It's Graduation Day! For me and... Henry?!

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Well, I could say that was an easy enough job for today. I left the forest after I heard the police siren blaring from the distance. Someone might have deduced the origin of the arrow and I don't want to be within the vicinity if ever that happens. I exited the forest a little bit away from the school to a nearby main road where people won't care about what you did or did not do inside the forest. I walked back to school as if I didn't commit an assassination and went straight to the admissions office. I will ask if I can have my credentials without having to attend the ceremony. Henry told me to do so. That was his plan, go to school to get my credentials and sayonara Louisiana. I think I forgot to do that first hand because I went straight to get my toga. Stupid me. I was met by a woman who seemed to in her mid twenties with short blonde bob, thin red lips, bright blue eyes and a cute nose. She's pretty. She didn't see me when I went in, so I cleared my throat to get her attention. She looked up and gave me a smile. "What can I do for you, hon?" She asked me with a full-blown, beautiful smile. Why is she working here? She could have been a model for the way she looks. "Oh, um. I was wondering if I could get my credentials even if I don't attend the ceremony later this afternoon. I was hoping to catch the next bus to go to Harvard so I could start with the admissions early." I asked her hesitantly, I wasn't even sure if they will allow me to do that. Her eyes widened at what I just said. What shocked her? The part where I don't want to attend the graduation ceremony, or the Harvard part? "Well, I could have it prepared for you but I don't if you can have it before the ceremony. Let me ask the principal first, okay?" That's a maybe for me, then. I nodded at what she said to me and seated myself on one of the chairs that line up the walls of the office. While she went inside the principal's office, I took out my phone and texted Henry about the situation with my credentials and waited for his reply but nothing arrived. Huh, that's weird. He usually replies instantly to give me further advice on what to do. Oh, well. Maybe he trusts me to handle this on my own. While I was still pondering about the reasons why Henry hasn't replied, the lady at the desk exited the office with a brown envelope. I stood up and went up to the desk to ask about my credentials. "So, did the principal approve?" I ask with a hopeful voice. She smiled brightly at me and nodded before adding, "Congratulations on making it to Harvard. The principal approved because of that reason. Here it is. Everything you'll be needing to enroll. Take care, dear!" I said my thanks and exited the office as well as exited the school. I went to the place where I parked my baby and drove to the Croc Pit. I forgot to tell you, that's the name of the diner Henry runs where you can get the tastiest fried chicken in all of Louisiana, for me that is. When I was nearing the diner, I saw lots of people flocking the outside of the diner. It should be open this time of the day. So why are they outside? When I got close to the diner, I also saw several police cars and police tape surrounding the diner. Did someone die? Why would Henry let someone die inside if his own diner? And where was Henry in the first place? I don't like it when my imagination is running amok my already messy mind. My curiosity is driving me insane, I need to know what happened before getting out of the car. I was driving slowly to listen to what people are saying but the voices were too muffled and are too jumbled for me to understand, so I stopped the caracross the diner, putting it on idle mode, and asked the people who are on the other side of the road. "Excuse me, but what is happening over there?" I asked one woman who was standing on the side of the road. She had a dirty blonde shaggy hair that comes up to her shoulders, dull brown eyes and was wearing a peacoat over her office uniform. "The owner of the diner is dead. Nobody saw anyone go in and out of the diner since the owner opened it. Must have gone in and out through the back door." I stiffened when the news hit my ears. Henry's dead? That can't be. We just talked a few hours ago. He even cooked me breakfast. I couldn't come in now. I would be putting myself in danger if someone was targeting me and Henry. So I drove on and didn't look back. That's what I'm good at anyway. Not looking back. Even if it was people who are close to my heart that I leave behind. I know Henry will understand why I had to do this. What I don't understand is why they would do this to him? I mean, sure he has earned or made a lot of enemies throughout his years of being Tin Man, but I want to know the reason why they had to kill him. Was it because of me? Stop it, June. It was under no circumstance, your fault. Henry would've said that. Nothing is my fault. I took a deep breath and focused all of my energy and attention to the road in front of me. I got one of my fake ID's in the glove compartment if ever there is a checkpoint waiting for me at the border of Louisiana and the next state. Henry already discussed with me about what will happen to his wealth if ever he died unexpectedly. It will all be transferred automatically to one of my accounts. He already told his lawyer about it so that she doesn't need to attend