
991 Words
ALICIA I could feel his eyes digging into me as he grabbed fistfuls of my hair. I winced in pain but he didn't care. He brought his face closer to mine. "I... Tristan Greythorne rejects you...." "No! No!" I screamed as I struggled to free myself from his grasp. I knew what he was about to do and I had always dreaded the day it would happen. Tears slid down my cheek as I looked up at him, pleading with my eyes, for him to give us another chance, but he wasn't the same Tristan I used to know. Those loving eyes I used to feel lost in were nothing but a bottomless pit of darkness now. His sinister smile grew wider as he held on tightly, he hit me hard across the face. "I, Tristan Greythorne, reject you, Alicia Clark of Montrose pack as my mate." Words have never hurt so badly as this one did. It felt like something was ripped right out of my chest, leaving a gaping hole behind. I gasped for breath as if oxygen had suddenly become unbreathable. "Tristan... Please... We can fix this, we have to fix this." I pleaded, but he simply shoved me aside and walked away. I struggled to stand on my feet but I crumbled back to the floor, my legs felt like jellies under me. I looked down at my wedding dress, ripped right in the center and stained because Tristan had spilled wine on it earlier, I heard someone chuckling and my eyes shot up to find Anna standing at the door. She leaned casually on the door frame, staring at me with disdain and delight. I could tell she was reveling in my shame, in my pain, since we were kids, Anna had taken it upon herself to make my life miserable and now, she had taken the only thing that could have guaranteed my happiness. "Did you really think he would marry you?" She asked as she strolled casually towards me. Her blonde wavy hair bounced off her shoulders, her hips swayed side to side with sensuality as she approached me, sitting on the floor, with my tear-stained face and torn dress. "Did you really think that he would want to spend the rest of his life with a CURSED CHILD?" She had intentionally taken her time on those last words. She knew how they made me feel and she didn't fail to use them at the slightest opportunity. She bent down and grabbed my chin with her hands, her well-manicured nails dug into my flesh. I could feel blood trickling down my face but I did not want to indulge her by crying or whimpering in her presence. "Nobody wants you here, Alicia. When would you realize that? Dimwit!" She cursed and slapped me hard across the face. That move was unexpected. I winced at the sting, she had hit me in the same spot that Tristan did, so it hurt more than usual. "Even your mother didn't want you, that's why she preferred to die than to live with you." Her eyes gleamed mischievously, "You know what Alicia, you really are cursed. If you could kill your mother, then I don't think you deserve a man like Tristan, you don't even deserve to be the daughter of the Alpha. Heck! You don't deserve anything." Anna shoved me aside roughly, she raised her foot and was about to hit me hard with her boots. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the impact, but it never came. Instead, Tristan's voice echoed around the room. "There you are, I have been looking everywhere for you." He said softly. I used to feel so much happiness bubbling under my skin anytime I heard his voice, but now, I felt so numb, void of any emotions other than pain. I opened my eyes to find Anna in Tristan's arms as he took her lips in his. The way he held onto her as he kissed her hurt me more than the fact that he was kissing her. He had never done that to me before. I was always the one forcing my way and struggling to be the perfect woman for him. He never found anything I did pleasing and he had never touched me before, at least not in a s****l way. "You don't have to waste your strength on such a worthless thing like her," Tristan said, as he placed a gentle kiss on Anna's forehead. "So what do we do with her?" She asked as she ran her hands over his broad chest. "I think the dungeons would be a suitable place for a person like her," he said with a grin. "But what would her father say?" Anna asked. "He wouldn't even notice that she is gone," Tristan replied with a chuckle, and a broad smile spread across Anna's face. Tristan called for a guard and he appeared shortly after. I didn't struggle, neither did I scream, I just let him drag me along, I had given up already, given up on everything. He dragged me all the way to the underground dungeons, he shoved me into a room without a window, and shut the door after spitting on me. Darkness enveloped me immediately. I sat on the bare floor and hugged my knees, wondering where it had all gone wrong, what have I done to deserve a father like him and a life like this? Maybe... Maybe if she had not died... Maybe all this wouldn't have happened. Suddenly, the pain of all the events of the day, a day that was supposed to be filled with happiness, came crashing down on me and I let out a loud scream. I sincerely hoped they would just leave me here and I could die quietly in my sleep or something. After all, staying alive was no different than being dead in my own case.
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