You are not crazy

2656 Words
Chloe kept on staring at the witches from the window, not knowing whether to confront these creepy strangers or not. They stood in that same position without moving, mumbling the same words repeatedly. After a while, she heard the leader call out her name. She was taken aback by this. “Does every creepy person in New York know my name?" She asked herself. Ariana called her name repeatedly until Chloe decided to go confront them not minding the consequences. “I'm a detective, this is what I do. Get answers" She reminded herself. She opened the front door and stepped out of the house. The chilly air gave her a cold feeling. She adjusted her pyjamas and walked slowly to where they were, scanning the environment to avoid being taken by surprise. She stopped at a safe distance from them. “Who are you people? How do you know my name, where I live and what the hell do you want from me?" She questioned They stopped their mumbling just before Ariana stepped forward. “We are here to protect you" she replied, removing her hood and exposing her face. “Protect me from what? Who are you people?" It seemed to her like every answer they give made her more confused. “We are the sister coven - circle of the full moon" She Introduced “And we are here to protect you, the night that threatens the prophecy" She explained “Again with this prophecy nonsense and you expect me to believe you are witches" Chloe asked irritated “Deep down you know I am telling the truth and you'll be a fool not to believe with the prophecy already in play." Said Ariana “Even if what you say is true, how does it concern me?" She asked “Because, Chloe Walker. You are the old" Ariana replied *** Viktor walked into the tattoo parlor. The people in the room stared at him viciously and as he headed for the room in the back, they stood up and followed behind him. He came into the open room where he saw men and women laughing, drinking and dancing. The room was filled with the stench of beer and w****s. The music was loud and some guys could been seen fighting by the pool table angrily while others cheered them on. As soon as he stepped into the room, everywhere became quiet instantly save for the music. They all turned their attention to him, growling and snarling at him. One of the guys stood in front of him blocking his path. The music died now. He smiled at the huge guy “You reek buddy" he said to him. This annoyed the guy more who was charging to fight with him when Cain tapped him on his shoulder, signalling him to step back. Viktor waved goodbye to the huge guy. “Pretty stupid of you to come into a wolf's den, blood sucker!" Cain said “If it isn't the alpha of the moonstone pack" Viktor smiled “I have heard so much about you. An alpha who does what he wants and take what he wants" continued Viktor “Well I can't say I have heard about you, so skedaddle, unless you came here for the sweet release of death" Cain replied “Oooh I have no plan of dying today or any other day. I came here with an offer you would most certainly be interested in" He explained “An offer huh?!...come with me" he said leading him to a quiet room, arranged like an office setting. The music came back on, just as loud as it had been in the pool room. *** “What do you mean I'm the ‘old' " Chloe asked “It means you are the descendant of one of the very first coven of witches, a very powerful one. And the only remaining one" Ariana explained Chloe chuckled at what she just heard. “Sorry, I'm a witch?" She said amidst chuckling. “This isn't funny Chloe. If we can find you, so can the blood witches" Said Ariana “Chloe!!!" Sam called from the doorstep. Chloe turned her head to his direction “Who are you talking to?" He asked “Them" she said pointing at the witches. “What are you talking about? There's no one there" He said surprised. She looked back at Ariana and the others “What the hell is going on? Am I hallucinating?" She asked “No you are not. He can't see us cause we are using a cloaking spell. Only a witch such as yourself can see us" Ariana explained “Come back inside honey. I think you are imagining things out of stress" Sam said. “This is insane, this is all insane" she said to Ariana before retreating to where Sam was. She glanced back them before closing the door and they were gone. *** “Go on ladies, give us a moment" Cain dismissed the girls in the room. “So you said you have an offer for me" he stated as soon as the girls left. “I have been watching your pack closely even before I came to New York. Quite impressive recored you have there and quite an achievement too. Challenged your alpha when you were just 18 and won. Took your pack from the deserted land they once were into the big city. No wonder they respect you so much" Viktor explained “Thank you, but tell me Flattering is not all you are here to offer" Cain replied “Oh no, I'm here because i require your skill" he confessed “My skill?! You have to be more specific than that. I hava a lot of skills" he smiled sheepishly “Your alpha skill. I need you and your pack. I am the son of the high Lord, the king of my people but you see, the vampires are getting itchy, brewing for war and in our war only the ones with vast power wins. And that's why I'm here" Viktor explained “Sorry, not interested" Cain replied “You don't seem to understand what I'm saying... " “Oh I do. The vampires are getting ready for war. The thing is, we are werewolves. We don't meddle in Vampires affairs and they don't meddle in ours. Like you said, I took my pack from nothing to running a part of the city. I didn't do that by being foolish." Cain explained “No, you did by being ambitious. Aren't you tired of running just small portion of the city? Why run a quarter when you can run the whole city?! Which brings me to my offer. Help me claim power and your pack alone with run the whole of New York. Let's help each other. You are an ambitious man. Why stop now?!" Viktor persuaded Cain thought about it for a while “Even if I agree to this, my pack will never go for it" he pointed out “Like I said at the beginning of our conversation, your pack respects you. They'll do whatever you tell them to do. So do we have a deal?" Asked Viktor, extending a handshake. ***FRANCE*** William sat in the chapel, staring at the cross placed above the altar. He sat in silence but deep in thoughts, thoughts far away from what was in his presence. He heard footsteps walking into the chapel but he kept on staring at the cross. “William!" The intruder called, sitting down on the seat behind him. “Hello petyr" William greeted without averting his gaze from the cross. “I knew it would be a matter of time before you show up. No doubt to come confess your treachery" He added “I would like an audience with the high Lord" Petyr said “That's not gonna happen Petyr. You see, your family are branded as traitors" Said William “That's why I'm here, to pledge to the high Lord that I'll do everything I can to