
1075 Words
Kevin floating at the sight of a plain comforting white light of no end, he slowly opened his eyes. “What just happened, I was reincarnated back to my young body ten years back….and….” “You actually didn’t reincarnated into your younger self…you reincarnated into someone that resembles you ten years ago…since you are the only one that chose to do so.” A fairly woman said, floating towards him, Kevin slowly turned his body while floating, gesticulating with his hands. “Me?! come I don’t remember any of it…um…” Kevin put his hand on his chin looking at the fairly woman. “You look familiar….have we met before.” “Yes. Before you fainted.” “What?! Why can’t I remember that incident too.” He scratched his head, “Am going crazy…” The fairly woman sighed. “Okay listen here. Time for introduction. My name is Chinue a Deity. And as a result of the faith a being had in you for reincarnation made me to accompanied you to the world you are in.” “The world? You mean my world ten years from now, is the same world am in?” Kevin crossed his leg on the air. “Whenever a person is transported to this dimension, a person can’t vividly remember any of it, also the same if going back.” The fairly woman rounded him about, “I’m surprised, you actually knew you were reincarnated. No wonder the being chose you for this task.” “Being? Task? Who is that being you talk about, can I see him?” The fairly woman chuckled, “You can't. Even Entities like we can’t see him, we only feel his presence and hear his voice but we were told, a Creator created him then he created us.” “Ugh! I wish you hadn’t tell me that. So why did you call me here?” “Oh that.” She said, flew higher, Kevin looked up, staring at her, she turned. “follow me. I have something to show you.” She said as she flew higher. “I can’t fly, we can’t go any where, this place is just full of white light with no end.” Kevin said, surveying everywhere. “Come now before is too late, I heard if you dwell too long in this state, your soul will be trapped here… Forever.” His eyes lit up, immediately flew to her effortlessly without being taught how to. “Am coming Ma.” he blurted. The fairly woman chuckled, Kevin looked at her. “I have a feeling you are lying. A Deity lying? I don’t even know what to believe again.” The fairly woman shook her head. “I’d rather not, am actually saying the truth, however the way you succeeded in flying to where I am without instructions made me know how cowardly and adaptable you are.” The fairly woman said, Kevin narrowed his eyes. Then she stopped. “Here we are.” Kevin stopped also looked at his left and his right. “Where are we?” he asked, the fairly woman raised her fingers and pointed it to her front, suddenly a huge purple portal opened, “and…” “Let’s enter.” She said, Kevin shrugged his shoulders. “Shouldn’t I be told what exactly is thaaatttt….!” before he could finished his words, the fairly woman held his hand, dragging him into the purple portal. Kevin shut his eyes as he entered, inside he felt a steady wind gently blowing to his body. “You can open your eyes.” The fairly woman told, he slowly opened it, his eyes gleamed as the various colors reflecting in his eyes. Showing all kind of videos of him in his pass life then he looked at his right, he didn’t recognized the videos that is of him. “Don’t be confused, these videos is the boy you are in.” Kevin touched his body while focusing at the screens. “The boy?” “Yes the boy. You won’t remember but your soul chose him for your reincarnation.” Kevin eyes welled up, seeing how the boy had a cheerful life. “So I stole his body….” The fairly woman leered at Kevin. “No silly, you didn’t, you only safe him.” His eyebrows raised with his mouth slightly opened, “He was suffering from an unknown disease that the world doctor didn’t know how to cure it, unfortunately he died in his sleep at that same moment you entered his body.” “Okay, that is when I woke up in the school with his body, are you telling me if I hadn’t been reincarnated in the boy, he would have died in the school.” The fairly woman nodded, “what about the boy’s soul?” “Kept somewhere safe and it is your choice to leave his body or stay.” The fairly woman said, Kevin put his hand on his chin, staring at the boy in the screens with his family, smiling and chattering together. “I have no choice to stay in his body as a reincar…..” his pupils flared. “I just remembered, this look familiar!” the fairly woman smirked. “I chose the boy, seeing the boy looked exactly like me ten years back, I called this remarkable way…Reincarrection!!” “You were right. But weird name by the way.” She said, Kevin smiled, “Although. You broke the rules of reincarnation.” Kevin smile slipped down. “The rules are. One. Don’t reincarnate a living human unless you want to pass a message, two. Don’t reincarnate a thing unless you want to revenge, three. When reincarnating don’t go to the past to reincarnate someone else unless you are meant to do so, four. Don’t reincarnate someone that look exactly like you in the world unless you want your soul to be obligingly destroyed.” Kevin blinked. “It sounds like the last two rules were made specifically for me.” “You can say it like that, ever since you reincarnated in the boy's body. Some Deities are angry at your move.” Kevin swallowed. “The boy was meant to die, end of story but you chose him and the main reason was that you are not fit to save the world. They all chose your friend to be reincarnated over you.” Kevin lowered his head. “Friend?” he whispered. “Don’t be discouraged, if the being chose to do nothing about your decision that means he is watching over you.” The fairly woman observed every videos in the area. “Since you have know fully well all about the boy family and friends. Be gone.” The fairly woman said, snapped her fingers together. Before Kevin could react, his soul dematerialized. “And don’t forget the reason why you were reincarnated.”
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