976 Words
" The villains behind summoned one wants to create a large scale war involving all humans and ,if And cross goes to war, other kingdoms who pay tribute to Andcross will have to merge their men if need be for a coalition army, likewise Santarosa to ensure this war takes full effect, prince and princess from various kingdoms has be taken hostage by prince Duran so as a coalition army would be created. To make matter worse, the eight headed dragon will be a catalyst to ensure the destruction of kingdoms and then invasion of the dark continent. i hope i don't need to remind all of us how powerful and agile demi humans are, elf live longer up to five hundred years and wont forget to claim revenge if humans invade, dwarfs are short and strong like solid rock, beast and others, so we need to come up with a solution". Prince scriven raise his hands up and then speaks. " As for the matter of the hostage and my brother prince Duran. i have a plan set in motion. i have a rough idea of how we can save the hostages and when prince Duran is in sight , i will solely take him on for a fight however i would need a small tactical elite unite to rescue the hostages" a noble cuts in "If we can get the dragon scales in time, we could invade ,a surprise attack on them before they invade however how do we create armor in a such short time" he questions "As for armor, i do have a plan on how to create it quickly" Eric transmuted the dragon scale in to a black revolver gun and then created a dragon lead bullet and placed in the gun in front of the audience who was quite confuse at the gun in his hands, Eric aim the revolver gun and the he shoots the gun into the air with a loud sound aimed at a glass jar, the glass jar shatters to pieces. "Wooooow" the crowd was amaze, they quickly gathered together to have a look at the weapon "What might these be, its quit heavy" a noble man questioned, "Its my new invented magic weapon technology, it is called a revolver gun, when you place a bullet in it and shoot. It can move faster than any magic and destroy any armor. i will create a technology work shop with the help of black smith and my abilities. i will invent new technology weapon to end the war and dragon" Eric spoke with a smile looking at the princess who smiles at him and then clears her throat "Ahemm" Everyone, if you want to know more, please you will visit Eric's technological work shop for more, now here is my orders everyone" every one look at the princess " prince scriven and Thaddeus and his knight will visit other kingdoms as envoy to explain the dangers and they should join our army for the war, letters bearing royal seal of Andcross has being created to various kingdom. Eric, the knight of integrity and all those who fought in the tournament will go with me to the dark continent to end the dragon. Prince scriven she called, i leave the plans of your brother to you" scriven nodded as a magic glow green in his neck. The meeting came to an end ....... ....... Hellicadis a realm of his own ruled by the dark lord supreme, the dark lord sited in his palace filled with great pillars of whirlwind of fire tornado, the fire rotating continuously up to the roof creating a celling of fire. The fire pillar shooting down into the floor with volcanic lava fire beneath the dark palace ground. The dark lord dressed in dark dragon armor with horn jotting from his head. He is 20 feet tall, his tall generals walks in dark blackish armor kneeling down before the dark lord before standing to their feet standing vertically facing each other and then Annabelle in her dark dress, red eyes matching with her red lips with some Valkyrie walking behind her. They kneel before the dark lord sited high in a throne of fire. "Reign forever great dark lord a general Dracula spoke ushering Annabelle's team "You summon us, oh great lord, reign supreme", REPORTS! he mildly commanded "My sector, world Marcus has falls and we have take over the kingdom", a Valkyrie spoke Every one began to report their various worlds fallen but the dark lord set his eyes at Annabelle, and then he ordered REPORTS, THE REVIVAL OF MY PET DRAGON "My lord supreme, reign for eternity although we have the stone of chaos and general Deus my father remain sealed, progress has been made, we have spot the guardian inheritors and soon all guardians will be captured along with the stone. The revival of the pet dragon is going on smoothly" anabella spoke, the dark lord stares his flaming eyes at Annabelle , is face was black with his teeth jotted out fangs like Dracula. erosive smoked jolting out of his skull teeth, he stood up from his throne and walks down the large staircase to where Annabelle kneeled, he stretches is dark palm as anabella froze where she kneeled with fear and trembling and the dark speaks IF NOT FOR YOUR FATHER, GENERAL DEUS MY IN-LAW AND YOU MY CONCUBINE. I WOULD HAVE YOUR DEATH SCORCHED FROM THIS REALM, THE NEXT TIME YOU LIE TO ME AGAIN THAT WILL BE YOUR END, I SEE ALL THINGS AND I KNOW ALL THINGS. Them the generals began to speak in unison "You know all things oh great dark lord supreme. He walks around anabella DO YOU KNOW WHY YOUR TASK IS IMPORTANT. LET ME TELL YOU WHY FOR YOUR FATHER KNOWS BECAUSE HE FOUGHT BESIDES ME IN ETERNITY.
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