The Princess

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“Sweetie, why are you still up?” The queen asked as she opened the door of the little princess’s room and find the little girl lying on the bed but got her eyes opened widely while staring at the ceiling. The 8-year-old princess looked back at the queen and sat up at the bed with a pout on her lips. “I can’t sleep, Mommy. Can you read me a story again?” The queen can’t help but smile at the cuteness of the little princess then made her way to the little princess’s bed. “Of course our little cutie princess.” The little princess smiled and lie her back on the bed again while looking excitedly at the queen. “So what story does our cute little princess want to hear?” The queen leaned her back on the bed's headboard and because of that, the little princess scooted closer to her and made her lap a pillow. A smile made its way on the queen’s lips again, feeling really warm to the sweetness of the little princess. “I want to hear the story of the princess and the citizen again Mom.” “But haven’t you heard that story multiple times already?” The princess looked apologetically and smiled at the Queen. “Yeah. But that’s my favorite.” The little princess pursed her lips, acting cutely at the queen. The same action made the queen remembered something. She smiled at the little princess and pinched her cheeks before saying “Okay but don’t sleep on me.” The queen and the little princess exchanged a smile first before the queen started telling the same old story that the little princess never get tired of. “There once was a ..” -- Syr, the only daughter/princess of the King Harold Evans of the farthest, smallest but the most peaceful country in North America, Jura, is humming a song as she watered her plants. Seeing the plants that she’s been spending weeks and months taking care, made her mood really great. Plants have something on them that’s comforting Syr and giving her a peaceful mind. She was really thankful to her mom, the queen for teaching her things about taking care of the plants. Now she understood why her mother can spend hours after hours by just being with her plants. “Syr, dear.” The king called and stood up behind Syr. Syr turned off the hose and looked back at her father with a big smile on her face. “What is it, Dad?” “Well. Harold and you get along pretty well, right?” Harold is one of the most skilled guards in their castle. He’s also the son of the head of the guards. He and Syr are really close because they grew up together and because of that they became best friends in no time. “Yes, Dad. What about him?” “I’m just thinking, why don’t you two get together and married each other?” Syr looked at her father in disbelief, can’t believe what her father just spewed. Harold and her getting married? That was something she will never hope for, and she believes Harold too. It’s not like Harold isn’t good-looking, he is. He has girls obsessed with him but Syr is really not interested in him. Syr is not interested in anyone. They are just best friends and she wants it to remain just like that until her life ran out. “Are you kidding me Dad? Why would we get together? Why will I ever marry him? We're just friends and that won’t change no matter how many years passed.” “But sweetie. You’re not getting young, you’re already 28 years old. You’re supposed to be planning marriage already. But up until now you still haven’t introduced someone to me. Well, I don’t care if he’s just a normal citizen, a low-ranking guard, or even if that someone is a girl. I’m completely fine with anyone. I can’t help but get worried. You looked like you're not thinking about it.” Syr heaved a long sigh. She understands her father but she really is not yet in the mood to like anyone, get into a relationship, and be tied forever. She still wants to enjoy her freedom. She still wants to enjoy her life to the fullest, alone. She doesn’t care if she’s not getting young or what. What’s only important to her is the things that she likes. She will do what she likes to do and reject the things that she doesn’t like. “Father you’re over exaggerating it. The way you speak like I’m already 40. I’m just 28 and I still have years to get to that thing. For now, I just want to enjoy my time alone.” “But sweetie-” Syr heaved a long sigh again which followed a roll of her eyes then put down the hose and walked away from her father to go to her room. Her father followed her, still trying to talk to her but she’s not responding. Syr reached out for her favorite medium-sized shoulder bag. She stuffed the most important things in there, like a wallet, her passport, perfume, makeup, and more, and just keep ignoring her father. “What’s this sweetie? What are you doing? Are you leaving the house again?” “Yes, Dad. I’ll return if you already organized your thoughts and convinced yourself that I still don’t need to get married.” Her father groaned at the honesty of her daughter. Whoever will run away from home but informing her parents? “Sweetie you know you longer need to do this right? And also you know that I’m only doing this for you, right? I just want the best for you.” Syr rolled her eyes at her father’s statement and just continued stuffing things on her bag. “Honey, sweetie, what are you guys talking about?” Syr’s mother, the queen asked, standing at the door frame and looking confused at them. “Honey. You came at the right time, help me convince Syr to not leave. She will run away from home again.” “This won’t happen that if you won’t stop insisting that I should marry Harold, Dad." The king looked and approached his wife, begging his wife to help him stop Syr from leaving the house again. The queen walked towards Syr and take a seat beside the opened bag. “Did you already have your passport within you?” The king didn’t get to stop himself from cursing, can’t believe what he just heard from his own wife. “Yes, Mom.” Syr answered, ignoring her father.  “Honey. Why are you condoning your daughter? Why are you always okay with your daughter leaving home? Aren’t you getting worried about her every time she’s doing that?” “Of course I am but our daughter is already big enough to take care of herself. And also, isn’t this your fault? It’s because you’re always trying to stick your nose on your daughter’s life. I told you a few times already to just let your daughter decide for herself but you still can’t get your thoughts and opinions all by yourself.” The king let out an exasperated sigh then left Syr’s room without saying anything. Whatever he says, it’s not like they will listen to him. He was a pretty strict king but to her daughter and wife, he never win any argument. He’s kind of ‘under’ for both of them.  The king is pissed. His daughter and wife can’t just understand that he’s doing this for them. Syr is not getting young. She needs to think of her future already and make plans but because her daughter doesn’t look like she has one, he can’t help but stick his nose on his daughter’s life. He just wants the best for his daughter. Is that wrong?  Syr kissed her Mom’s cheek and gave her a warm hug. “Take care of yourself Syr. If you encountered any problems call me, okay?” Syr nodded her head and once again gave the queen a hug before she left the castle with a medium-sized bag only in her hand. Syr managed to book a last-minute flight later, 3:00 in the afternoon at a random country that she picked at a continent that she never ever step her feet yet, Asia. She’s doing this in the hope to change his father’s mind but she can’t help but feel excitement for this. The last time she ran away from is 3 years ago for some childish reason that she no longer remember what is it. Running away from home is not a new thing for her. She’s been doing this since she’s only 15 years old. And Syr can no longer remember how many times she had done this. But she has never ever gone that far, just now. Her flight will last less than 17 hours and she wasn’t sure how will she kill the boredom for that almost 17 hours flight. It’s only 11 o’clock in the afternoon, she checked-in in a hotel while waiting for her flight. She’s starving but she’s not in the mood to go out or eat any fancy foods at the hotel so she just gave her best friend Harold, a call and asked, more like forced him to bring her something to eat. Syr took a long time than needed in the shower, felt really good to take a long bath after being stuck in traffic and being around strangers. Just when she finished changing into more comfortable clothes, Syr finally heard some knocks outside her hotel room. She opened it and was welcomed by her best friend’s grumpy face. Harold raised the food that he bought closed to Syr’s face. Syr squealed and immediately grabbed the food, leaving her best friend on the door. Harold closed the door and followed Syr. He found his best friend, sitting on the couch and already eating. “What makes you run away again?” Harold asked staring at his best friend eating in a non-ladylike manner. Before answering Harold’s question, she asked Harold if he want any without saying anything and just pointing her index finger to the food. Harold actually wants some too since he’s been craving for that for days too but after seeing his best friend eating like that, he lost his appetite. Harold just shook his head and waved his hand in front of Syr’s face. Syr first emptied her mouth before she opened them to speak, at least she knew that manner. “Didn’t you heard yet? Dad wants me to be married to you. Like hell will I want that.” “Like hell will I want that too. And yes I just heard that news from my dad this morning. But don’t you think you’re taking this too far?” “What do you mean?” Syr inquired, still busy eating. Now she remembered why is she this hungry, she missed breakfast. “I mean. You can just talk to your father about this and I’ll talk to mine and the king too. If they learned that we both don’t want to be married to each other then maybe they will change their minds.” Syr shrugged her shoulders and reached out for the drinks that Harold also bought for her before replying. “I don’t think it will be that easy. Daddy kept insisting that I’m not getting young and that I should think of those things already but I’m really not yet ready for those things. And also, doing this is okay. After all, it’s been years since I leave the country.” Harold just sighed, convinced that whatever he say, Syr won’t ever consider any of it. “Then in what country are you going now?” Syr stopped eating for a minute, trying to recall what country she chose again. “Hmm I can’t really remember but it starts with Vi.” Harold shook his head in disbelief and waited for Syr to recall the country while trying to think of a country starting in Vi. “Vili- No- Vidi- No-” “Are you perhaps referring to Viridis?” Harold asked in horror. “Yes, that’s it!” “Are you kidding me? Don’t you have any idea how dangerous that country is?!” Harold asked grabbing her best friend’s shoulders and shaking her like he’s trying to get her back into her senses. “W-What do you mean dangerous? How can that country be dangerous?” Harold frustratedly sighed as he rubbed his temples. “W-Why are you reacting that way?” Harold raised his head and glared at his best friend. “That country is labeled as the most dangerous country in Asia. It has a high crime rate.” “Oh.” “What do you mean oh? Didn’t you just hear me? That country is dangerous. Cancel your flight now and just choose a different country.” Harold took Syr's cell phone and handed it to her, motioning for her to call the airline immediately but Syr doesn’t look that worried as she continued eating her food and just placed her phone beside her. “Come on. That country won’t be that bad.”
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