Chapter 4: Stress

323 Words
"You’re looking pretty melancholic today, Katherine." He’s not smoking, today, but cradling a tall glass of juice. “You know those days where you feel completely, utterly gross inside and out for no real reason?” I ask him, leaning on the cool railing and trying to breathe. “I’m sure that there is some kind of underlying reason...” “Maybe it’s because school sucks and I missed the entire first part of this precalculus chapter. Maybe it’s my deep-seated daddy issues. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m tired of moving… I don’t know, what are feelings?” I am feeling cold on the outside because I took off my coat when I got in the door, but my insides are hot and anxious. My stomach does this thing, when I’m worried or scared, that it figuratively lights on fire. As if that will help the situation. “Do you like math, usually?” “I don’t mind it… do you or did you?” If he’s in science, he definitely has to do Calculus or something. I’m only seventeen, how am I supposed to know university-level courses? “I was always good at math…” He answers, and I laugh because of course, he was good at it. “I was good at everything, though.” “Was that really necessary to add?” “I’m just the archetypical accomplished college boy without feelings. I could help you if you want. I help my siblings sometimes.” He shrugs. “Lots of siblings?” “Oh, you can’t even imagine.” Mysterious, mysterious. “Thanks for the offer but I think I’ll be able to figure it out on my own.” He shrugs, “Offer stands.”
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