Chapter 4

1108 Words
You were arranging  your clothes and your other belongings at your new room. Yes, today your sister came and picked you up to go live with them as it had been decided.You really didn't want to though.  Yesterday at the elevator you passed two hours locked in there with him while playing rock paper scissors and even tho it was a silly game you were glad that his so called idea to pass the time was not anything else. But by those two hours your heart almost stopped beating many times as he was being rather teasing you might say. I guess this is just his way of being friendly with me . After You finished and went down the stairs and once you saw Jungkook and your sister alone in the kitchen you run like a racing car to approach them . "Is everything okay, sis?" You asked, not even bothering to greet him . Jungkook looked your way and even tho you were staring daggers at him, he just smiled and said good morning . Suddenly Jimin came down the stairs all dressed up for work having his phone on his hand and once he saw you all gathered in the kitchen ,he stopped for a second and came your way . "Oh!Jungkook-ah, you are here,Good morning and also Good morning to this sweet lady." He looked at you and you feel you cheeks getting flustered. How can he be like this in front of your sister too. How can he be so flirty ? He pecks your sister's lips and sits to eat the breakfast that your sister prepared. "Y/N-ah, Won't you go change up.You will be late." Your sister addressed you and you give her a confused look. "Yeah, you should Y/N, you are gonna come with me to work today and i will show you around." Jimin added and your eyes instantly grew wide. Like hell i am gonna leave with him and let Jungkook here. Not happening. "Ah, it's okay, thanks for the offer, even without your help i am sure i will learn the places eventually." You tried to avoid it even tho you know well enough you needed that tour. "Are you trying to avoid me?Why ? Do you like me or something?" He casually said , making  you freeze in place. Your heart dropped to your feet and you started panicking on the inside . "Wa-Waa-what are you talking about.M-me never. You ?! Hell no!!" You strongly protest as you waved your hands in a denying manner and Jungkook and your sister started to laugh while Jimin rose his eyebrows and spoke up again. "Why?Am i not hot enough for you?" You could feel yourself sweating cold sweat and as they started laughing more , you realized that he was just teasing you , your facial expression grew to display our  angrer at that moment  and you gave them all a death stare that made them stop. "Sorry, you don't have to make that face, I was just teasing you." His apology was followed by a small smile before he took another bite from his breakfast ,mouthing at your sister  'she is grumpy ' referring to you thing that made  her giggle . You looked at them with a desire to slap the s**t out off all of them but you compressed it and instead went up stairs to get ready. When you returned, you noticed that Jungkook was no longer in the kitchen and that made you feel relieved. "Let's go Y/N." Jimin said as he got up from his chair and took his black leather briefcase and after you said 'good bye' to your sister , you followed him out the door. You spend the whole day with him at work and fortunately there he behaved more seriously and you were really grateful for that cause your heart can really not take much when it comes to him. Even a small smile makes your heart beat increase even the most simple words makes you love him more and this was not good at all. You two returned back home by 21:00 and to your surprise once you entered inside inside the house, the lights were all turned off. Where did Sis go?At this hour she should be home. Jimin took off his jacket and loosen up his necktie once he had reahced at the couch,not having noticed your confusion yet andwhile he was doing that in your eyes  he really looked too attractive and the very thought of yours was reather unpleasant to you. "Emm, do you know where my sister could be?" You found the courage to  ask him and he looked above his shoulder to take a glimpse of you . Once again he looked too hot. Damn, just why? "Didn't she tell you? She will be gone for two days in a business trip to Japan." He calmly replied but his words only calm didn't make you. Two days alone with him??!! WHY!! You panicked and didn't know what to do as you started pacing up and down forgetting the presence of Jimin that was now staring at you in confusion . Once you noticed that ,you stopped and as you now were nervous and embarrassed as well you just lowered your head, cursing underneath your breath. "I-I will go make us dinner then." You said while avoiding to look at his eyes as you make your way upstairs to change your clothes and come prepare something to eat. When you came back Jimin was no longer to the living room and you let out a small breath in relief,happy that his overwhelming presence wasn't around, then you headed to the kitchen and started cooking dinner. You were half way done when a slight coughing catched your attention and as you lifted up your head you were met with a wet haired jimin that seemed like he had just finished taking a shower. Your heart was almost flying of your chest only by glancing at him so you quickly lowered your head again , pretending that you didn't notice him. You focused on the food and as you struggled to throw away the thoughts of him that were dominating your head, you suddenly felt a pair of hands bringing you into a back hug. You froze at his touch and your hands start to tremble while you could swear that you couldn't feel your heart beat anymore. He leaned closer, letting his chin lay on your right shoulder and then slowly in a rather seductive voice,  he whispered.. "You smell just like that night."
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