Gurgling Sounds And Rosy Cheeks

3148 Words
"Hey!" Coco waved as Axel got into the room excitedly, but her smile faded a little for a lingering moment when she spotted the best friend of her husband and her cousin sitting in her bedroom. "How was the last exam?" "Aced it," Axel looked at Jona, whose gaze was fixed on her. She wanted to talk to Jona and perhaps continue from where they left off, but she looked at the Uno cards spread across the bed as her husband sat between the two men helplessly. "And what the hell are you doing here?" She asked Tetsuo. "What does it look like?" Tetsuo didn't spare a glance at the youngest as he picked a card to play. Was this happening? Axel wanted her husband's attention, but she wasn't getting any or couldn't, more like. "Want to play?" Jona asked with a powerless smile. Axel nodded, throwing her satchel bag on the couch and jumping on the bed with her shoes on. "What did I teach you?" Tetsuo now shot a tough look at Axel. "This ain't your house. My house, my rules," Axel nodded while edging up her brows to augment her words with her round, wide eyes and even wider grin. Coco pressed his lips together to bite back his snicker. When he saw Axel's smile shrinking as she entered the room or when she didn't get to sit beside Jona, or now, he couldn't help but feel pity for her. "I am thinking that both of you are recovered now, we can finally go for the long-pending clubbing. What do you think, Axel?" Axel loved Coco and Tetsuo, but right now, she was resisting punching them square in their faces. "Sure. Let's do it," she responded, pulling out a card uninterestingly. "Jona?" Coco looked at him for his answer. "I have a better plan," Jona mentioned and everyone looked at him. "I have a friend in Hawaii who deals with tourism and adventures, one of many things. He was planning a surprise for his soon-to-be fiancé in Switzerland when we got to talk last time. Unfortunately, his plan was postponed, but I agreed to go there. I still haven't confirmed with him about it, but if you are all game then we could use a break." Coco became a little red. "What's wrong, Coco-San? Did the cold from Switzerland catch you in Japan?" Axel asked. Coco gave her a flustered and awkward smile. "I- I will let you know," he replied and groaned inwardly at his stutter. "We should probably do it next weekend. I have a lot to catch up on this week." He added as his nostrils flared with a deathly glare directed at Jona. "What?!" Jona quailed defensively. "Work is work, Coco. I can't afford to sanction your leave. And what is it anyway with you lately? Why do you need your Fridays off?" Axel started growing anxious, and she couldn't focus her attention on the conversation. Her graduation was in a few days, and she would have to leave the same evening for LA. She wanted to have as much time alone with Jona as possible. "Why so nosy, grandma? I might want to go on a healing trip by myself because you make me work like a robot all week long. It is essential for my sanity." Coco barely recovered as he defended himself while Tetsuo kept playing nonchalantly. "You didn't ask Tetsuo-San," Axel inadvertently uttered. Coco was suddenly taken aback. Tetsuo raised his left brow at Coco who started to stutter again. "Ye-yeah... Will you join?" He asked, all flushed. The older male smirked. "I would love to, but I have my commitment to someone. I would rather go with them." He replied, dead-staring at Coco and then casually turning his frame towards Axel. "Maybe next time, Akiee." "Alright. I will confirm the reservation," Coco said timidly. "Something on your mind, Axel?" Jona's low tone of voice made Axel want to melt as she looked up into the captivating eyes. "My graduation," Axel spoke slowly. She recollected her little talk with Testuo about falling in love with her husband. She thought about the reason why she felt nervous around Jona, craved his attention, and why it killed her when she was once ignored by the man. Jona always made her feel exquisite and always knew what she might be thinking about, always coming up with the right words and the right tone to express them. "When is your graduation?" Coco's brows furrowed. "Next week," Jona took the liberty to answer. "What?! How? Didn't you have your last exam just today? It shouldn't be so soon." Coco reprimanded. "Yeah, it was, but not anymore," Jona replied again, causing Coco to understand that the decision of the university was influenced by him. Green Dot wanted her as soon as possible, so he talked to the university director. ☘ The impromptu plan was not what Axel was ready for, but somehow, she made peace with it. Tonight was supposed to be as cheesy as it could get — as Jona proposed. She coaxed herself that even if three people were going on the trip, she'd eventually stay in the same room as Jona, and have him all to himself. As she packed her bag in the walk-in closet, she looked at the time and wondered when Jona would return, who had suddenly run off somewhere. Picking her phone, she called the man. "Hey, Axel, I will be back in 20," the man spoke as quickly as he picked up the call, not giving Axel a chance to ask anything. The younger contemplated and opened her mouth to speak, "Can I pack your bag, too? I am almost done with mine." "That'd be a great help, Axel. If it's not a bother, you know. I need a lot of undergarments," Jona grinned, and Axel knew he was now playing with her. "I am not doing it for you, Jona. I don't do anything for free. You will pay for my trip in return," Axel chuckled and disconnected the call. Her ears were red as she looked for her husband's undergarments. Collecting her thoughts and sighing a breath of determination, she pulled out a big trolley bag to place the outfits she liked to see Jona in. Meanwhile, Jona got up from the chair