we are... roommates...?

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Wait, so you’re telling me that I was talking to the famous Taylor Lockwood all this time? Taylor Lockwood and the Ice Prince are the same?! I stood there frozen while the two of them gave me weird looks. I just smiled at them fidgeting my fingers. This is so embarrassing. He even talked bad about himself! Is this his way to test me if I agree with him or not?     “Are you okay?” Trevor asks and I just nod. Taylor rolled his eyes and walked away. Trevor looked back at me and said, “Nice meeting you.”    Oh my god. This is so epic. I just met the school’s ice prince not met, I meant talking. We exchanged words. I know, I may sound like a girl right now, but that’s how you react if you met someone popular or even met your favorite artist.  I ran to the cafeteria to see Riley but I guess that lunch is over now. I looked at my schedule to see what’s my next class but I guess it’s my lucky day today. Homeroom. Should I skip it? Hell yeah. maybe I’ll just explore the place first.    It’s been hours since I noticed that it is already 4 in the afternoon. I should probably go and see my dorm. Do I have a roommate? Am I alone in my room? I walked to the building and a clerk greeted me. She already knew that I am the new student since my face is not familiar to her. I rode the elevator and it says that my room is at the top of the building; wow.    Well, the building is like a hotel-type. The ground floor is for the lobby, dining or a cafeteria where you can get something to eat while studying upstairs and the other top floors are the room for all the students. I can survive this.    I arrived at my floor destination and start to find my room number. It is room C-30. Okay. This aisle here is C-10, so maybe in… C-20… and there you go. C-30. I walked to the door where my room is and to my surprise it is open. Hmm, maybe my roomie is around. I entered the room and I must say, I’m amazed at the interior. It is a combination of marble black with a touch of gold but where is my roommate? I’m really excited to meet him. I saw my luggage is in the living area when the door from the bathroom opened, not just open but together with some yelling. Hey, I know that voice.    I looked at him and I’m not wrong. It’s Taylor. Yes, Taylor the Ice Prince. Yelling at his phone. “You can’t do that!” he yelled. I just stared at him while he’s fuming. When he saw me, he hung up on his phone call and put it in his pocket. He glared at me and grabbed my arms out of the door. I don’t know where he is taking me, but I’m sure that we are walking to the director’s office. Wait for what? What did I do?!    Taylor opened the door without knocking and the head director is sitting calmly on his mahogany table.    “What the hell is happening?! Why are you doing this? He can’t just study here and just sleep in my room! Who is he? Son of the president?!” Taylor yelled. Wait, did he just yelled at the director? I am so confused; I don’t know what’s happening right now.    “Taylor, calm down. I’m going to explain it.” He response.  “Then explain it! You can’t just do that. Letting a stranger sleep in my room. You need to do something. Find him another room! Not mine!”    Well, that explains everything. Did Taylor get mad because he finds out that I am his roommate? Is that why he’s about to erupt like a volcano?    The director sighed and massages his nose bridge, “okay, Taylor. I assigned Chase to be in your room, okay? The room is full and there is no vacant. Only yours. I’m sorry I should’ve told you earlier, but you can’t decide who your roommate should not. If you want to be alone in your room again, you should wait after the semester. I’m sure some parents will pull off their kids here since the tuition is really expensive. But you can’t do anything and that’s final. Be friends with Chase since he will be your new roommate and you two will spend most of the time in this whole semester. Am I being clear?”    “I cannot wait another semester, we’re graduating.”   “That’s exactly my point, Taylor.” “But-!” “No buts. My school, my rules. Am I clear?”  “you can’t—“ “I said, am I clear?” the director growled which made me shiver. What on earth did I just witness?  Taylor stumped his feet and walked out the door. What is this s**t? I was being dragged here by him and he left me with the growling director. What the hell.    “I’m sorry about that. Taylor kinda has an anger issue. Don’t worry, he’s a nice kid. You just have to have long patience with him. You can leave now.” The director said and I slowly nod. I opened that door and closed it behind me. I sighed knowing that I’ll be going back to my room and an angry Ice Prince. Good thing he didn’t melt a while ago.  So this is why everybody is scared to approach him. Even the director, just yelled as he argued with his friend.  I know now. He doesn’t like everybody. Even my existence he hated it so much. He only had a friend and it is Trevor. Well, Chase Giovanni good luck to you and your soul.    I slowly opened the room and sees him packing his things. He stacks his books and notebooks. He was leaving. As far as I can remember, he mentioned ago that he will go to Trevor’s dorm to teach him some lessons. He looked my way and just rolled his eyes.  “Don’t you just stand there? Get out of my way.” He snapped. I automatically stand on the other side since I am blocking his way to the door. Well, I’m sorry. God, I can’t stand his attitude but this is just the beginning. I flinched when he closed the door with a loud thud. 
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