Chapter Six

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Chapter Six    Ellie’s point of view    I hid in one of the cleaning cupboards, and just tried to calm down, It was so dark, It probably wasn’t helping with my panic attack, but it was quiet and no one could stare at me in here. I managed to get my breathing under control and I just help myself tight and rocked, Willing myself to calm down.  I heard footsteps getting closer, but paid no attention until the door swung open and when I looked up, Mike was stood there, looking down at me. When I didn’t move from my position, he closed the door and sat down next to me.  It was like I just reverted back to how it was before and instantly milted in to him, letting him hold me.  It was weird... As soon as I was near him, I felt better. My breathing was fine, My panic vanished... Just... I felt normal again. He was like my drug.  He rested his hand on my knee, but I really didn’t mind or care.    The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, We had to go to registration, but... I just couldn’t face moving right now. It was like my legs wouldn’t or couldn’t move.  ‘Ellie, Honey, we have to go’. I shook my head quickily and reburied my face in my arms. I heard him sigh and his grip on me tightened. He wasn’t leaving either.  ‘Y-you’ll get in to trouble’. I told him, but he chuckled.  ‘I’m the teacher, not the student. I don’t have a class after lunch so missing registration will be fine’. I couldn’t help but smile. It's his first day and he’s skipping his own home room class to be here, comforting me. It made my heart melt a little.  I know he’s a good guy, he’s always been a good guy and that opinion if him will never ever change, but.. I just can’t.. Handle knowing that he can just turn into a wolf whenever he wants! It's weird!!  ‘Thank you for every thing’. I told him quietly.  ‘It's ok’. I looked up at him, but I couldn’t see any of his facial features, I could only see the outline of his head, It really was dark in here.  ‘No it's not. I’ve been awful to you, I just..’ I trailed off.  ‘Don’t know how to process it’.  ‘Yeah, pretty much’.  ‘Don’t worry about it, that's a normal reaction to have when the guy you’ve been dating suddenly grows furry and gets on four legs’. I couldn’t help but laugh softly, He laughed too.  ‘I’m really, truly sorry if any thing I’ve said… No, i am sorry that what I said has hurt you’. There was no ‘’if’’ about it, and thats the worst part. I had hurt his feelings with my harsh words, he didn’t deserve that.  ‘Ellie, it's fine’. I sighed sadly. He might say that, but, it doesn’t change the fact that in the moment.. I had hurt him. I’ll never forgive myself, even if he does.  ‘I’m going to therapy’. I suddenly admitted. No one except my parents knows that. I could feel his gaze on me. ‘To deal with what happened to me. I thought I was doing good but I’m not. I needed help’.  ‘Is it helping?’  ‘No. I’m lying to my therapist about how I really feel. I’m scared to open up and admit the truth.’  ‘I know it's hard but you have started the right process in getting over this. What you went through was horrific. It's understandable that you will need help dealing with it. Maybe, next time you go.. Try letting down that wall, Very very slowly and eventually it will get easier for you’.  ‘Ok’.     We sat in silence for a little while, Clearly, neither of us knew what to say, so, maybe I should just address the elephant in the room.. Or rather the wolf.  ‘I’m not going to tell a soul about your secret.’  ‘I know, I didn’t doubt you would’.  ‘Good’. It meant a lot that even now he trusts me. ‘I do love you, Mike. I love you so much, but, this is all just too much for me right now’.  ‘I understand’. I could hear it in his voice that he was hurt. This wasn’t exactly easy for me either though. ‘I hope we can be friends at least’.  ‘Maybe.. In the future, but for now.. I need to stay away from you because every time I see you it's like a dagger through my heart;. I admitted.  ‘Sure-’ He was cut off by the sound of the school bell going off again, telling us it was time to get to class. ‘Come on, Don’t want you getting in trouble’. He stood up and helped me to my feet. We had to be quick, Otherwise, some one might see us and get the wrong impression.  Michael went first and then a few minutes later I snuck out too. Luckily the hall way was empty and I dashed off to my next and last class.    At least we managed to talk about some things, that is some thing I suppose..   
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