Getting tortured by telling the truth and dealing with a stubborn pig

2111 Words

What have you been up to, Henry? What secrets of mine have you told to your daughter? Should I trust her? But first, I need to get the food on to the table before it hits the floor due to the shock of what the siblings just heard from Bria's mouth. Her knuckles are turning white from the intensity of holding the plate too tight. "Vi, kindly put the plate of food on the table before the floor eats it all. Jeez, I'm not here to kill you guys. You already heard what Bria said just now. I'm here to lie low. I'm not any assassin, I'm just a normal incoming college student that is still deciding on what to do with her life. Did Henry tell you anything else besides my side job?" I ask Bria, just wanted to know if Henry told her the truth about me. The real me, the one that Owen is trying so hard

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