Dray Prescot

251 Words

Dray PrescotDray Prescot is a man above middle height with straight brown hair and level dominating brown eyes. His shoulders are enormously broad, to the despair of his mother as he grew so rapidly out of his clothes, and now he has a superbly muscled physique. He moves like a savage hunting cat, silent and lethal. There is about him an abrasive honesty — which has not served him well — and an indomitable courage that has sustained him during his darkest hours. Born in 1775, he joined the Royal Navy as a boy when his father died from the sting of a scorpion, and his mother followed soon after. The life in Nelson’s Navy, harsh, intolerant, formed and molded him. Dray Prescot has been consistently passed over for promotion, even though he has fought his way from the lower deck through the

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