or am dumping you here.” "Okay. Okay. Okay. Grab that empty bucket and I'll show you something. It is best if I show you." My instinct tells me not to because David is up to no good but curiosity got the best of me. Seeing myself getting closer to the Iron bucket that sits effortlessly down the staircase to the basement. There is something not right about it. Mustering courage I walk to the bucket, grabbing it, a rope gets loose and a large bucket of ice water pours on me from the ceiling. I am dripping and freezing because it is cold. I hear chattering, laughter, mumbling and see camera flashes. "I should have known that David would never be up to any good. Why did I not listen to my heart? I keep falling prey. All the time." I sob. I hadn't realised what is happening but I see who looks like Harry plunging towards somebody. Landing endlessly punches on the persons face. My eyes are watery from all the crying. I even felt worse that he is fighting for me. Dripping and cold, I fight my way through the crowd, away from everyone. Rushing past the crowd at the pool I hear my name. "Mael! Please, wait." That voice sounds familiar. Turning, it is Grenada. The more reason I want to be away from here. I am weak. Alone. Fragile. I cannot even fight or stand up for myself. I run faster than I have ever done. Must it take Harry for my battles to be fought? I can't speak for myself? He has been doing that all through high school. Will he still do that for me in college? Why did these kids choose to be mean? Why am I like this? With the thoughts in my head and constant sobbing, I didn't realize that I had left the house and have gone far. So far that I am surrounded by grasses and the silent night, nothing more. Looking around, it is obvious that I am lost because I have no idea where I am. Regret filled me immediately. I wish I had answered Grenada but still, the mood I was in will not tolerate any pep talk. I am broken and shattered. The most annoying thing is that Grenada never sees me as anything more than a nerd who could be beckoned on to solve academic issues. And annoyingly as it is, I had no choice but to tolerate whatever friendship she is offering. The bitter thing is that she knows that I like her and sees her as more than just friends. Were we even friends? Because she barely tolerated me. Whenever she sees me around, at every second, she will always pack her things and leave. Be it in the laboratory, class, cafeteria, bus or field trip. She treats me like a walking infection or something contagious. It breaks my heart but not totally. I did not also mind. As far as I got to see her pretty face, I am okay. More than her ill-treatment towards me, apparently everyone now that I have had a crush on her for a very very long time. But to avoid being the topic or punching bag of the basketball team where all the hot guys who were drooling over her is, I stayed on my level. Ignoring my unrequited love for Grenada. I even went to the extent of creating an illusion of being in a relationship with her. What a joke! Who would ever want me for a boyfriend? The only girl or woman I've had close to a girl is my mom. As ridiculous as it sounds, that is the truth. So, Grenada calling after me as if she cares was irritating. Not after I just got the biggest embarrassment of my life. Let her keep ignoring and treating me like a plague. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Mael lets out a shout in the field, expressing his frustration and anger. As he screams, his birthmark glows. For the first time in his entire life, the birthmark shines so bright that the clothing he is wearing catches fire but Mael isn't burning. Instead, a striking pain runs as a shockwave through his head, then he drops to the floor. His eyes begin to glow fiercely like a newly refined gold, fangs grows out from his teeth, hair from the corners of his face and his ears becomes longer than it is. Excruciating pain is what he feels through his entire body. He is transforming but, to what? 
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