Chapter 3

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Felix and a wolf named Marcus were the ones we were meeting. Noah said there are others but they'll meet us when it's time to fight. I like Felix, him and I get along well, but I can't stand Marcus. We fight constantly, so Noah doesn't allow us in the same room together, like kids.  Which fits, i did bite his finger when he pointed at me.  I sit outside and use the knife i found to sharpen one of the sticks i found. I haven't decided whether i want to stab Marcus with it or get a fish. I assume when he shows his face it will end up in him. And i'm quite looking forward to it.  "So kid, you're still running around with Noah?" I nod. "Yes, I have nothing better to do." Felix sits in front of me on the rock, i can easily reach out and shove the pointed stick into him. It wouldn't be necessary, but i'm bored, and i haven't been in a fight for years. He can tell i'm considering which makes me smile. "You kill me, you'll have Noah on you." "I don't quite care about Noah." "But you run with him." "So do you. And do you care? I find that comical that anyone does." "Noah is not as devilish as you may think." Right, does he even know him? "Convince me otherwise. He did kill his mate." "It's much more complex than that." "Explain to me then how it is." He glances at me and sighs. "I can't. Not my place. But don't underestimate Noah. He's not that evil. But he doesn't take s**t from anyone." Evil enough to kill his brother and nephew. I mean you would think someone he's grown up with, he would have the kindness to not murder them. I understand the nephew, i already don't like him. Come on my territory and then play victim. What a p***y.  "So, what have you been doing Felix? Butt buddies with Noah?"  "Joke never gets old. One time you catch us and you just can't get over it."  "No. BUt what i want to know is, did you take it in the ass or did Noah?" "Mind your business. It's lonely out here. You're telling me you've never wondered?" "No." I lie through my teeth. I've wondered. Not long, only a few days, ever since that dream i've question my own sexuality. Whoever that man was, he was so enchanting to me, and i was attracted to him. "Glad to see you have." I quickly change the subject so he doesn't dwell on my s**t lie.  He rolls his eyes. "I haven't done anything. just traveled around, staying out of eyes of people who are looking for me." "What happened to your Felix? Noah tells me you were happy, and now you aren't." "Well, I lost everyone i loved in a week. You tell me if you can handle that." "Easy, I can't. I lost my parents and then my pact in a month and look at me now, rogue." "You murdered your parents. There's the difference." "Right." I whisper, returning my attention back to my stick.  I don't have anymore wasted breath trying to defend my innocence. I did that for a year and look where it got me. With two idiotic psychopaths, and a confused heartbroken, possibly gay, wolf. I could have my own pact, a mate, children to run to me after hard days. But the rogues made sure that was taken from me, and one day i'll get my revenge.  Usually, having someone say this would spark rage in me and i have some, but i see Noah walking towards us and i decide against it. For whatever reason, he really protects Felix, and i don't want to deal with a wolf that is stronger than me.  "Marcus and I are going hunting for dinner, any of you want to join?" He stops next to Felix, the s****l tension is definitely there, and this would be good payback for his comment. I bite my lip, to hold my ridiculous s**t eating grin i'm growing, and point to Felix.  "No, Felix can go." "Let's go Felix." I let the grin slip and i top it off with a grin. He gets off the chair and shoves me off the rock, growling. "Jackass." "Lock the door next time." I call after them, tipping my head back and laughing. I grab the stick and push back up to my feet, returning back to my rock.  I caught Felix and Noah together four years ago when we met up accidentally in Weidmen Michigan. I was changing states, and they were there so i joined them the two weeks they stayed. For whatever reason he wanted to be there badly.  One afternoon i left for a hunt and came back with four ducks, open the bedroom door to tell them something, only to see them both going at it. I didn't look long enough to see who was taking it, but by the attitude i get, i'm assuming Felix. They were missionary style and covered, so couldn't tell.  Though i'm glad I didn't tell who it was. It would be more awkward to be around Felix. But, a good thing did come out of this, Noah hasn't been a huge jackass like before. He's probably afraid i would tell his secret, and with good reason, i totally would. But no one cares enough to ask me.  After another two hours i've had it with the stick. I throw it against he rock i was at and grab one of the sleeping bags Noah stole. We are staying in a run down, abandoned cabin. Which means no beds, no couches, just rooms. I've picked the one closest to the door and far away from them.  Felix and Noah are sharing a room. Ironic. Felix wanted to bunk with me and i didn't mind, until Marcus started laughing and calling us fags so i offered Felix to bunk with Noah. Marcus already said it was a good idea, so if they both declined too quickly, it would look weird. Plus i don't think they mind.  I stand in the door way of my room when i hear them coming from the forest. My eyes don't leave Marcus as he walks to his bedroom and i flip him off the entire time there. Noah shakes his head when he walks in in front of Felix.  "Can you at least be civil." "That's asking too much. What'd you bag?" "Deer. Cook it up tomorrow for breakfast. You need to go out and start robbing people, you're better at it." "Yes boss." Felix walks in, and Noah's eyes instantly go to him and I swear i see just a hint of joy in his eyes when he makes eye contact with him. "Ready for bed?" He asks Felix who nods and walks into the bedroom and i grin.  "Have fun. Lock the door." "Noah smiles, winking at me and shutting the door; the lock clicking. I laugh and step back into my room, shutting my door, locking it as well. I rather not have Marcus come in and coke me while i sleep. Though it would be a nice way to wake up, just not from him.  I lay back in the sleeping bag and close my eyes.  __ I follow him through the woods, holding his hand. i love touching him. I love being around him. He is making me smile and all he's doing is smiling.  His mouth moves but nothing comes out, but i seem to follow his command and walk over the bridge with him. A bridge over a small pond, further down the river and about a five minute walk from my cabin. It's always this river, always this clearing, so close near my territory.  "Where are we going?" His name falls from my mouth but i can't seem to make it out, but when i say it, my heart skips a beat.  He answers, but no words fall out, but i understand he wants me over to the side of the river. He grabs my arms to wrap around his frail body. I do so willingly resting my head on his shoulder and inhale his min smell.  "You make me so happy." I whisper in his ear and smile wide.  __ I wake up with a ridiculous smile on my face and i hate it. It's barely morning, so i decide to get up and start the day. Most Rich people are up early like this, it's a blessing and a curse for a rogue stealing wolf.  I shut my bedroom door quietly and instantly hear the sounds coming from Felix and Noah's room. Glad to see they can have fun in such a depressing place. Wish they were quiet about it.  I walk out of the house and head towards the trail that leads to the main road and the city. This city is so small i could walk four miles and hit another town. But, plenty of doctors, lawyers, and small business owners to steal from. So that's today's plan. 
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