Chapter 2

968 Words
2 The three of us made our way onto the ice rink. I immediately knew Guy was in trouble. I gracefully glided my way into the center of the rink, even doing a spin to impress my hubby...and Jenna. She joined me at the center of the rink and we waited for Guy to catch up. If you have ever seen those YouTube videos of newborn giraffes - the ones where they try to stand up but are totally unsuccessful - that is exactly how Guy looked trying to skate for the first time. His legs would slowly drift apart on the ice, then he'd struggle to bring them back together, then they would drift apart again. His body would almost tip over, but with just enough arm flailing, somehow he would manage to stay standing up. It was adorable. Jenna and I were both at the center of the ring, encouraging him to keep trying. How depressing! Guy thought. A thirty-something man on an ice skating rink being encouraged to keep trying like a three year old! "Remember your wife's promise," yelled Jenna, "hot chocolate if you can stay up for a minute!" "If you can stay up for a minute more, later today I'll give you something that will really make you stay up!" I yelled loudly. Jenna playfully hit me in the arm and we started to cackle with laughter. "Ok, that's actually an incentive worth fighting for!" Guy yelled. Just then, he fell completely forward, face first! Jenna and I burst into friendly laughter. "Oh, Guy, baby, I'm sorry!" I yelled as I came to his rescue. Jenna joined me from behind, "yeah I'm sorry we laughed - it was just so funny seeing you fall at the promise of - well, what your wife said…" her voice trailing off. "Come on," I said, offering my hubby a hand. "We won't mess you with anymore." Guy slowly regained his balance as I helped him to his feet. "Holy crap, this is the worst date we've ever had!" He joked. "Well, I'll make it up to you," I winked at Jenna. Jenna blushed awkwardly. Guy could tell Jenna felt a little left out in the midst of our playfully seductive couple jokes. He reached for her hand as Jenna helped him steady himself. Guy's left hand was in mine, his right now in Jenna's. "Ok, you two are skating experts," Guy said warmly, "so slowly guide me around the ring at least once." Jenna smiled at us. "You guys are so freaking adorable," she cooed as she crinkled her cute button nose up...scrunching her entire face so she looked like a plush toy. She still looked hot as f**k. Guy looked a bit scared. I couldn't tell if it was the ice, or the oddly attractive young girl. Maybe it was a combination of both. The three of us slowly made our way from the center of the rink to the edge and began to make a slow circle around it. Jenna and I anchored Guy and he began to gain some confidence. "You just can't think about the ice. That's what my dad told me," said Jenna. "Yeah, just don't think about anything and you'll be fine," I added, "that's how I learned." We completed the circle and began our way around one more time. As we got to the end of the second loop around, Guy decided it was time to be my wingman and step in to make this ice skating date a little more unforgettable. "You two keep going," he said as he freed each of his hands from our grip. "I'm tired of slowing you both down - I wanna stand here and watch how the pros do it!" Guy joked. "Ok, let's show him how it's done!" I said as I sped away from Jenna and Guy. He ordered the young woman: "Better go catch her - she's pretty fast!" Jenna smiled and sped towards me. I was making circles and gracefully taunting Jenna. "You can't catch me!" I screamed playfully at Jenna. I figured if she was in school to become a preschool teacher, there was a naturally playful side to her...and I was right. She was loving this little game of cat and mouse...or should I say, Sadie and mouse. Guy leaned against the rink wall and watched us for several minutes. We were circling the rink faster and faster. Occasionally one of us would inch past the other in our friendly race. As we darted past, I winked at Guy. It was the "I'm about to go in for the kill" wink that he knew and loved so well. Guy nodded and winked back, smiling. I raced to catch up with Jenna and then let out a cry, "oh no, I'm going to fallllll…." As I said this, I purposefully fell to the ice - being careful to not injure myself. It was clearly fake, and obvious to anyone watching. Thankfully, Jenna wasn't watching as she was several yards ahead of me. Jenna quickly turned around and changed directions to head back towards my collapsed body. "Oh my god, are you ok?" She asked, reaching me in seconds. "I'll be fine, I just lost my balance," I said. "Here, let me help you," Jenna said, helping me to my feet. I clung to Jenna's arms and pretended to lose my balance again - which provided me with the chance to wrap my arms around the young woman's slender waist. We both toppled onto the ice as we burst into laughter. "Now do you two need my rescuing?" Guy yelled tauntingly. We both were in a laughter fit, laying on our backs on the cold ice. As our laughter died down, I rolled over to face the perky rink manager. I brought my finger to the young woman's face and brushed her hair back and around her ear. "You have beautiful hair," I said seductively. Jenna blushed as her eyes darted from my gaze. "Let's go in and warm up," I said to Jenna.
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