Chapter twelve

2868 Words

Chapter twelveNo manacles secured my wrists. No fetters clamped my feet. No shackles weighed me down. The room was comfortable, even luxurious, with silken upholstery and gilded chairs. Samphron oil lamps filled the room with a warm friendly glow. The windows were closed. Everyone around me treated me with exquisite politeness. Wines, miscils, palines, dainty delicacies, everything was instantly provided by a bevy of attendants. All the same, I was a prisoner and I knew it. The Chulik overseer, Chekaran the Balass, told me his master would see me as soon as some tiresome duty was dispatched. Until then, would you please, majister, take your ease. Perforce, I waited. I did not waste the time. Everything that had happened to me since I’d stared into W’Watchun’s eyes went over and over in

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