We all have a role to play

2700 Words

Petyr knocked on the door twice before pushing it open. “Hello, old friend" he smiled, walking into the office and sitting on the empty chair facing the desk. “This is a surprise. The bat finally left his cave. What brings you here, Petyr? I mean to New York City" Nicolas asked adjusting on his seat. “Well, some family issues, as you may know. My mother is alive, she's escaped desiccation and now she's been kidnapped" Petyr explained, keeping a straight face “Yeah I heard. Words do spread" “Yeah it's true. But what I don't know is how you knew she was still alive before sending your minions to wake her up" he stated, crossing his legs slowly. “What? what are you talking about?" Nicolas asked, clearing his throat and blinking his eyes rapidly “Oh come on! cut the crap. We are not kid

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