to a reading of his last will and testament. Even the Croc Pit will now be under my name, if ever someone wants to rent the place, the lawyer would just contact me to confirm if I'll let them rent it. The lawyer would also be the one to process all of the much needed details of the taxes and s**t. I was so deep in thought that I had already passed the border of Louisiana a few miles back. It seems that my body went on auto pilot while my kind was wandering off. My phone started ringing when I hit the 100 mile marker, I looked at the caller ID and saw the name of Henry's lawyer. I picked up the call, put it through my earpiece and continued to drive the car. "Lane, talk to me." I met the lawyer, Mr. Sawyer, several times already. Henry introduced me to him when I started to train under him. I waited for him to answer when all I heard was his heavy breathing. "You've heard the news, June?" I didn't answer his question. The feeling of loosing another loved one was still raw. And thankfully, he didn't ask further because he continued on. "Well, since I know that you know already, I've already started the process of transferring his belongings to your name. Henry told me before he died that you'll be leaving Louisiana for a while to lie low, correct? Don't come back until I've made sure that Chase Williams' interest in you fades to the background." I'm eternally grateful to have meet him. "Thank you, Mr. Sawyer. I'm forever grateful for the things you've done so far for me and Henry. I've already left Louisiana and will be staying in another town in another state until I get my college degree. Until then, if anyone wants to rent the Pit, kindly process it for me. And do you have any idea why they killed him?" "Will do, June. I haven't the vaguest idea as to what their motive for killing Henry is. I'll do everything here to know who the killer is and what their motive is in killing him. Take care and don't even think about worrying about everything here. I'll take care of it for you." "Thank you. Don't go too far in investigating or you'll be next on their hit list. I mean it Mr. Sawyer. I don't wantbto lose you too. I've already lost a lot of people close to me. I'll end the call now. Take care. Bye!" I didn't let him answer, I just ended the call and went my way to Brundtland. Before turning on the GPS, I stopped the car at a nearby gas station to have the tank filled and to check if someone put a bug in my baby while I was doing my job earlier. I checked every corner of my baby and bingo! Someone did put a bug on it. And not just one, but three. Three different sized chips of different colors to camouflage on my car. Sloppy of them. I finished checking the outside and underside of my car, I went to check the inside of it, just to be sure. I popped up the hood and immediately found one on the top of oil tank. Did they really thought that I wouldn't know the inside of my car? I customized the freaking engine to my liking. Obviously, the ones who were supposed to put the bug in didn't know the difference in the engine of a normal Porsche and mine. I checked the entire hood of my car and found no further bugs in it. I checked the trunk, the back seat, the floors, the front seats, the console, everything. I huffed in satisfaction when I found no more. The last thing I checked was my GPS. Not even Henry knows that I tempered with cars GPS system. I took out my laptop and checked if someone managed to hack into the GPS system I improved. I wanted to learn how to do computer programming when I was fifteen, so I watched videos on YouTube, took free courses on programming that are actually offered to college students, and practiced. When I mastered the basics and learned a few advance programming techniques, I encrypted my car's GPS system so that I will be alerted if anyone hacked, or tried to hack it. I was impressed by whoever tried to hack it because they somehow got to the lower level of my encryption. I had made three levels of encryption for my GPS, and the hacker they hired got through two levels. And he or she is still trying to get through the last level. Too bad I caught you. I activated my back up encryption code and I gave the hacker a tremendous headache. I planted my very own virus in whatever system they are using. Sucks to be you, b***h. I went to the gasoline pump and filled my tank to the brim, paid for the gas and let my baby fly into oblivion. I was on a freaking highway and no one would bother to follow and capture me here. My baby was made to fly and I'm letting it fly to its heart's content. Driving like the wind takes my mind off of what just happened a few hours ago. I need my mind clear of excessive, unwanted feelings if I want to survive those sons of bitches. Especially Chase Williams. I'll have a special plan for him. I know I'm not supposed to do torture but he will have it, in spades and buckets. He deserves every drop of torture that I will give him. I'll give him all of my undivided attention. Once I was sure I was a good distance from the gas station and was nearing a junction on the road, I turned on my car's GPS and put in the name of the town. I turned right and followed the direction that the GPS is showing on the screen. I sighed in defeat. Not knowing why they did this is making my blood boil. I'll bide my time and I'll seek revenge by having each and every one of them hell tenfold.
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