1049 Words
"Oh, princess setsuna has a knack for demi humans. She believed in equality and so she allowed different species under her camp, peasants, human, demi human, as long as you don't try to walk over some one, you be alright, the king supported her, the king refuses to accept that setsuna was stronger than most men, to protect her she allowed her to train along side able people because of the prophesy and over time, Setsuna kindness brought numerous people to her camp". "OK, Eric looks at the combination of people with demi human ears, elf, etc. OK, how come you were not able to save the princess all these while?Eric question "First, princess Setsuna's mother and brother are held captive in the palace. If we can rescue her, then setuna will be able to fight with full strength. We have to find a boy that was with Setsuna that day, that boy witness everything, the murder and all, if we can take him to the kingmaker fraction, they have a memory magic that can see all that happen before and after the incident from his brain. We were chased by strong hooded magician in dark robes, we let Setsuna escape with few guards while we fought with them, most of our men were killed but we killed then except one man named Kelvin cabin, he escaped. If we find that boy, we could prove Setsuna innocents. "Why did the magician maker or what ever his name are, check Setuna memory for details?Eric questioned "Well, i don't know but for most reason, sets una was the victim and the victim are not usually heard, the anti royalist planned it already, so people tend to believe what they want. We don't have much time, the plan is we divide our selves into two group, team A made up 30 integrity night will go to the palace location to look for the boy, team B which includes you Eric, made up of 70 demi humans will go into the the queens castle and rescue princess Setsuna's mother, that way, princess Setsuna can fight with out worry, every one will meet back here by 10 to night if we able to free them and by tomorrow during the tournament. We rescue and free princess Setsuna, we prove her innocent in front of the arena then use the mass of people in that arena to free the princess and if worst come to worst, you Eric will have to win the tournament to free the princess.. "It seems we have a plan already, so lets begin Eric mildly spoke. The time came and the entire team moved according to plan, team A went for the boy and team B. We climb over a mountain directly facing over a palace castle with trees surrounding it . We hid our selves in the trees and then we watch guards patrol the front gate of the palace, chapman and a girl name sofie took out the guards by knocking them out, since they were palace guards. They are not to be killed, they are citizens of the country doing their job, quickly two of our men changed into the guards uniform and took their position, they are to watch out and tell us, we burst in to the castle and sprinted as fast as we can, the castle doors was big and could fit ten people, we ran knocking few guards, for some reasons, the guards were very few around the castle, a tabs pops up ["SENSE SKILL ACTIVATED" ] "Guys, something his not right, the guards are way too few and quiet for my liking, should it be like this knowing that the princess mother is kept hostage. It ought to be heavily guarded" i questioned looking at chapman [SENSE SKILL-THERE IS A SNAKE AMONG YOUR MIDST ] "Now that you said it, it s suspcious. What do you think Eric, should we call off the mission. I sense a trap" chap man said to Eric. I am interested in the snake in our midst, which to say, that there is a traitor among us. I should have know, then we should be ready [SKILL ACTIVATED LIGHTNING GAUNTLET] We reach a grand ballroom with large identical chandelier hung from the magnificent painted celling, their candle light flitting about the room causing specks of light to caress the walls,floors, and the marble columns that stood along the edge of the room. The room has four red doors ,one which was on the left and and other to right, in front of us , a grand staircase that stretches out from the middle of where the fourth wall would be. We walked to the center of the room, suddenly a loud noise from behind us and we turned our faces. The snake among us cut chopping down our men with a flash of steel to the ground. In matter of seconds, twelve men lay dead on the ground with torrent of blood spattering in the air. She lifts eyes to look at us. A ferocious glare from her eyes, she swiftly run towards us. "Do you think you can kill us all alone" chapman questions as he draws out his sword "I never said i was alone, did i" she spoke as the doors from our left and our right and behind us swung open, like swat team in my life time, heavy armour guard thud the ground Swiftly surrounding us from all sides. The guards were over two hundred of them. "we are doom" chapman spoke, "Yes, you are doom and screwed" a voice from the stair case, we turned as our eyes widened, summoned one in his red robe and guards walking in with a young boy, princess setsuna's mother and his son, and then sofie beating up with blood decorating her face. She is on a slave gown chained strapped around her feet and wrist. "What the hell? Chapman shocked, If she is sofie we are looking at, then who is the sofie who had being with us all this while. They turn to look at the sofie who cut the men, the lady turned out to be the lady who fought with speed in the tournament earlier on. Summoned one voice cuts in.
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