he was sitting in. "Thank you, doctor," he smiled gratefully after getting confirmation from a medical practitioner that he was now fit to travel. He walked over to the door and thinking something, turned around at the last moment. "Just one more thing, am I allowed to have intercourse?" The doctor beamed, "Yes, Mr. Suzuki. You have no more restrictions on physical activities. You may resume your workout or indulge in intercourse." ☘ "Axel, are you sure about this one?" Coco asked the younger one who was looking at the yellow and baby blue headphones in an outlet at the airport while Jona was at the coffee shop, getting drinks for everyone. "I like these. I am taking them," Axel declared. She was wearing an all-white tracksuit with orange stripes running along the hem of the windbreaker, and the bottoms along with her customized white canvas Jordan sneakers. Coco almost backed out of the trip, saying Jona was supposed to take Axel on their honeymoon after the wedding, but he couldn't, so he should consider this short trip as their honeymoon. Sure, Jona wanted to take a trip with Axel alone, but he also wanted to spend time with Coco. Lately, he was thinking a lot about how he couldn't give time to his best friend since his wedding. Moreover, he didn't want to overwhelm Axel by asking her on a trip alone. He thought if Coco was there along with her cousin, she would be at ease. Coco was in black trousers with Gucci retro multicolored shirt. He paired the outfit with a mesh black shimmering net shrug over the shirt and black one-inch heeled boots. As they walked out of the Skull Candy store, Coco's eyes fell on Jona, who was in a casual blazer suit and thick black shades, talking to someone. "Is that-?" Coco began. "Tetsuo-San!" Axel suddenly hollered and waved over at them. Jona smiled as he gazed at his little wife waving in his direction. Procuring the coffee, the two walked towards them. "I thought you said you had a reservation with someone else." Axel snatched Coco's question. "I had, but then someone changed his reservations, too, so here I am," Tetsuo beamed while spreading his arms. He wore a grey casual suit, had a black bandana around his head that was keeping his hair in place, adorning omber, yellow shades over his eyes. "I am happy you did, we are gonna have a lot of fun," Axel suddenly clapped her hands with Tetsuo before hugging him. They had already done security check-in with their luggage and carried small bags with them. Axel was excited for this trip with Jona, but as she was looking at the older one on his phone, she felt worried for a split second, recollecting how Jona asked Obasaan to strictly follow the security protocols. She knew Jona's mansion was anything but mediocre. The man was uber-rich, so she shrugged the negative thoughts off and assumed that he must be precarious about his wealth and wanted it safe at all times, completely unwary of what Jona was protecting. "This one's for you," Jona handed Axel a frappuccino after getting off his phone while everyone else took their coffees before shuffling towards the VIP lounge to wait for the flight. Coco and Tetsuo sat together on one couch, whereas Axel and Jona sat across the table on another. Coco looked around and sighed. "It's been so long since I have taken a trip for fun." He mumbled. "I am the same. I don't remember when I traveled last time leisurely," Tetsuo added. "I am more amazed that you showed up," Coco chuckled, not realizing that they were already talking in pairs instead of a group. Meanwhile, Jona and Axel were in their world. "Did you pack enough?" Jona asked her slowly with a playful smile and Axel nodded. "If we need more things, we can always buy them there." He added while Axel took a swig of her sweet drink. "I have packed a few medicines... Just in case." Jona continued. "Are you always this uptight and prepared for your trips?" Seeing Jona worry too much and having less fun, she wondered if he was always this prepared for the trips. She wanted Jona to let loose and just enjoy himself without worrying. "I'll give you an honest answer. I was the most careless person a few years ago. Things changed and life happened, made me a more responsible man," Jona chuckled lightly and held Axel's palm, which was kept over her thigh. "W-when I was at your dad's funeral, I was just too immersed in my thoughts that I couldn't go talk to you. I wish I would have." Axel confessed out of nowhere as her heart suddenly raced, and she felt herself losing sense to just one innocent touch. "I understood your situation at that time, Axel. As you rightly mentioned, I was the asshole in the story," he winked, and Axel pulled her hand away, feeling flustered as she tucked her hair strand behind her ear. "Anyway," Jona conceded. "I want you to have a lot of fun. Okay?" Axel nodded. "Are you hungry?" Jona asked. Axel shook her head this time. "You made me eat at home before we left," she reminded the man. "Tell me about anything that you would want to do, eat, or buy anytime," Jona demanded. "I will, on one condition," Axel replied slowly. Jona gazed up at her in anticipation. Their faces broke into smiles right after, but Axel didn't finish her sentence. "What's the condition?" Jona asked with a chuckle as his fingers glided through his silky hair. "I will tell you at the right time," Axel quipped and padded her gaze away slowly. Jona smiled brighter and touched his nose embarrassedly as he turned sideways. Not wanting the silence to take over, he dug his hand inside his pocket. Taking out his wallet, he pulled a black card with Axel's name written on it. It brought back memories as he flipped it between his fingers. "I love your headphones," he uttered sweetly and Axel's eyes widened. Placing the drink on the table, Axel picked up the colorful