1540 Words
A city engulfed in a sea of flames. It's night yet it seems like day. A blue Demi human with fangs in his teeth. An OCS laid dead on the floor. Elves and humans were thrust with a sword by an army of knights in silver armor with an intricate pattern of gold with T shape helmets. Vermilion, a young pale boy with blue hairs dressed in blue salamander wool with his father were running from the band of Knights. As they were running, his dad falls to the ground. “Father you can make it. Vermilion yelled. "No son, I don't think i can survive it. I have been poisoned and will die anytime sooner." His dad replied. "Stop saying this dad, you will not die" Vermilion said. "I don't have time son, Take the book of magic, the grimoire and run" He said as he brought out the book. "Just promise me you will rebuild the kingdom and finish the work I started He said as he tosses the book at him. “No, I can't leave you, father. You are the only one I have. Father, please. Anyone! somebody help!” Vermilion said and stayed calm as separate noise kept echoing in the walls of a room closest to him. The slapping noise of butts hitting a thigh got his attention as an obvious moaning kept echoing violently from the room. He turned his face to look. Two Knights were violently r****g a maid he was familiar with. One of them noticed him and stood up, leaving the other knight to continue his business. He pulled up his pants and draws his sword from his sheathe as he made his way out of the room. "Please, don't kill us. Please I beg of you Vermilion pleaded. “Oh, This is the man we were sent to kill. He is still alive and he is your father. The hero of pleasant. The hope of the kingdom every shirtless peasants look up to as king of peasants." He said and as he set his eyes on Vermilion's father and he continues. "How the mighty have fallen. As soon as I finish him off. I will take his head and deliver it to my king and I will be upgraded to hero Knights of Roland. I will be famous or even promoted to a first class warrior." He said. Swiftly, vermilion picks a sword from the ground bigger than his statue and thrust the sword at him and his father said'. “Please kill me and spare my son's lives. He is only seven and foolish. He still has many more years to live. Please forgive him and let him go”. Vermilion dad said as blood starts gushing out of his mouth. “No, no, no, if I bring your head and your son's head too to the king of Roland. I will gain a higher status in the ranks. He can't be left alive." The knight solder said. “Leave my father alone! Have you guys not done enough? You killed my mother, burn the city, kill and r**e the women. What more do you want. Leave my father alone vermilion yelled. “Young boy, do you know who you're pointing that sword at? Useless piece of s**t. The king order the extermination of your useless life so just give up and give me your damn head. Don't worry you join the dead soon". The Knights smack. He has Blondie hair with yellow eyes on silver armor. He lifts the sword above his head and brought it down at the Vermilion. He lifts his sword to defend himself but the sword shatters. A kick to his side sends him flying to the ground. He lifts his head up, and then, he sees the knight grabbing his father. The knight smiles looking at him as he placed his father on his knees and thrust his sword through the side of his neck. The sword slowly pierces into the right side of the neck with blood gushes out from his father's mouth bursting out his skin to the left side of his neck. Vermilion shocked with his eyes widens. Bu bump! Bu-bump!His heart beats louder into his ears. He froze with his heartbeat in pain and conflicted feelings. He screams out in pain as he burst into tears falling down his cheeks. The knights retracted his blade and then sliced off Vermilion's father's head, detaching it from his body. The body fell to the ground and his head is held by the right hand of the knight. Blood in the eyes rolls down to his mouth, and neck from the head. The knight tosses the head to the ground and walk towards vermilion. He grabs Vermilion by the neck and lifts him from the ground above the his face. The knight's aim is swords at Vermilion's chest. “I told you, you're going to join them. Any last words before I slice your neck off He asked.Tears rush down his purple eyes. “You killed my father; you killed the only person that matters to me the most Vermilion replied. “ Such is life, my dear. Sometimes you grow. sometimes you fall. You be joining him soon. Any last words. He asked. “You killed my father. I will kill you, I will kill you, I will kill you all that have a hand in the death of my parents and everyone I love. I will kill you, I will kill you all.” He cried with tears rolling down his cheek. The knight laughs as Vermilion glares ferociously with a revengeful stare in his eyes. Suddenly, His purple eyes begin to gleam as he continues to repeat the words. Suddenly, the surrounding air shifted with a dark energy revolving around him. The knight is shock as he sees a hooded cloak skeletal man with a decayed skull face and red glow from his eye socket appears behind Vermilion. The sword from the knight’s hand suddenly floated with a sheer amount of force from him floating in to Vermilion’s hand. He aims it at the face of the knights. “I will kill you His eyes filled with tears and revengeful glint gleams in his red eyes and then a concentration of magic MANA from his body moves around him covering his entire body as it seeped into his veins, closing in on his core. Sweat dripped from his forehead as MANA simultaneously spread from his core through his body. An electrostatic charge separated the positive from the negatives creating an electric field around him. The MANA cackled with energy as it swirled turning into bright flaming golden yellow light moving through his body at the speed of light. Vermilion closes his eyes and squeezed his eyes open as his eyes lit up with power unleashed Boom Dark Flames around him as his speed increased tenfold. The world around him seemingly moves in slow motion. The head of his adversary grew closer and closer every mill seconds. His hand is barely visible to the naked eye. Vermilion held his sword tight centering his power towards it as he thrust his sword on his enemy's head. A flash of steel! A massive shockwave of electric energy pulsed outwards from the point of impact instantly rendering the knight paralyzed before his sword slice the head of the knight. Vermilion jumps on his body and he stabs the knight's face till it was completely disfigured. He stands to his feet and turns his face to the knights r****g the maid. The knights stood up and turn to his surprise. Vermilion looks at the maid. She was brutally murdered after being r**e by the knight. Instantly a dark skeletal humanoid ghost on a cloak came out standing ten meters tall before the knights. His face has a skull tooth with decay skeletal bones inside a gray cloak holding onto a death scythe. The knight quivers in fear, and he begins to beg for his life. “Please forgive me, I have family" He begged. “Did you give that woman a chance before you murdered and r***d her?” Vermilion asked. Vermilion squeezed his fist and the ghost grabs the knight's neck and instantly his life and skin were sucked out with his body dried up to bones. His eyeballs fall from his eye socket and his body looks like a rotten human with worms in it. Few knights ran out from an alley however the ghost swings his scythe detaching the head of the knights from their body. He walks to the grimoire. He suddenly starts coughing. Likewise, he looks at his palm, blood from his mouth. “I guess this power is not for free huh” He picks the grimoire and begins to walk. He looks at his father’s lifeless body and the kingdom burning engulfed in flames and death bodies litter around the city, and he swears. “Burn this image into my memory. I will kill you all,I promise I will kill you all. I will kill you. I swear before the gods of the seven realms. I will end the five kingdoms and from their ashes I will rebuild this kingdom He walls and any knights on his way. He killed. He walks and glares.
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