Crazy Head Girl.

1297 Words
“Hmmm. Where is she? Is she sick or something?” Kevin said while scouring the assembly hall for Feyi, suddenly three of Feyis' girl friends came in front of him. “Well drain.” He slangily whispered. “Hey, where is our friend?” One of Feyis' friends asked, rested a hand on her hip. “Who?” Kevin cracked, the three girls scoffed, walked closer to him which he slowly walked back until his back touched the wall behind, Kevin looked at the wall behind and swallowed. “We know about how close you and Fei Fei is. Don’t let us repeat the question.” Another said, “Also we called her phone this morning but it was switched off.” The third one concluded, they placed their hands to the wall while Kevin was in their middle. “Girls….I mean ladies. We're never that close.” Kevin said, the girls all gasped, Kevin blinked. “Huh? Did I say something wrong?” “What the?!” “What did she even see in you?” “Oh! Fei Fei where are thou? The relationship with this dumb guy is bizarre.” They all removed their hands. “If everything lead to you, ever hurting our dear friend, you will regret being born.” One said as she walked away with the other two from Kevin, pupils who were looking at Kevin, giggled. “Silent!” the head girl yelled on the stage. Every pupils in the assembly all sat down. Where Kevin was seated a male pupil sat down near him. “There will be an announcement about the school excursion coming up next week, but unfortunately Principal Kolade as being busy lately, anyways when the time comes the date will be announced by him or the head boy…” While the head girl was talking. “Nice to finally met you, Junior.” The person seated near Kevin said with a smile, Kevin rolled his eyes to the voice. He noticed he was the same person who said the head girl voice was like a chicken. “I heard from numerous sources that you beat your seniors behind the gym building yesterday.” Kevin looked at the area where his twin sisters were seated and unsurprisingly staring at Kevin also. “And you are?” Kevin asked, the person brought his hand forward to him. “Hi, my name is Adeyemi from Senior Secondary two.” Kevin looked at his hand then at his face for some moments, then finally shook his hand. “Nice grip you got there.” They both broke the shake. Then Kevin focused back at the head girl talking on the stage. Adeyemi sat up also focusing on the head girl. “What do you think of the head girl?” Kevin ignored the question. Adeyemi rolled his eyes to Kevin. “Do you know anything about Vigours and shadows.” Kevin’s eyelids drooped, “Seeing your impression, and trying hard not to react. I think you may be one of them or an secret agent.” He continued. “So tell me. Who are you really?” “…Have a delightful class everyone.” The head girl said, as the pupils went out from the assembly towards their various class. Kevin stood up also about going to his class. “Ah! Nothing to say. Then it’s true.” Adeyemi said while on his sit, looking up at Kevin. Kevin sighed. “First, the girls. Now, you.” He bored down at Adeyemi. “The way you speak, I should be the one asking the question. Who are you?” he continued. “And don’t get me wrong, I'm not any of them you speak of.” He walked out of the assembly hall. Adeyemi leaned back in his chair, staring at Kevin while he smiled then he stood up looked at the head boy direction, Gregor looked at him also. Adeyemi scoffed and left the assembly hall. During class, Feyi entered through the back door, everyone stopped including the teacher gazing at her as she sat down in her seat. “Feyi. You are never late, what happened?” the teacher asked, she put off her bag while standing. “I wasn’t feeling well this morning but don’t worry Ma, I’m fine.” She answered. “Oh! Am sorry. Sit down.” The teacher said, “Okay, class where were we…?” Feyi sat down as she side looked Kevin at the back seat, Feyi’s friends sniffed looking at Feyi. “Fei Fei?” one of them whimpered, then three of them frowned at Kevin. Which Kevin immediately turned his face to the teacher. During short break. At the female restroom, Feyi dressed her self as she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Suddenly someone touched her from behind. She fidgeted and turned. “Sorry. Did I scare you?” “Head…Head girl? You... what are you doing here, Do you want to see me?” she asked, slightly shivering. “Yes, of course.” “Oh?” Feyi was shocked the Head girl in Senior Secondary one female restroom and she really want to see her this can’t be possible. Feyi inhaled. “Any reason, Senior?” the head girl immediately held out two fingers, smiling with her eyes closed. “Two reasons. On the contrary what’s wrong with your face, you are not keeping up the appearances as the assistant labor prefect.” Feyi lowered her eyes. “Is it about a boy?” Feyi ignored her question. “Kevin, is that right?” she giggled. Put her hand gently at Feyi’s chin slowly raised it up. “Your First Love? First Kiss? Hmmm. Both.” Feyi immediately removed her chin. “Sorry, my friends are waiting for me. See you at the meeting this afternoon.” She said as she exited the restroom. In the male restroom, Kevin entered the male restroom went in front of the mirror, took in a deep breath. “They say, the only place you need to be alone is in the restroom.” He quoted as he washed his hand in the basin in front of the mirror. The toilet door behind him opened. As the Japanese girl came out of the room with a slumped shoulders and her black long hair covering her face, went to the exit of the restroom. Kevin rolled his eyes to her. Then she stopped. “Very well.” She said and left. Kevin blinked. Turned looking at the toilet she came from, walked towards it, lifted his fingers towards the door knob, slowly opened it. “Nothing there… it’s Nothing there...” He sighed horribly after he thought. “Hi there!” the Head girl greeted, leaning on the basin. Kevin turned and looked at her. “Huh? You aren’t even surprised to see me here in the male's restroom not like the other one." Kevin walked towards the exit. “Trust me, I have seen enough.” He said. “Wait.” She said, Kevin stopped. Suddenly she charged to Kevin which he evaded by holding her wrist. She slightly widened her eyes. “It seems Gregor was right about you.” “Gregor, who is he?” he asked as he dropped her wrist. The Head girl rubbed her wrist then she smiled. “You are in this school and you don’t know the name of your head boy, really? are you just kidding around or something is wrong with your head?” she cracked her fingers as it turned black, grew sharper, her skin turned black transforming every part of her body structure into something inhuman before destroying every light bulb in the area then her black pupils in her eyes expanded overshadowing the iris until it finally covered her eyes. “Lets see here, if you are one of them or just another guy with martial arts.” She said in a scratchy voice. Kevin smirked. “Chinue was right. Things are getting serious.” He said to himself. He looked straight at the head girl expanded black pupils. “Hey, aren’t you afraid of me reporting this to everyone?” “Ha. I have the ability to erase your memory.” She glanced at the door. It shut suddenly as it produced a shock with a loud noise behind Kevin. Looked at him. “Shall we begin.”
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