handphones. "They also have noise cancelation. Do you want to try?" She extended them towards the older one, who was just gawking at her. "Here," Jona advanced the card towards Axel and the elation on her face slowly faded as she looked at the card. "You said you weren't packing my bag for free, and I would have to take you on the trip, isn't it?" Axel nodded slowly. "Then all the costs incurred during this trip will be borne by me," Jona declared, jutting his chin in an affirmative nod for Axel to take the card. Jona didn't know what was going on in Axel's mind and not in the farthest corner of his judgment had he any desire to bring the bitter reminiscences back to her, but he felt relieved when her lips edged up. "But that card has my name on it, ergo it's mine. You should give me your card." She responded cheekily. "Gladly," Jona put the black card back and extended the whole wallet to Axel. "Please take it." And Axel did, with a sheepish grin. Jona's face turned red. When his gaze averted across the table, he looked at Tetsuo and Coco with their chins propped on their hands that were kept on the table, and their faces staring at them. Tetsuo smiled at Axel while Coco wriggled his brows at Jona. "Hello... Remember us?" He jabbed teasingly, rolling the words over his tongue. Jona burst out in laughter while Axel only looked away and focused on drinking the air bubbles from the pit of the glass with gurgling sounds and rosy cheeks. "Shut your hole," Jona warned, bemused. Coco couldn't be happier as he wanted the two to sort things out between them. He wanted not only Jona, but also Axel to be in love with his best friend, albeit he had little doubt in his head about that one incident. He never got around to talking with Axel and, as he promised, he didn't tell Jona either. Now, all the pessimistic thoughts seemed to have been tamed. ☘ Jona wanted to fly private, but Axel hadn't agreed to it. As they flew commercial, the air inside the flight was calm in business class. The crisp dresses of the stewards, their conduct and hospitality, the mild fragrance of the freshener, the soothing yellow lights, the grand and luxury sofa seats, and the aroma of food, everything screamed money. Jona found Axel peeking outside the window and then he turned back to check if Coco was sitting comfortably with Tetsuo, or the other way around, because he knew with his disposition, Coco could make friends with anyone. While Coco was loquacious, Tetsuo wasn't the one to talk much. He was amiable, but only if people breached his cold, outer, exterior. They had been in the air for thirty minutes. Jona took the red Iron Man neck pillow and put it over Axel's little stand. His own was a plain solid gray. "Hello, sir. What would you like to order for dinner?" A beautiful lady approached Jona's seat and Axel whipped her head around, feeling nervous all of a sudden. "Please give me a moment," Jona smiled and turned around. "Coco!" he hit Coco's leg, who had an eye mask on as he slept. When he scrambled up, Jona asked, "Food?" Coco nodded. Tetsuo looked through the screen that was displaying the menu. Jona now c****d his head at Axel. "What are you in the mood for?" "I don't know," Axel said, her lips pouting a little. "I shall order for you then," Jona mumbled and hummed as he started to glide his eyes and finger through the device to choose from. Meanwhile, Tetsuo held Coco's hand and entwined them tightly. Coco gawked at the older person with a parted mouth and wide-open eyes. "What the f**k are you doing?" He kept the screaming at bay, replacing it with a whisper. "We were supposed to take a trip alone," Tetsuo noted, looking straight at the device displaying the food items. "Well, I don't know. Taking a trip alone on the third date was a bit..." "Scary? Too much?" Tetsuo now turned his frame towards Coco. "What? No- no... I mean... Yeah, a little, maybe. But it's not because of you, it's me. I haven't dated in a long time and I didn't want to make a fool out of myself." Coco's lips quivered as he turned neurotic. "You could've just told me that instead of avoiding my calls," Tetsuo's voice was raspy and calm as ever, but Coco could sense the hurt in his tone, and he felt worse when he suddenly left his hand. "You are the priority for me, Coco. If there's anything you feel uncomfortable with, just say it to me rather than beating around the bush. I would appreciate it more." The older spoke softly. When the lady came back, Jona began placing the order. "A palate cleanser of raspberry sorbet before the main course for four, one pecking duck salad with almonds and black truffle, chickpea soup, Balik salmon, braised chicken, Atlantic lobster, and one hazelnut tart." He smiled right after at the lady politely. "Sure sir," the steward bowed. "Just one dessert?" She reconfirmed. "Yeah, dessert only for my lady," Jona pointed at Axel. "Would you also like a drink?" "You may send Aquitaine Sturia Caviar by the bottle for three, this one here...won't drink," Jona concluded the order, and when he faced Axel, she was staring at him, bewildered. "Why am I not drinking?" She snarked. "You asked me to choose, I chose for you to not drink," Jona chuckled slowly in amusement. The flight was so calm that they had to keep their voices in bare whispers. "I can hold my liquor if that's what you are worried about," Axel reprimanded, but Jona loved to agree to disagree out loud. If the past was any indication, Axel got drunk with him twice, once in the bar and then at the Aokis' business party, and at both times, she ended up kissing him. "On the contrary, I can't hold my liquor, baby. You need to watch out for me if I perhaps attempt to..." Jona trailed off and rolled his eyes to simulate that he was thinking, "Maybe kiss you?"
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