New School

487 Words
New school means new people. Not just a normal one but the school that I'll be entering is a school were people who is powerful. They are girfted with different powers. I'm Axhia born as peri from a prestigious family,but I was never introduce in public,they never see my face nor my voice they don't know anything about me except for my gender that's what they only know. Both of my brothers was introduced in the public so it's only me that's not introduce. Back when I was younger I always get sick I was weak as a child so my parents decided to keep me in a bubble were they can protect me I was like an bubble I was sensitive. But today is the day I'm going to get expose in the world. I don't wanna attract attention so I requested to my parents to not introduce me as there daughter yet. They didn't agree on it. When we enter the gate of the campus all eyes drifted in our car the university is located on the middle of the forest. Engine of the stops as the car door slowly opens my brother's walk out and the students become so loud they are shouting,like what's with my brothers. Zafriel is the oldest while Zephyr follows they only have a year apart while I'm 3 years younger that Phyr. Phyr return his gaze to me and signal me to follow them so i followed the gazes suddenly move to me. We walked until we reach the head mistress office. "Can i get her keys" Zaf said to the head mistress "here's the all the stuff she need Mr.Dwyer". We leave the office and tide a gold car on the way to a building,so the school is really big it has different building like villa's, boutique, bakery's and many more there is also a brach as I heard from my brother. We enter the 5 story building were the students stay since the school is really far so they have a really fancy dormitory for the students to stay to. Floor 409 I pressed 4 in the elevator and I walked in the hallway on the way to my room. I put the wooden key and cast a spell and then door's open. The room is cozy there is a queen size bed a vanity table my own toilet and bath and also an shelf full of spell book's. My brothers left me after they drop me off my room they introduce me as a close friend of the family since I don't wanna fully expose who am I yet my parents didn't know about this since they didn't want me to do this so we did it without there permission. There are 3 buildings were you'll be divided by your status. The Noble,Demotes,Servants. I was belong to a demotes,while my brothers are on the noble class.

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