bring my mother before him" Petyr explained “And why would you betray her now?" He questioned “With my mother out there, there's bound to be chaos upsetting the peace and I don't want that. I guess I wanna do what's right" said Petyr “Or, you just like running the family and you are afraid that if your siblings eventually warm up to dear old mom, you'll lose that power. You see, I know people like you. You always like to be in control, to retain power and when someone or something threatens that power, you deal with it in anyway possible, no matter what. I admire that, I do. Especially because you remind me of myself. You are a leader Petyr, but it's sad you chose to limit your potentials. Anyway, I will pass your message to the High Lord. Do what you must to bring Isabella to justice. The more people out there looking for her, the better and when you want more, you come see me" William concluded. William brought out his phone and dialed a number as soon as Petyr stood up and left the chapel. The phone rang for a short while before it was answered. “Hello Mr Gerard, I haven't heard from you. You are supposed to update me with your progress" he stated “There hasn't been any progress yet but I'm working on it" Matthew said from the other end of the phone “Well whatever you are doing, I suggest you do it quick because your brother is fast becoming desecrated from being blood starved" He ended the call before Mathew could say anything else. ***NEW YORK*** Matthew tucked his phone into his pants, thinking about what William just said right before Michael came out of the room, Putting on his suit jacket. “Why are you looking so gloomy?" He asked, noticing Matthews face “Nothing, just thought about something from the past" Matthew replied “Alright then. Are you ready?" He asked. “Yeah, yeah I am. Let's go" they stepped into the elevator. As they came out of the building they stumbled upon Chloe who was about to enter into the building also. “Ah detective! What a nice surprise. I didn't take you for one who loves my company enough to continuously visit me at my house" Michael joked “I'd rather much be at my house right with my fiance" She said showing him her engagement ring, so he can stop the flirting “Engagement rings do turn me on" he smiled “So why the visit detective? Oh pardon my manners. This is my good friend Matthew" he said pointing to Matthew “Hi, I'm detective Chloe" she smiled at him. “Any progress on the case detective?" He asked “Well, we have a witness claiming it was Vampires and the last victim had what seemed like a rabid dog's bite. A werewolf, if you must" She explained “Of course it is" Michael said with a serious face, looking at the detective Chloe's expression became serious “It is?" She asked with seriousness in her voice “Of course...and the next victim will probably be killed by angels. You'll know by the feather from their wings that'll most likely be left on the crime scene" He said right before bursting into laughter. Chloe rolled her eyes and sighed as she thought he was being serious and was actually starting to believe more. “There are no such thing detective. I think the killer is just trying to dust you off their trail?" Matthew chipped in “Yeah probably. Actually I'm here to ask you Michael, how did you come about the name Ares?" She asked “Does it matter detective? You said it doesn't exist" He replied “Yeah but the source you heard it from might have other leads" She pointed out “Trust me detective, there's no other lead coming out from that source" He explained. “As much as I enjoy your presence detective, We actually have somewhere important to be right now. See you around detective and I'll try to be active in the case anytime" He winked before leaving alongside Matthew. Chloe stood there, watching their retreating backs and wondering why she told him about the vampire and werewolves lunatic. She wonder how she just felt like she could tell him anything. All these started after their hands grazed together. *** Viktor stood outside the building, staring up to the top of the building. He brought out his phone and dialed a number. “Are you in position?" He asked “Yeah, just waiting for the signal" Cain said from the other end “Good. We have the element of surprise just this once and I don't wanna miss it, cause it'll make it harder. So I need this done well and precisely. Is your pack in line?" He asked again “They are not the problem. Are you sure you got your Intel right? I don't want to be walking my guys into a death trap" he replied “I assure you, everything will go as planned and you won't lose anyone if you follow my instructions. So wait for my signal." He ended the call. He waited for some few minutes before a message popped up on his phone “Done, better be fast about. It won't keep her weak for long" the message read. *** Michael and Mathew parked in front of the building. They were about to come out when they noticed some guys putting someone that looks a lot like Isabella into a van. “Is that...?" Mathew asked “It can't be, those are werewolves. They can't have easily taken down Isabella" Michael said “We don't know what fully happened yet" Mathew pointed out. They came out of the car to go confront the wolves and rescue Isabella. As they approached the van, the van's engine turned on and drove off. “Let's go!" Mathew said loudly as he ran back to the vehicle so they can chase the van. Michael was about to follow suit when his ears picked up voices in the building. He could make out the person shouting NYPD was the detective. “Bloody hell" he said to himself. “Go! follow them. I'll catch up with you" he instructed as he ran into the building, leaving Mathew to pursue the van. He ran into the building so he can protect the detective from danger as he could hear some wolves trashing up the place. Detective Chloe and other cops got to the floor where the wolves were trashing and they split up to search different areas of the floor. The detective continued down the hall and as she got to the end, she noticed one of the doors opened and she could hear some persons growling and breaking things. As she got closer to the door, the growling died down instantly as they smelled her presence. She stopped on her tracks, the gun still in her hand as she aimed into the room “NYPD, step outside with your hands in the air" she instructed. She waited for some seconds with no reply and as she was about to repeat again, she heard a plank break and immediately one of the wolves jumped out of the room, sharp edged plank in hand. It happened so fast that she couldn't defend herself with her gun. she just closed her eyes as she heard the wood pierce into a body and a slow winced. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see Michael standing in front of her, the sharp wood pierced through his shoulders. She looked at him and gasped in shock as his eyes were glowing yellow. 
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