Chapter 31

4000 Words

* "What are you doing here?" Ummayma asked as she looked up at Omar. "And how did you know it was me?" "Come on." Omar shrugged. "Don't you know I'd recognize you even from afar?" "No, I did not know that unfortunately." Ummayma smiled, though he couldn't see it because of the niqab. "Where are you off to on this bright and beautiful day?" he asked, leaning against the wall of the building beside them. "Um, to the market." Ummayma said. "There's someone I need to see." "Well then, I'll come with you." Omar offered. "No." she said, a little to forcefully. "You can't come with me." "Why not?" Omar c****d his head. "Are you perhaps embarking on a secret mission which no one is allowed to know of?" "Something like that." Ummayma nodded. "But for now, you can't come with me." "You

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