Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven    Michael’s point of view    I left the cupboard first, not wanting to draw attention to us, especially not on the first bloody day, that wouldn’t be good, would it. I had a free period now before the end of the day, but I knew exactly what I was going to do.  I was glad Ellie had opened up to me the way she had and I was very glad she was going to therapy, but it was pointless if she wasn’t being honest and truthful, to her parents, the therapist or clearly even herself.  I wasn't going to betray her trust by telling her parents what she told me, but I was going to ring them and tell them about her little episode because I was extremely sure she wouldn’t… They needed to know.  I’d want to know. If I thought some one I loved were getting better after a traumatic event, and they weren’t, I’d definitely want to know.  I went in to my class room, it was already empty, luckily, and sat down at my desk. I got my phone out and instantly found her mums number. I like that I’m good friends with her parents, it means when times like this arise, it's not weird if I give one of them a call.  It rang a few times before she picked up.    ‘Michael, Hey, Is every thing ok?’ She was probably wondering why I was ringing in the middle of the school day when I should probably be working.  ‘Hey Mrs Dover, We need to talk about Ellie’. As soon as I said her name, I heard the worry in her mum's voice when she spoke again.  ‘Is every thing ok? Is it school related’.  ‘No, It's not school related, it's something to do with her wellbeing in general’.  ‘Oh?’ Now she sounded confused.  ‘Ellie told me she’s seeing a therapist’. I wasn’t going to go into detail about that, but I wanted her to know I knew in case she was worried about ‘’letting it slip’’.  ‘Oh she told you? Yeah, she’s doing really well actually, which is a big relief’. I felt bad having to burst her bubble, but I had to choose my words carefully, I really really didn’t want to throw Ellie under the bus here.  ‘Yeah, the problem is, She had a big of an episode at school today’. I heard her gasp. ‘I found her hiding in a cleaning cupboard, she managed to calm down and I’m not sure what set her off, but not only as a friend but as her teacher, I wanted you to know’. It felt weird referring to myself as Ellie’s teacher, but right now, it was true. I was more her teacher than anything else so..  ‘Thank you for letting me know Mike, I’ll contact her therapist and see if we can get her in for an extra appointment’. I dont know if that will do any good, but obviously, I didn’t say that.  ‘Ok, no problem’. I was about to say my good byes and hang up when she changed the subject.  ‘What are you doing this evening?’  ‘Um, not sure, why?’ Random question..  ‘We would like to invite you for dinner, to say thanks for everything you’ve done. I’m sure you haven’t had a chance to go shopping yet so want to make sure you have a good home cooked dinner... It's a beef roast?’ Well, that was true, my kitchen was empty.  ‘Well, I do love a good roast, but... I don’t know if Ellie would want me there’. She had just told me she needed space, but, her mum wouldn’t take no for an answer, and before I knew it I had agreed to go for dinner and she was gone.    That woman really knows how to get her own way. I see where Ellie gets it from. I chuckled to myself as I put my phone back in my desk and got to work on my lesson plans for the rest of the week. I'd rather be ahead.  I just couldn’t focus though, I was looking forward to seeing Ellie’s parents sure.. But how was she going to react to seeing me after just telling me she wants space…  Not good, Im guessing… 
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