Chapter TwentyFour

931 Words

'EMILY!' Johnny yelled, jumping up from his seat and running over to cuddle his heavily pregnant little sister. I've always hated her. Well.. things were ok-ish at the start, but then at Mum and JOhnny's wedding, she kept making comments about how my family wasn't good enough to be apart of hers.. and after a few drinks and fight broke out... you know, the typical wedding stuff, And we've hated each other ever since. 'Well, I heard my big bro was going to be a dad so had to come over and say congrats!' I rolled my eyes at her fakeness and stood up, Taking my mug to the sink. 'So, Where is Tara?' Annoyance flared up inside me at the mere mention of my mother's name, But, I didn't know why Jealousy maybe? I slammed the cup into the sink, Shattering it on impact, Causing a big piece to sna

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