Spending the Night

1430 Words
Without thinking, I replied. “I think spending this night with you and Archie would be a good idea.”  “Looking forward to it.” He grinned wider than I had ever seen him grin.  His lips met mine briefly.  “We should probably get back to Archie.” I reasoned, even though I didn’t want to leave his side. “He can wait.” Jacob smirked and let his hands rest on my hips. He kissed me once again and I smiled into the kiss. “We could just stay here for awhile. Get to know each other a little more before tonight.” He suggested. “I think we should wait.” I answered, already nervous about tonight. “Okay.” He replied and stood up, offering me his hand. I took it and stood. We both walked back to join Archie. He stood there, with a cocky smirk on his face. His dirty blonde hair had been gelled up and his brown eyes stared into mine intently. He was definitely good looking. Without breaking eye contact, he asked Jacob a question.  “What’d she say?”  “She liked the idea.” he smiled at me. Archie licked his lips and looked up and down.  “So, Callie, what do you like and dislike?” Archie asked. “I like sleep and dislike eating.” I replied. “That’s not what I meant.”  I audibly gulped. I felt like prey being hunted by a predator. Like a chicken and a fox.  “Oh. You don’t know?” Jacob butted in while getting a drink of Bourbon.  I stayed silent. Jacob and Archie exchanged a look then looked back at me.  “Ever kissed anyone?” Archie inquired.  “She has.” Jacob answered, sipping his drink, a faint smile tugging on his lips. Archie shot him a glare and stepped toward me.  “Besides Jacob?”  “Yes.” I managed to whisper despite Archie towering over me. “Oh really? Who?” I sensed a bit of jealousy in Jacob’s voice. “Before I was in the pet shop, I had a… friend.”  “Did you and this friend do anything further than kissing?” Archie asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.” Tears sprung into my eyes and I tried to force the memories away. Archie looked concerned. Soon his lips were on mine. Archie’s kiss was definitely different than Jacob’s. Jacob was slow and sweet whereas Archie was swift and rough. His tongue was in my mouth almost immediately. When he bit my lip and pulled, I heard Jacob. “That’s enough.” We kept on going regardless. I smiled because I thought it sent a message to Jacob that he can’t control everything. Then, I heard another zap. I yelped and jerked back. It had been more powerful than before and I almost started crying. “Hey!” Archie snapped.  “I said that’s enough.” Jacob growled.  “Are you okay, Callie?” Archie asked. “She’s fine, Arch.” “I can answer for myself.” I mumbled, still in pain. Zap! This time I cried out.  “Just because a friend is over doesn’t mean you can disrespect me.” Jacob gave me a stone cold look, meaning he was dead serious.  “Yes sir.” I nodded. “Jake, come on, you can’t get jealous like this.” Archie reasoned. “Callie, go to your cage and sit while Archie and I have a private conversation.” Jacob ordered.  “Very well, sir.” I responded and ran up to his room.  I got into the cage and laid down. I was more tired than what I thought I was and fell asleep rather quickly.  I awoke to the feeling of eyes on me. I glanced up to see two smiling faces. They were both sitting on Jacob’s bed. “Hello sleeping beauty.” Archie commented. “You didn’t kiss me, did you?” I joked, a smile on my face. “I wish I did.” Jacob butted in.  The room fell silent for a few minutes.  “It’s a bit warm in here, don’t you think?” Archie smirked and peeled off his shirt. I tried my hardest to keep my eyes on his face and not look down. “Yes, I believe it is a little hot.” Jacob agreed and followed suit.  I attempted to not look at the two shirtless boys in front of me. When I failed and looked at Jacob’s chest then Archie’s, they smiled at each other. “Why don’t you come out, Ms. Gram?” Jacob smirked.  I inhaled a large breath and built up the courage to respond. “Okay.”  I slowly crawled out, feeling small. “That’s much better.” Archie grinned. “Come sit.” Jacob ordered and they both scooted apart so there was space between both of them. I obliged. I could feel their breath on my neck as they had moved closer. I felt Archie nibble on my earlobe and I gasped.  “Uh-um-uh… can we maybe get to know each other first?” I stammered out, moving backward on Jacob’s bed. They smiled and nodded.  “What do you want to know?” Archie questioned.  “What’s your favorite color?” “Red.” They responded in unison. “Yours?” Jacob grinned. “Green.” “Like my eyes.” Jacob boasted. We all laughed and silence fell over us.  “Callie, can I ask you a question?” Achie asked, looking at his hands in his lap. “Of course Archie.” “Do you like me? I mean, honestly.”   “It was hard not to slap you at first but you’re growing on me.” I beamed. “That’s good, I guess.” He muttered. “Jacob, I have a question.” I started. “Ask, Ms. Gram.” He smirked.  Him calling me by my last name made me feel all fuzzy inside. “When we were at the mall, why did you have me wait outside of some of the stores?” I inquired.  His smirk grew. Him and Archie looked at each other then back at me. “Once you find out, it’ll be time.” “I’m ready.” I smiled. “Go look in the bathroom.” Jacob and Archie both gave me ecstatic grins.  I stood and went into Jacob’s bathroom as instructed. Sitting on the sink, laid out perfectly was a red lingerie set. It had red polka dots and the rest was translucent. I swallowed my anxiousness and put it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and I felt odd.  This was the first time I felt self conscious about being as skinny as I was. I could count my ribs and at first I thought that would've been a good thing. I thought they would leave me alone, but now that doesn’t seem as good as I had originally had imagined.  Gathering my courage, I opened the door slowly. Staring back at me was Jacob and Archie. Under their predatory gaze, I felt powerless. Callie Nova Gram had never felt powerless. Callie Nova Gram had always been the leader of the pack… but now, I feel as though I am bunny being caught by two Alpha wolves. They both stood and walked over to me, keeping eye contact. Archie made it to me first and grabbed my hips.  “Absolutely gorgeous.” Jacob muttered.  Archie stayed silent and put his head where my neck and shoulder connected. He kissed gently, moving to one side so Jacob could take the other. They both stood, kissing my neck, when Jacob grabbed my bottom and I gasped. Archie moved his hand up my front side and squeezed my boob. I jumped a little and I savored the feeling. Then… I had a flashback… “Callie, it’s okay. Just lay still.” Patrick demanded. “But I’m not ready…” I cried. “Yes you are. Just do what I said.” He seethed. I pushed them away and started crying. “Leave me alone!” I yelled. “Callie, what’s wrong?” Archie inquired with a concerned tone and put his hand on my shoulder. I pushed it off and yelled again. “Don’t touch me!” “Okay, we won’t. I promise. Just tell us what’s wrong.” Jacob put his hands up in surrender.  The scenario from the flashback repeated in my mind over and over.  I saw out of the corner of my eye and pocket knife on his dresser. Grabbing it, they freaked out.  “Stay back.” I ordered. “Put the knife down, Callie.” Archie worriedly said. “They told you I was crazy. Literally insane. What’d you do? You bought me anyway.” I sassed. “We’re all crazy. Don’t single yourself out.” Jacob cooed.  I grabbed the blade of the knife, trying to make the flashback stop inside my head.  “Callie, please put the knife down. This is the last time I’m asking.” Archie warned. I shook my head and gripped the knife tighter, making the cut in my hand deeper.  Zap! The pain from the collar dropped me to the ground. Once it was over, I ran to my cage and laid down, nursing my cut. Archie sat down outside the cage, tears in his eyes. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I didn’t want to. I just didn’t want you to hurt yourself again. Can I please see your hand?” Archie asked. I looked at his sorrowful expression, giving in. I stuck my hand through my cage, his hand cradling it. Jacob had gotten a first aid kit and Archie sanitized it and doctored it up.  “You should get some sleep. Archie and I will be here in the morning to talk about this.” Jacob finalized.  I nodded and dug my head into the pillows, going to sleep rather quickly.
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