past calls

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The palace guard took prince and then was about to kill him but for some reason the butcher man executioner sensed a foul play, a conspiracy and then made a oath with the prince to run to another kingdom and never to return, If not the executioner will be killed along with his family, and so the prince ran. When the peasant queen returned and discovered all that was done to her, she felt bitter and in anger she made contract with the powers of the dark, and she became the tyrant queen. from love to hatred, she killed all the queens, the noble and all that was in her way, the kingdom of Andcross felt heat of tyranny as she ascend the throne as queen mother, the mother of peasant and of course her husband the king died. She live the rest of her days in bitterness, and she died but before she died. She learnt the truth from the butherman and then the queen asked the nobleman whose clan name was Von Giovanni to go search for his son. There was no hair to the throne and then a popular warrior who had killed much of the demons from the dungeon became regent, his greed took hold of him and then tried to plant his son as king, he used his influence and wealth to gather noble men to support him however he was too old to become king, he tried to install his son to be king, but at that time the news let out to the entire kingdom, when the prince fought bravely with assassins of the regent and ran thinking they king was trying to kill him. He eventually found out the truth, he rejected the throne due to his mother sins instead he sent his eldest son to become king, when the son arrived, he met with stiff neck nobles who were much in support of the regent son to be crown king. It became a bloody war however the crown prince with the help of Giovanni and other notable noblemen he became king and the regent son formed the anti-royalist fraction installing corrupt nobles to checkmate the kings power. They opposed the king and one of them was a kingmaker who had much authority as the king. For years it was so, the anti-royalist looked for ways to usurp the throne. in the time of king Marcus of Andcross my weak naive father married a noble daughter and crown her queen, that queen was the daughter of the clan leader of anti-royalist and soon she gave birth to a son, when the queen and the king and the anti royalist celebrated their victory in the naming ceremony of the child she named Darius , the door swung open and the high priestess of the gods walked him and told the king that the child will bring calamity to Andcross, Darius was not the chosen king, she mentioned of a prophecy, one of the kings child will kill the king. she foretold of a star child of war to be born. That child will accomplish great fit in her destiny and that child will become the queen of Andcross and she will marry someone who possessed godlike powers same as her However that child will come from a peasant. The high priest pointed to my mother who was just a maid as the vessel the king will go into to fathom a godlike child. It was like a dream when my mother was chosen. These did not go down well at all with the palace due to matters of the past. My mother was chosen by the current priestess and a year later she gave birth to me under the protection of the king. I grew and I watched my brother filled with lies and hatred by the anti royalist and soon he was taught dark Magoi magic powers, a power that was not taught anywhere and I saw plenty of it at that time, men in black hooded Cloak training him in dark magoi powers and I believe that this was done for him to battle with me for the throne in the future. I had no time to rest as my mother's fraction with Support of Giovanni clan and others began to train me for troubles ahead. My brothers power grew so was I, now that I think about it, That dark magoi magic was the same as the man that tried to kill me in the treaty ,his level was almost the same as mine. A magician named summoned one. My eyes widened "What did you say? Did you say summoned one? I questioned "Do you know him? She questions from the dark, "Nope but I saw him in the palace, that means if he is here, then he is here finished the job" "What? Her voice began to reveal fear, my mother and my brother are in danger. What might be his objective, why is he here. Now that I think about it, this explains things, from my deduction, summoner might be in league with the prince due to similar dark magic I have seen and the red hooded top coat is similar to those hooded men who trained him in the past, and if I connect the dots, then my marriage treaty was a sabotage for two kingdoms to usurps the throne but what could be the connection between the two kingdom. , Maybe by some teleportation or telepathy magic the crown prince got to know about what has happened in the marriage treaty submit, then he could have waited for my returned planning everything before hand, and so he could frame me for my father's death, and so when I was knock me out, my sword was used to thrust my father after her had killed him that's how my sword was found dug in the kings abdomen and then when the guard came. It was easy to blame me. "What do you mean? I questioned
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