Dray Prescot

259 Words
Dray PrescotDray Prescot has been described as a man above middle height, with brown hair and level brown eyes, brooding and dominating, with enormously broad shoulders and powerful physique. There is about him an abrasive honesty and an indomitable courage. He moves like a savage hunting cat — swift, sudden and lethal. The superhuman Star Lords have brought him to Kregen where, in pursuance of their schemes for that marvelous and terrifying world, he has managed to be successful on his own account. Reared in the harsh conditions of Nelson’s Navy he was not successful on Earth. Now he has abdicated the throne of the Empire of Vallia. The empress, the divine Delia, agreed wholeheartedly in this decision — but she has been busy about affairs for the Sisters of the Rose, and Prescot has been sent on a hair-raising mission for the Star Lords. Down in the southern half of the continent of Loh, in an isolated desert land where the belief in reincarnation as a punishment is firmly accepted, Prescot and a new comrade battle intrigue and assassins and attempt to follow the desires of the Star Lords. This new kregoinya is Mevancy nal Chardaz, a most spirited lady who means to keep Prescot thoroughly in his place. Not completely sure if the guardian Tuong Mishuro is the man the Star Lords wished protected, Prescot and the guards have been hoodwinked. Prescot races to Mishuro’s assistance, to arrive too late. At this point the volume called Scorpio Reborn ended. Now this volume, Scorpio Assassin, takes up the tale. Alan Burt Akers
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